Principles of Teaching: Session 4 Effective Teachers: The Naturals

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Principles of


Session 4
Effective Teachers:
The Naturals
BOARDWORK – Think-Pair-Square

 In what ways is the teaching

profession an art?

 In what ways is the teaching

profession a science?
Enjoying Learning
 Learning by Doing
 “Goofing Off”
– Passing notes
– Whispering
– Sharpening pencils
– Doodling
– Gazing out the window
Pair Partner Discussion
 Describe to your partner a memorable
time in which you and/or others in your
class were “goofing off.”

 Describe the reaction of a teacher you

had when students were “goofing off”
in class.
Working Yourself to Death
 Hand papers in
 Pass papers back
 Get into groups
 Line up
 Sit up
 Sit down
 Shut up
 Pay attention
 Helpless hand-raising
 Parent conferences
 Faculty/committee
 Grading papers
 Lesson planning
“Natural” Teachers
 Natural teachers find the profession
exhilarating. They do not work
themselves to death.


Characteristics of
Natural Teachers-
 Good Instincts
– Don’t have a clue
– Common Sense
 Make Management Affordable
 Make Management Look Easy

 Make Method Out of Magic

Partner Teach
 Stand and teach the four
characteristics of natural teachers to
your partner.
 One minute.

 Switch.

 One minute.
Beyond the Naturals
 Accumulation of many “natural”
teachers, not just one
Positive Classroom
 Classroom Structure
 Limit-Setting

 Responsibility Training
– Omission Training
 Back-up System
Management Is
 Management means getting things
done through people.
 Fundamentals are the same in
parenting, teaching, business, industry
 How to get people to do what you want
them to do:
– Correctly,
– On time,
– With a good attitude.
The Three Areas of
Classroom Management
 Discipline

 Instruction

 Motivation
5 Elements to Discipline
 Get students on task
 Keep students on task

 Suppression of disruption

 Building patterns of cooperation

 Mutual respect within the classroom

You Teach
 Turn to your partner and teach the five
elements to classroom discipline.
 Switch!
Classroom Rules
 Based on what you have read and
learned about classroom management
thus far, create a list of rules that you
will post in your classroom.
 Remember that rules should be:
– Brief
– Stated in the positive
– Something you are willing to enforce
 Due: Tuesday, June 22, 2004
 How do you produce mastery and
independent learning in all students
without working yourself to death?
 Effective instruction requires the
integration of all modalities of learning
at every step of performance:
– The Verbal (Say)
– The Visual (See)
– The Physical (Do)
Partner Teach
 Turn to your partner and teach your
partner how to produce mastery and
independent learning in all students.
 Switch.
 How do you get conscientiousness
and hard work from all of your
 Quality control to classroom work

 Incentives for diligence

Your Turn
 Turn to your partner and teach him/her
everything you have just learned about
the three areas of classroom
– Discipline
– Instruction
– Motivation
 Switch.
Metaphor of the Effective Teacher
 Metaphor - the process  Word processed.
of describing one thing as if
it were another; figurative  One page minimum
language using literal  Two page maximum
language to suggest an
analogy (i.e. the world is a  Criteria for Evaluation
stage; the effective teacher – Explicit identification of
is an oak tree) a metaphor
 Write a metaphor for – Explanation of the
meaning of the
effective teaching metaphor (multiple
using what you have facets required)
learned from: – Connections to the six
– Class Discussion areas in the left column
– Education, chapter 1 – Word processed
– Borich, chapter 1 – Adequate length
– Martin, chapter 1 (meaningful prose, not
– Dimensions of Learning fluff)
(Dimension 1) and
– Personal Experience
 Work as a team to WRITE a SUMMARY of
the important aspects of Borich, chapter 1.
– Divide sections of the chapter equally among
team members
– Have each member write a two-sentence
summary of the section s/he was assigned
– Combine each summary (in order), to make up a
complete chapter summary
– Have each member find a person from another
team and compare group summaries.
Principles of

Introduction to
Positive Classroom
 How do you get people to do what you
want them to do:
– Correctly?
– On time?
– With a good attitude?
Students Manage
Teachers Too
 Students have a head start
 Switching the Agenda
– Instruction
– Motivation
Positive Classroom
 Classroom Structure
 Limit-Setting

 Responsibility Training
– Omission Training
 Back-up System
Classroom Structure
 Focuses upon arranging every aspect
of the classroom environment so that
learning becomes more likely and
“goofing off” becomes less likely.
 The cheapest way to manage any
problem is to prevent its occurrence.
 Classroom structure aims to do just
 Typically referred to as “meaning
 Limit setting is the body language by
which teachers convey their control of
classroom situations in a relaxed, yet
powerful manner.
Responsibility Training
 Responsibility Training focuses upon
the central issue of discipline
management in the classroom –
 The idea is to train the class to be
responsible for their actions in order to
maximize learning time while building
group cohesion and mutual respect.
Back-up System
 A back-up system utilizes negative
sanctions to suppress severe behavior
 The school discipline code.

 The most expensive and failure-prone

portion of any discipline management
Partner Teach
 Stand-up, walk around the room and find a
partner who you have not worked with yet
this semester.
 Teach the four parts of Positive Classroom
Management to your partner:
– Classroom Structure
– Limit-Setting
– Responsibility Training
– Back-Up System
 One minute. Switch. One minute.
Summary of Positive
Classroom Management
 Clarifying goals;
 Structuring the environment for success;

 Imparting necessary skills;

 Setting limits;

 Building cooperation; and

 Creating a sense of shared purpose.

These are the basics of leadership.

These are the basics of positive classroom
Two More Points
 Keep It Positive
– Traditional Wisdom
 Discipline equals punishment
 Putting the lid on it

– Self Discipline and Cooperation

 Lessons from rough kids
 Building patterns of cooperation
Two More Points
 Keep It Cheap
– Basic Objectives
 Reducing Your Work Load and Stress
 Adding to Your Repertoire

– Choosing the Right Procedure

 Positive Classroom Discipline Is a System
 Criteria For Choosing
– Always choose the cheapest remedy
– If a discipline procedure is working, it will self-
 Discuss the following questions with
your partner
– In what ways is the teaching profession
both an art and a science?
– How does the chapter on “The Master
Teacher” in the book Education relate to
today’s lesson and the lesson on “The

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