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Measure Phase

Process Capability
Process Capability

Welcome to Measure

Process Discovery

Six Sigma Statistics

Measurement System Analysis

Process Capability

Continuous Capability

Concept of Stability

Attribute Capability

Wrap Up & Action Items

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Understanding Process Capability

Process Capability:

• The inherent ability of a process to meet the expectations of the

customer without any additional efforts.

• Provides insight as to whether the process has a :

– Centering Issue (relative to specification limits)
– Variation Issue
– A combination of Centering and Variation
– Inappropriate specification limits

• Allows for a baseline metric for improvement.

*Efforts: Time, Money, Manpower, Technology, and Manipulation

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Capability as a Statistical Problem

Our Statistical Problem: What is the probability of our

process producing a defect ?

Define a Practical

Create a
Statistical Problem

Correct the
Statistical Problem

Apply the Correction

to the Practical

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Capability Analysis

The X’s The Y’s

Y = f(X) (Process Function) Variation – “Voice of
the Process”

Op i Verified Op i + 1
? Data for
Y1 10.16
10.16 9.87
X2 Off-Line 10.05
10.11 9.99
9.87 10.11
Analysis Scrap 10.33
10.05 10.12
9.99 10.05
Correction 10.44
10.33 10.43
10.12 10.33

X3 Y2 9.86
10.44 10.21
10.43 10.44
10.21 9.86
9.80 9.90 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5
10.07 10.15
10.01 10.07
10.29 10.44
10.15 10.29
10.44 10.36
X4 10.36
Yes No Y3 10.15

X5 Correctable

Requirements – “Voice
Critical X(s): Data - VOP of the Customer”
Any variable(s) 10.16
10.11 9.87 10.16
LSL = 9.96 USL = 10.44
10.05 9.99 10.11
which exerts an 10.33
9.86 10.44
undue influence on 10.07
the important 10.36

outputs (CTQ’s) of a 10.15

process Defects

Capability Analysis Numerically -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

9.70 9.80 9.90 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6
Compares the VOP to the VOC Percent Composition

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Process Output Categories

Incapable Off target

USL LSL Average

Target Target

Capable and
on target

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Problem Solving Options – Shift the Mean

This involves finding the variables that will shift the process
over to the target. This is usually the easiest option.


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Problem Solving Options – Reduce Variation

This is typically not so easy to accomplish and occurs often in

Six Sigma projects.


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Problem Solving Options – Shift Mean & Reduce Variation

This occurs often in Six Sigma projects.

LSL Shift & Reduce

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Problem Solving Options

Obviously this implies making them wider, not narrower.

Customers usually do not go for this option but if they do…it’s
the easiest!


Move Spec

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Capability Studies

Capability Studies:
• Are intended to be regular, periodic, estimations of a process’s
ability to meet its requirements.
• Can be conducted on both Discrete and Continuous Data.
• Are most meaningful when conducted on stable, predictable
• Are commonly reported as Sigma Level which is optimal (short term)
• Require a thorough understanding of the following:
– Customer’s or business’s specification limits
– Nature of long-term vs. short-term data
– Mean and Standard Deviation of the process
– Assessment of the Normality of the data (Continuous Data only)
– Procedure for determining Sigma level

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Steps to Capability

Select Output for


#1 Verify Customer

#2 Validate

#3 Collect Sample

#4 Determine
Data Type
(LT or ST)

#5 Check data
for normality

#6 Calculate
Z-Score, PPM,
Yield, Capability
Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk
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Verifying the Specifications

Questions to consider:

• What is the source of the specifications?

– Customer requirements (VOC)
– Business requirements (target, benchmark)
– Compliance requirements (regulations)
– Design requirements (blueprint, system)

• Are they current? Likely to change?

• Are they understood and agreed upon?

– Operational definitions
– Deployed to the work force

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Data Collection

Capability Studies should include “all” observations (100% sampling) for a specified period.
Short-term data: Long-term data:
•Collected across a narrow •Is collected across a broader inference
inference space. space.
•Daily, weekly; for one shift, •Monthly, quarterly; across multiple
machine, operator, etc. shifts, machines, operators, etc
•Is potentially free of special cause •Subject to both common and special
variation. causes of variation.
•Often reflects the optimal •More representative of process
performance level. performance over a period of time.
•Typically consists of 30 – 50 data •Typically consists of at least 100 – 200
points. data points.
Lot 1 Lot 5
Fill Quantity

Lot 3

Lot 2

Lot 4
Short-term studies

Long-term study
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Baseline Performance

Process Baseline: The

average, long-term performance
level of a process when all input
variables are unconstrained. Long-term

Short Term

` 3

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Components of Variation

Even stable processes will drift and shift over time by as much as 1.5
Standard Deviations on the average.

Long Term
Overall Variation

Short Term
Between Group Variation

Short Term
Within Group Variation

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Sum of the Squares Formulas

SS total = SS between + SS within

Shift (short-term capability)
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x x Time
x x
x x x x
x x x

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A Stable Process is consistent over time. Time Series Plots and

Control Charts are the typical graphs used to determine stability.

At this point in the Measure Phase there is no reason to assume the

process is stable.

Tic toc…
tic toc…

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Measures of Capability

Mathematically Cpk and Ppk are the same and Cp and Pp are the

The only difference is the source of the data, Short-term and Long-term,
– Cp and Pp
• What is Possible if your process is perfectly Centered
• The Best your process can be
• Process Potential (Entitlement)

– Cpk and Ppk
• The Reality of your process performance
• How the process is actually running
• Process Capability relative to specification limits

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Capability Formulas

Six times the sample

Standard Deviation

Sample Mean

Three times the sample

Standard Deviation

Note: Consider the “K” value the penalty for being off center LSL – Lower specification limit
USL – Upper specification limit

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SigmaXL® Example

Open worksheet “Camshaft”. Create a Normal Probability Plot and

Descriptive Statistics of Suppliers 1 and 2.

By looking at the “P-values”

the data look to be Normal
since P is greater than .05

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SigmaXL® Example

Create a Capability Analysis for both suppliers, assume long-term data.

Note the subgroup size for this example is 5.
LSL=598 USL=602

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Supplier 1 SigmaXL® Example

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Supplier 2 SigmaXL® Example

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SigmaXL® Example

SigmaXL® has a calculator to allow you to quickly find the sigma

level for a process.

SigmsXL>Templates and Calculators> Basic Process Capability Templates>Process Sigma Level - Continuous

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Supplier 1 SigmaXL® Example

For long term sigma level use the

long term StDev. For short term use
the short term StDev.
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SigmaXL® Example

Supplier 2

Long Term

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Continuous Variable Caveats

Capability indices assume Normally Distributed data.

Always perform a Normality test before assessing Capability.

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Capability Steps

Select Output for

Improvement We can follow the steps for
calculating capability for
#1 Verify Customer
Continuous Data until we
reach the question about
#2 Validate
Specification data Normality…

#3 Collect Sample

#4 Determine
Data Type
(LT or ST)

#5 Check data
for Normality

#6 Calculate
Z-Score, PPM,
Yield, Capability
Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk

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Attribute Capability Steps

Select Output for

Notice the difference when
#1 Verify Customer
we come to step 5…

#2 Specification

#3 Collect Sample


Find Z-Score

#6 Convert Z-Score
to Cp & Cpk

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Z Scores

Z Score is a measure of the distance in Standard Deviations of a

sample from the Mean.

The Z Score effectively transforms the actual data into standard normal
units. By referring to a standard Z table you can estimate the area
under the Normal curve.
– Given an average of 50 with a Standard Deviation of 3 what is
the proportion beyond the upper spec limit of 54?



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Z Table

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Attribute Capability

Attribute data is always long-term in the shifted condition since it requires so

many samples to get a good estimate with reasonable confidence.

Short-term Capability is typically reported, so a shifting method will be

employed to estimate short-term Capability.

You Want to Estimate : ZST ZLT

Short Term Long Term Sigma Short-Term Long-Term
Your Data Is : Capability Capability Level DPMO DPMO
1 158655.3 691462.5
Short Term Subtract
ZST Capability 1.5 2 22750.1 308537.5

Long Term Add 3 1350.0 66807.2

ZLT Capability 1.5 4 31.7 6209.7

5 0.3 232.7

6 0.0 3.4

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Attribute Capability

By viewing these formulas you can see there is a relationship between them.

If we divide our Z short-term by 3 we can determine our Cpk and if we divide

our Z long-term by 3 we can determine our Ppk.

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Attribute Capability Example

A customer service group is interested in estimating the Capability of

their call center.

A total of 20,000 calls came in during the month but 2,500 of them
“dropped” before they were answered (the caller hung up).

Results of the call center data set:

Samples = 20,000
Defects = 2,666

They hung up….!

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Attribute Capability Example

1. Calculate DPU
2. Look up DPU value on the Z-Table
3. Find Z-Score
4. Convert Z Score to Cpk, Ppk

Look up ZLT
ZLT = 1.11
Convert ZLT to ZST = 1.11+1.5 = 2.61

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Attribute Capability

1. Calculate DPU
2. Look up DPU value on the Z-Table
3. Find Z Score
4. Convert Z Score to Cpk, Ppk

Look up ZLT
ZLT = 1.11
Convert ZLT to ZST = 1.11+1.5 = 2.61


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At this point, you should be able to:

• Estimate Capability for Continuous Data

• Estimate Capability for Attribute Data

• Describe the impact of Non-normal Data on the analysis

presented in this module for Continuous Capability

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The Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Assessment
The Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CLSSGB) tests are
useful for assessing Green Belt’s knowledge of Lean Six
Sigma. The CLSSGB can be used in preparation for the ASQ
or IASSC Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) exam or
for any number of other certifications, including private
company certifications.

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course Manual

Open Source Six Sigma Course Manuals are professionally

designed and formatted manuals used by Belt’s during
training and for reference guides afterwards. The OSSS
manuals complement the OSSS Training Materials and
consist of slide content, instructional notes data sets
and templates.
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