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a) Discuss 4 differences of traditional and current
assessments. In what way the current assessment
trends can overcome the shortcomings of traditional
b) Based on your experienced, discuss five difficulties
faced by inexperienced teachers in integrating
assessment and teaching.
■ Assessment is a broad term that includes measurement, evaluation, and testing.
■ It is defined as a process of gathering information for making decisions to
facilitate teaching and learning.
■ Assesment occur in a various level through different way. For example, teachers
assess student’s understanding at the end of each session using quizzes or oral
■ Assesments also varies in term of difficulty. For example, the assessment of
reading skills is easier than the assessment of the ability to understand the essays
or novels.
■ There are two types of assessment:
i. Formative
 To get information about student progress after one particular unit or chapter.
Usually, run using quizzes or tests.
i. Sumative
 The assessment conducted after the end of the semestar., or then end of the
educational programme. For example, SPM, STPM and PMR.

Traditional Assessment Aspect of differences Current Assessment

teacher The person who involved teacher and student

in conducting the

Using pencil and paper Assessment method Performance-based

Summative Type of assessment Formative
only one correct answer for each item abilities to answer there are various ways to answer
questions each item
1. the person who involved in conducting a assessment.
 for traditional assessment, only involved a teachers to conduct the assessment process.
 By current assessment, when both of teachers and students involved in the assessment,
during learning process in class will be more attractive during Q&A process.

2. Assessment method
- For traditional assessment, the way to evaluate students on paper. They use paper and
pencil to face their exam by certain time such as mid-term exam and final exam every year.
- For current assessment, students will observe by their performance-based for continuous
long-term assessment includes variety aspect in students potential. By this, the students
will be ready with what they have learnt before because all the time they will be observed
and the teachers will give the grades from their performance.
3. Type of assessment
 Summative for traditional assessment like standardized exams such as PMR and SPM. This
assessment make students will focus on their study only at that time, after that they forget it
quickly. They also cannot know how to aply their lesson in daily life.
 Formative for current assessment. The variety of assessment will be faced by students to see
how far they understand and the way to apply their study in real life. The assessment will be
held at the end of the topic in every subjects. This make students always alert with their lesson.

4. Abilities to answer the question

 In traditional assessment, there are only one correct answer for each items.
 for current assessment, the are various ways to answer each items.
How current assessment trends can overcome the
shortcomings of traditional assessments.

1. By current assessment, both of teachers and students get involved in assessment

process. Teaching and learning process will be more attractive and afficient. This is
because, the students will be more responsive during Q&A session. They also can
judge their friends with their own opinion. This way will lead the students to be more
critical in thinking.
2. To overcome the traditional assessment method that not relevant in current
situation, performance-based assessment was introduced to improve our learning
process. The teachers assess students by their engagement in all aspect such as
attitude, problem solving and cooperation.
3. Current assessment used formative assessment to replace the summative
assessment. There are variety method for teachers to assess students instead of
only in final or certain exam only. Formative assessment tend students to be ready
all the time because the assessment will be held in any time. \
4. Various way to answer each item in current assessments make students free to
think and express their opinion. They also, can use their own knowledge to answer
the questions without bound to the scheme.
Five difficulties faced by inexperienced teachers in
integrating assessment and teaching.
1. Teacher's inequality in assessment

■ Although the teachers have taken the course but they still feel less confident in assessing the
students. Lack of knowledge, skills and material resources add to their uncertainty in the assessment.
This has been stated by Raden (2008) where teachers dream professional training in assessments to
gain knowledge and assessment skills so they can successfully implement PBS (Pentaksiran
berasaskan sekolah). Teachers want to be provided with material resources such as the Student
Learning Development Guide (PPPM), Assessment Manual, instructional example, example of scoring
and so on. This training and workshop is very important to provide teachers with the skills and
confidence to formulate and implement the PBS. Some parents also question how each subject
teacher makes the assessment. Because of the attentive attitude of parents who point to the finger,
adding more teachers' uncertainty in the assessment.
2. Uncertainty of teachers in Assessment
The responsible teachers and the role of the PBS process should follow all the steps and procedures
of the assessment. However, the teacher's inability to assess will affect the entire assessment
system. The quality of assessment can be disputed by all parties if the teacher takes an indifferent
attitude while assessing the student. If this happens, there is an imbalance in injustice, transparency
and uniformity in assessing pupils, whereas this practice is one of the most important elements in
determining the pupils to get grades that meet what they earn and earn throughout PdP. Chan's study
(2009) found that 25% of teachers said no monitoring from the administrator and no collaboration
with senior teachers and administrators did not care about the implementation of PBS they only
wanted the decision. This is also due to the scoring set by the school to cause the teacher to assess
his / her levy. Not really because of dissatisfaction caused the scoring is not transparent

3. Bureaucratic Practices In Assessment

Tan Ai Mei's interview (2010) in his study with PBS teachers, said that teachers were asked to give a
good grade to students. This instruction indirectly encourages PBS management to simply fill the
need for scores, especially in giving good grades to students. This is due to the supervision of the
superior only to see 'black and white'. It includes the issue of fraudulent acts including the formation
of a student's attitude that is not serious about the project and verbal work conducted. This occurs
because monitoring is not carried out at the practical level, nor is the emphasis given by the
appraiser to monitoring at the stage of the process.
4) Time
■ PBS teachers are forced to use a large amount of time to devise evaluation (instrument
provisioning), re-teaching, data warehousing and abundant storage evidences. In preparing the
instructor's instrument it is necessary to draw up the evaluation so that each band, evidens and
student's ability to have alignment, so teachers need to devote adequate time.
■ Teachers also need to repeat the lesson if the pupil does not reach the assigned Band, the teacher
also needs to devise and construct new instruments until the pupil reaches.
■ Teachers are also responsible for entering data into the system, but they face challenges with slow
servers and are waiting for the right time.

5) The Lack of Physical Environment and Technological Facilities:

 All PBS teachers need to use the online application to include the student's PBS score into the
system. Teachers face great challenges in data entry into the system as they are not taught how to
enter marks, problem systems, and take a long time.
"..............system is problematic and always maintained. It is quite complicated and time-consuming. "
In conclusion, the assessment is an important key for the quality of learning
and teaching.
In this context, teachers not only focus on what the students learnt but how the
students learn about knowledge, skills and abilities.

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