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Placement and


 Placement involves assigning jobs to the selected


 It is matching of what the supervisor has reason to

think the candidate can do which the job demands

 Most employees are put on a probation period after

which his/her employment is confirmed

 Only in rare cases an employee once placed, is asked to

quit from his/her job
Importance of placement

 It helps in reducing employee turnover.

 It helps in reducing absenteeism.

 It helps in reducing accident rates.

 It avoids misfit between the candidate and the

Orientation, Induction or Indoctrination

 It is welcoming a new employee to the


 Billimoria defines induction as “a technique by

which a new employee is rehabilitated into the
changed surroundings and introduced to the
practices, policies and purposes of the
Objectives of Induction

 To reduce the initial anxiety all new entrants feel when they
join a new job in a new organization

 To familiarize the new employees with the job, people, work

place, work environment in the organization

 To facilitate outsider-insider transition in an integrated manner

 To reduce exploitation by the unscrupulous co-workers

 To reduce the cultural shock faced in new organizations

Induction procedure

 The procedure should basically follow these steps:

 First, the new person needs time and a place to report to work

 Second, it is very important that the supervisor or the immediate boss meet
and welcome the employee to the organization

 Third, administrative work should be completed

 Fourth, departmental orientation to be conducted

 Fifth, verbal explanations are to be supplemented by a wide variety of

printed material
Informal induction

 This is an unplanned induction programme.

 This may be simply an introduction to the new entrant about the job
and organization

 It may last for one hour or so and there can be two versions:

 Supervisory system
 Immediate supervisor conducts the induction

 Buddy or sponsor system

 Immediate supervisor assigns the responsibility of induction to an old employee
Formal induction
 It is a planned programme carried out to integrate the new
entrant into the organization

 This is usually carried out by large organizations

 It includes the following contents:

 Brief history of the organization

 Organizational mission, vision, objectives and philosophies
 Policies and procedures
 Rules and regulations
 Organizational structure and authority relationships
 Terms and conditions
 Welfare and safety measures
Phases of induction

 General induction

 This is the first phase of induction carried out by the HR dept.

 Focus is to expose the new entrant to the organization

 Employee is briefed about his service conditions, pay and perks,

promotion procedure, etc.

 This period of induction may vary from few days to few weeks
Phases of induction

 Specific induction

 This is given by the employee’s supervisor

 The focus is on the overall exposition of the new employee to his job

 This training helps the new employee adjust to his work environment

 This may last for a few weeks or even months

Phases of induction

 Follow-up induction

 The main objective is to verify whether the new employee is

getting himself adjusted with the work or not

 This is either given the employee’s immediate supervisor or a

specialist on industrial psychology

 Feedback from this follow-up induction can be used to assess

the requirements of guidance and counseling for the new

 It is a process of adaptation that takes place as

individuals attempt to learn the values and norms
of work roles

 In fact, induction is only a part of socialization

 Induction is confined to the new recruits only ;

whereas socialization covers transfer and
promotion as well
Phases of socialisation

 Pre-arrival: The pre-arrival phase explicitly recognizes that all the

new recruits arrives the organisation with a set of values, attitudes,
expectations and learning. In other words, pre-arrival refers to all the
learning that occurs before a new member joins the organisation.

 Encounter; Upon entry into organisation, the new member enters the
encounter stage. The role playing starts here. The member starts
comparing expectations, the image of the organisation which he had
formed during pre-arrival phase with reality. If expectations and reality
concur the encounter is smooth. But seldom has it concurred. When
the two differ, stress and frustration set in. What follows thereafter is
a mental process of adjustment.

 Metamorphosis: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person

into a completely different one.

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