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Group V

Ida Fitri (17033018)

Windri Suci Gaitari (17033170)

MECHANICS Yuni Fitria (17033075)

Kinematics and Dynamics Particle of Ziola Natasya (17033047)

Two and Three Dimensions

Physics Education A
 Particle Trajectories in A Force Faculty of Mathematics and
 Kepler’s Law on Planetary
Padang State University
 Radial Ocillation in A Circular
Orbit 2018
Particle Trajectories in A Force Field
Straight Orbit
Straight Orbit

the straight orbit formed if the direction of particle

velocity is series contents though that same direction
or opposite of direction with magnetic field. In this
problem caused thre is nothing Lorent’s force , till the
motion of particle is not influenced by Lorent’s force.
Circle Orbit
In that figure, show that the orbit that attack
by particle which negative contents and
moved by velocity ( v ) in the magnetic field,
B is form of circle. We should opiny that v is
perpendicular to the B, means that each v is
in the figure plane,as in show by x symbol.
The electron which moved with contant
speed in the curve orbit, it has the sentripetal
acceleration :
Based on Newton II


The formula above to

determine the radian of orbit
q v B = m v2 / R or R
( R ), with m is particle mass, v
is the particle of B velocity
state that the magnetic
induction, and q is particle
qvB= ma
Spiral orbit
The circle of orbit will be happen if the motion contents of
velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field. But, if the v is
unperpendicular to the B , so it is spiral orbit. The velocity of
vector shoul be devided of series components and
perpendicular to the field. The series of component to the
field lines is not happen the force, till that is constan. Than,
the perpendicular components to the field result the circle
motion around the field of lines. The combination both of
motion result that spiral motion ( heliks ) around field of
Kepler’s Law on Planetary Motion

Kepler used Brahe’s data to develop

three laws that could be used to
describe planetary motion.

All of the laws are based upon an

understanding of the ellipse.
After Tycho Brahe’s death,
Johannes Kepler (pictured
here with Tycho in the
background) used Tycho’s
observations to deduce the
three laws of planetary


The orbit of a planet

around the Sun is
an ellipse with the
Sun at one focus.
The amount of elongation in a planet’s orbit is defined as its
orbital eccentricity. An orbital eccentricity of 0 is a perfect circle
while an eccentricity close to 1.0 is nearly a straight line.

In an elliptical orbit, the distance from a planet to the Sun varies.

The point in a planet’s orbit closest to the Sun is called
perihelion, and the point farthest from the Sun is called aphelion.

Planet moves Planet moves slower in its

LAW II faster in its orbit when farther away from
orbit when the Sun.
closer to the

A line joining the

planet and the Sun
sweeps out equal
areas in equal
intervals of time.

This law relates the amount of time

for the planet to complete one orbit
around the Sun to the planet’s
average distance from the Sun.
Comparison of
If we measure the orbital periods (P)
plaetary distances
in years and distances (a) in
from the sun square
astronomical units, then the law
and the square of the
mathematically can be written as
orbital priod constant
P2 = a3.
Radial Ocillation in A Circular Orbit
For “almost” circular orbits:
Frequency of radial oscillation about
a circular orbit in a general central
force field.
Criteria for closed & open orbits.

General Central Force: f(r).

Define function g(r):
f(r)  - mg(r) = -(∂V/∂r) Lagrangian:
L= (½)m(r2 + r2θ2) - V(r)

Lagrange’s Eqtn for r:

(∂L/∂r) - (d/dt)[(∂L/∂r)]= 0
 m(r - rθ2) = -(∂V/∂r) = f(r) = -mg(r)

Equivalent to the radial part of Newton’s 2nd Law (polar coordinates)

 Dividing by m, this is: r - rθ2 = -g(r) (1)

 Angular momentum conservation:  = mr2θ = const

 (1) becomes: r - [(2)/(m2r3 )] = -g(r) (2)

 Suppose the “particle” of mass m is initially in a circular orbit of radius

ρ. Suppose, due to some perturbation, the orbit radius is changed
from ρ to

r = ρ + x , where x << ρ

ρ = constant  r = x & (2) becomes:

 x - [(2)/(m2ρ3 )][1+(x/ρ)]-3 = -g(ρ + x) (3)

 Since x << ρ , expand the left & right sides of (3) in a Taylor’s series
about r = ρ & keep only up through linear terms in x:

[1+(x/ρ)]-3  1 - 3(x/ρ) + ...

g(ρ + x)  g(ρ) + x(dg/dr)|r = ρ +

 (3) becomes:

x - [(2)/(m2ρ3)][1- 3(x/ρ)]  -[g(ρ) + x(dg/dr)|r = ρ] (4)

 Assumption: Initially, a circular orbit at r = ρ (2) evaluated at r = ρ (ρ

= constant, r = ρ = 0 in (2)):

 g(ρ) = [(2)/(m2ρ3 )] > 0 (5)

 x + [3(g(ρ)/ρ) + (dg/dr)|r = ρ]x  0
 Rewrite (defining frequency ω0): x + (ω0)2 x = 0 (6)
with (ω0)2  [3(g(ρ)/ρ) + (dg/dr)|r = ρ]
(6) is diff eqtn for simple harmonic oscillator, freq. ω0!
 Solution to (6), for (ω0)2 > 0 ( ω0 = real):
x(t) = A exp(iω0t) + B exp(-iω0t)
or x(t) = X sin(ω0t + δ)
 The orbit radius oscillates harmonically about r = ρ
 r = ρ is a stable circular orbit!
 Solution to (6), for (ω0)2 < 0 ( ω0 = imaginary):
x(t) = C exp(|ω0|t) + D exp(-|ω0|t)
 The orbit radius increases exponentially from r = ρ
 r = ρ is an unstable circular orbit.
 The condition for oscillation is thus

 Condition for stability of a circular orbit. This is:

(ω0)2  [3(g(ρ)/ρ) + (dg/dr)|r = ρ] > 0

Divide by g(ρ):  Condition for stability of a

circular orbit is [(dg/dr)|r = ρ]/g(ρ) +(3/ρ) > 0

Note that g(r) = -f(r)/m

 General condition for stability of circular orbit of radius ρ with a central


[(df/dr)|r = ρ]/f(ρ) +(3/ρ) > 0 (same as before)

 Evaluate this for a power law force f(r) = - kr n, get

(3+n)(1/ρ) > 0 or n > - 3, same as before!

SUMMARY: General condition for stability of a circular orbit of radius ρ with
a central force f(r):

[(df/dr)|r = ρ]/f(ρ) +(3/ρ) > 0

 For an orbit which is perturbed slightly away from circular, r = ρ + x ,

where x << ρ:

 If the original circular orbit was stable, there will be harmonic oscillations
about r = ρ. That is:
x(t) = X sin(ω0t + δ)

 If the original circular orbit was unstable, the radius will increase
exponentially from r = ρ. That is:
x(t) = C exp(|ω0|t) + D exp(-|ω0|t)

 In both cases, m(ω0)2  [3(f(ρ)/(ρ) + (df/dr)|r = ρ]

 Use a very similar approach to get Eq. (3.45) of Goldstein. This Eq: For
small deviations from circular orbit of radius ρ, the orbit has the form:

u(θ) = [1/r(θ)] = u0 + a cos(βθ)

where u0 = [1/ρ]. β, a are to be determined.

u = (1/r) undergoes simple harmonic motion about the circular orbit

value u0.

 The derivation is tedious! Almost like doing the previous calculation

over again except for u = 1/r instead of r itself.
 Also for r(θ) instead of for r(t).

 Frequency β: From a Taylor’s series expansion of the force law f(r)

about the circular orbit radius ρ.
 Amplitude a : Depends on the deviation of the energy E from its value
at the circular orbit of radius radius ρ.
u(θ) = [1/r(θ)] = u0 + a cos(βθ) (3.45)

 Manipulation gives:

β2  3 + [ρ/f(ρ)][df/dr]|r = ρ = 3 + (d[ln(f)]/d[ln(r)])|r = ρ

 If β2 > 0, a cos(βθ) (& thus u(θ)) is oscillatory (harmonic). Corresponds

to the stable circular orbit result from before: (df/dr)| r = ρ < - 3f(ρ)/ρ

Or: (d[ln(f)]/d[ln(r)])|r = ρ < - 3

 If β2 < 0, a cos(βθ)  a cosh(βθ) (& thus u(θ)) is an exponentially

increasing function of θ. Corresponds to the unstable circular orbit
result from before: (df/dr)|r = ρ > - 3f(ρ)/ρ

Or: (d[ln(f)]/d[ln(r)])|r = ρ > - 3


 Alonso, Marcelo.1980. Fundamental University Physics.

New York: Addison-Wesley

 Dwiridal, Letmi. 2013. Mekanika (Ilmu dan Hikmah).

Padang: UNP Press

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