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Agency Project

By: Hannah Kelley

Case Manager Assistant at
Odum Home
• The girls case manager was out for a month on
• Odum Home need: Girls case manager assistance
• I filled this position with guidance from Ms. Kay
whom is the case managers supervisor
Who, What, When, Where
and Why?
• Who: Hannah Kelley
• What: Girls Case Manager Assistant
• When: Approximately one month
• Where: Odum Home of Baptist Children’s Homes of
North Carolina, Inc.
• Why: Case Manager out on FMLA
• Help with cases for two cottages/ 9 girls
• Perform inquiries
• Perform intakes
• Attend school many meetings (Class issues & suspensions)
• Communicate regularly with DSS
• Ensure all consents are signed regularly by need in a timely
• Form relationships with the girls
• Perform discharges
• Routine assessments (Hopelessness Scale, CGAS (With
guidance), Maps-Issues-Goals-Strategies)
• Case notes (On everything)
• Filing
• Enroll intakes in school
Competencies Used
• Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and
Professional Behavior- Used on a regular basis, daily
• Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in
Practice- Used regularly when communicating with
other agencies working clients alongside BCH
• Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social,
Economic, and Environmental Justice- Used when
working with TLP program & when helping clients
feel a sense of normalcy
• Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed
Research and Research-informed Practice- CARE
Training & TCI training, CGAS, HSC, MIGS
Competencies Used
• Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice-
Advocating for group homes & foster children
because of Family First Prevention Act
• Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families,
Groups, Organizations, and Communities- Inquiries,
Intakes, Communicating with private placement
guardians, & forming relationships with kids-
Performed daily
• Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups,
Organizations, and Communities- Kaleidacare,
filing, Inquiry, assessments, Individual Crisis
Management Plan, Plan of Service- Performed on a
regular basis
Competencies Used
• Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families,
Groups, Organizations, and Communities-
Admissions, Plan of Service meetings, maing
referrals, school meetings, communicating with DSS
and other agencies, & TLP – Daily
• Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals,
Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities- -
Discharge questionnaire/survey, Performance
Quality Improvement (PQI),team meetings, & Plan
of service- Regularly

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