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Group 4

S5J College of
UM18154 – Jason D’souza
UM18173 – Shishir Kumar Singh
UM18175 – Shivam Goyal
Management and
UM18188 – Shruti Gupta
UM18190 – Shuvodeep Chatterjee
UM18191 – Siba Kumar Panda Entrepreneurship
Determining how many entrance exam
scores students want to be accepted
To know the Determining what the Focus of the
most College should be
options for a B- Catering to the Fee Structure
S5J College of
school as we selected by most students
are all set to
launch our very Having the best mix of Options In
own MBA the education
Most preferred Duration of
Management Education
To find out the best possible
combination of B-School that is much
coveted by the Students
Conjoint Analysis :
• Survey based Statistical Technique
• Used to determine how people value different attributes
• Enables Consumer to make decisions based on real

• A controlled set of potential products or services is shown

to survey respondents
• Analysis of how they make preferences between these
products is done
• the implicit valuation of the individual elements making up
the product or service can be determined.

• Formula : CDV =∑(Utility(i) * Part-Worth(ij))

The Data
• Convenience Sampling
• Online Questionnaire using Google Form

The Assumptions
• Placement

Elimination Rules
• East India Location
• 1-year courses offered will be a Specialised MBA course
• Colleges offering Student Exchange Programmes would have hostel stay as a mandatory feature
• Colleges offering the 1-year MBA programme will definitely have an academic focused environment
• Colleges offering the 1-year MBA programme won’t be offering the Student Exchange Programme
• Colleges offering a socio-cultural environment will definitely be offering the Student Exchange Programme

Dummy Variable Calculation of Utility,

assignment Part Worth and CDV

Dummy Variables Regression

Entrance Exam- Single Function:
Y = 5.275 + 2.1X1 + 0.75X2 + 0X3 -1X4 + 0.9X5 -1.575X6 + 2.05X7 -
Orientation- Academic
Duration- 2 year
Y= Inverted Ranking
Program- Specialized Management
X1= Multiple - Entrance Exam, X2= Orientation- Business Competitions
Student Exchange Program - Yes
X3= Orientation- SE, X4= Duration- 1 year
Fees – 18-20 Lakhs
X5= General Management Program, X6= Student Exchange Program
X7= Fees - <18, X8= Fees - >20
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.988742606 Statistical models that try to explain
R Square 0.97761194
Adjusted R Square 0.399253731 human behavior may have an adjusted R
Standard Error 0.948683298 Square below 50%
Observations 10
Coefficient Standard
s Error t Stat P-value Degree to which your input
5.95134 0.02709
Intercept 5.275 0.886354895 1 2
variables explain the variation
4.04145 of the output
Multiple - Entrance Exam 2.1 0.519615242 2 0.05612
Orientation- Business
Competitions 0.75 0.75 1 0.42265
Orientation- SE 0 0 65535 #NUM! Data contain a natural amount of
Duration- 1 year -1 0.670820393 -1.49071 #NUM! variability that is unexplainable
1.73205 0.22540
Program 0.9 0.519615242 1 3
Student Exchange Program -1.575 0.738664335 -2.13223 0.16664
1.28565 0.32732 Table shows the value of coefficients,
Fees - <18 2.05 1.594521872 2 6
standard error and p-value
Fees - >20 -0.7 1.459451952 -0.47963 8
Level of Attribute PW
Multiple- Entrance Exam 2.1 Part-Worth means level utilities for conjoint attributes
Single- Entrance Exam -2.1
Orientation- Business When using a specific kind of dummy coding called
Competitions 0.75
Orientation-Academic -0.75 effects coding, utilities are scaled to sum to zero within
Orientation- SE 0 each attribute.
Duration- 1 year -1
Duration- 2 year 1 Preparatory Table
Program - Specialized Attribute Utility(U) LOA PW U*PW
Management 0.9
Entrance exam 0.261682 Multiple 2.1 0.549533
Program - General Management -0.9
Student Exchange Program- No -1.575 Entrance exam 0.261682 Single -2.1 -0.54953
Student Exchange Program- Yes 1.575 Orientation 0.093458 Business Competitions 0.75 0.070093
Fees - <18 2.05 Orientation 0.093458 Academic -0.75 -0.07009
Fees - 18-20 -1.35 Orientation 0.093458 SE 0 0
Fees - >20 -0.7 Duration 0.124611 1 year -1 -0.12461
PW PW Duration 0.124611 2 year 1 0.124611
Attribute High Low Range Utility(U) Specialized
Entrance exam 2.1 -2.1 4.2 0.261682 Program 0.11215 Management 0.9 0.100935
Orientation 0.75 -0.75 1.5 0.093458 Program 0.11215 General Management -0.9 -0.10093
Duration 1 -1 2 0.124611 Student Exchange -
Program 0.9 -0.9 1.8 0.11215 Program 0.196262 No 1.575 -0.30911
Student Exchange Student Exchange
Program 1.575 -1.575 3.15 0.196262 Program 0.196262 Yes 1.575 0.309112
Fees (Rs) 2.05 -1.35 3.4 0.211838 Fees (Rs) 0.211838 <18 Lakhs 2.05 0.434268
Fees (Rs) 0.211838 18-20 Lakhs -1.35 -0.28598
Fees (Rs) 0.211838 >20 Lakhs -0.7 -0.14829
Entrance exam Orientation Duration Programme Stu-Ex Program Fees (Rs) CDV

Multiple Business Competitions 2 year Specialized Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.588551

Multiple SE 2 year Specialized Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.518458

Multiple Academic 2 year Specialized Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.448364

Multiple Business Competitions 2 year General Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.386682

Multiple Business Competitions 1 year Specialized Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.33933

Multiple SE 2 year General Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.316589

Multiple SE 1 year Specialized Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.269237

Multiple Academic 2 year General Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.246495

Multiple Academic 1 year Specialized Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.199143

Multiple Business Competitions 1 year General Management Yes <18 Lakhs 1.137461

Entrance exam Multiple CDV Price Less than 18 Lakhs

Combo has the highest CDV of Maximum value for the price.
Orientation 1.588.

Duration 2 years
Business Competitions 2 Year
Specialized Real world problems, attractive More learning opportunities.
Program cash prizes and PPOs.
Student Exchange
Program Multiple Entrance Exams Student Exchange Programs
Maximize the chances of getting Cross cultural sensitization.
Fees (Rs) <18 Lakhs admission.

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