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A2018 Administrative Law A2017 Administrative Law

I. What is delegated legislation ? Pleased indicate various classification of delegated legislation ? Is there any I. Please explain the notion rule of law as enunciated by Prof A.v Diecy ? Also critically
limitation on delegated legislation ? analyze it with French concept “Droit Administratif” ?
II. Please explain the notion rule of law as enunciated by Prof A.v Diecy ? Also critically analyze it with French II. Define and explain administrative law ? Please elaborate the concept of separation
concept “Droit Administratif” ? of powers in comparative perspective i.e UK PAKISTAN and USA
III. What do you know about judicial review ? Please explain in detail e land mark cases f judicial review ? Marbury III. What is delegated legislation ? What are the various reasons of growth of delegated
Vs Madison (1803) and McClloch Vs Mary land (1819)? legislation ? Please in detail the Title based Classification of delegated legislation ?
IV. Please explain the principle of Audi Alteram Partem ? Also discuss beach of the Audi Alteram Partem rule ? IV. What is meant by judicial control of administrative discretion ? Explain the concept
V. What is the writ jurisdiction of the high court ? Please explain all the prerogative writs in detail ? Is there any in detail ?
restriction on exercise of writ jurisdiction ? V. What do you know about judicial review ? Please explain in detail e land mark cases
VI. Please write in detail the office of Ombudsman at federal level ? How independent is the office of federal of judicial review ? Marbury Vs Madison (1803) and McClloch Vs Mary land (1819)?
Ombudsman VI. Write not on the following (a) The jurisdictional principle or doctrine of ultravires (b)
VII. Define the following (a)Review of Findings of Law and findings of fact (b) Bias a)Review of Findings of Law and findings of fact ?
VIII. What do you know about the growth of Administrative Tribunals where the appeal les against the decision of VII. The principles of naturel justice occupy a unique lace in administrative law ?
the administrative tribunals ? How independent are the Administrative Tribunals in Pakistan Elaborate the concept in details ?
PART II VIII. Please explain in detail he constitutional remedies /Public Law remedies available to
IX. Please explain the following (a) Promotion (b) Termination (c) Employment after retirement the aggrieved party
X. Please specify the procedure to be observed by the inquiry officer during an inquiry f the accused person under PART II
the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) Rules 1975 IX. Explain n detail under Civil Servants Act 1973 (a) Promotion (b) Probation
S2017 Administrative Law (c)Termination of service
XI. Define and explain the development of administrative law ? Explain about the nature and scope of administrative X. What are the various kind of penalties ? What procedure is to be observed by the
law ? authorized officer incase of initiation of proceedings against ccused person under
XII. Define and explain administrative law ? Please elaborate the concept of separation of powers in comparative the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) Rules 1975
perspective i.e UK PAKISTAN and USA ?
XIII. What is delegated legislation ? What are the various reasons of growth of delegated legislation ? Please indicate
legislative control of delegated legislation ?
XIV. Please explain I detail the principle of Audi Alteram Parem and Nemo Ju dex in causa Sua with relevant case
laws ? Also discuss the breach of these laws ?
XV. What do you know about judicial review ? Please explain in detail e land mark cases f judicial review ? Marbury
Vs Madison (1803) and McClloch Vs Mary land (1819)?
XVI. What is meant by prerogative writs ?please explain the writ jurisdiction under article 199 and 184(3) of the
constitution f Pakistan 973 ? Is there any restriction on he exercise of writ jurisdiction ?
XVII. Define ad explain (a) judicial control of administrative discretion (b) Bias .
XVIII.What do you know about the administrative tribunals ?explain the constitutional developments regarding
Services laws until 193 ? Here the appeal ies against the decision of the services tribunals ? Ow independent are
service tribunals in Pakistan
XIX. Explain n detail under Civil Servants Act 1973 (a) Probation (b) Conformation (c) Seniority
XX. What are the various kind of penalties ? Speicfy the procedures to be observed by the inquiry officer or
committee during an inquiry of the accused person under the under the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) Rules 1975
S 2016 Administrative Law
I. Administrative law aims at instituting good governance and establishing rule of law ,how ever in absence of effective administrative parliamentary and judicial control it
may be instrumental o injustice ad misdistribution critically analyze the statement?
II. Define delegated legislation? Discuss the main principles of delegated legislation enunciated by superior courts in Pakistan ?
III. Discus the scope of principles of natural justice and discuss principle of Audi Alteram partem and concept of Bias in detail ?
IV. Conformant of discretionary powers o public functionaries on one hand effectively safeguard and control exercise of such powers o the other sine qua non to achieve
the objective of welfare state ? Discuss ..
V. The powers under article 199 and article 184(3) of the constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan aim at effecting the rule of law and not to supplant or stultifying he
executive authority ,critically evaluate the statement in context of Pakistan ?
VI. Define judicial review of administrative action and highlight its significance as glorified by superior courts in Pakistan ?
VII. define and explain (a) principle of estoppel (b) presumption of validity public acts ?
VIII. Discuss the composition role and effectiveness of the federal Ombudsman in detail ?
IX. Who is competent to file an appeal before services tribunal under service tribunal act 1973,discuss the procedure for filing such an appeal ?
X. Define misconduct ,what are the various grounds and kinds of penalties imposed on civil servants roved guilty of misconduct ?

A2016 Administrative Law

XI. Define administrative law ? Explain the development and grow of administrative law and its distinction from constitutional law ?
XII. What is meant by delegated legislation / discuss the legislative and procedural controls on delegated legislation ?
XIII. Discus the scope of principles of natural justice and discuss principle of Audi Alteram partem and concept of Bias in detail ?
XIV. Is there anything like absolute discretion in the administrative law ?
XV. The powers under article 199 and article 184(3) of the constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan aim at effecting the rule of law and not to supplant or stultifying he
executive authority ,critically evaluate the statement in context of Pakistan ?
XVI. Define judicial review of administrative action nd highlight its significance as enunciated by superior courts in Pakistan ?
XVII. Administrative law aims at instituting good governance and establishing rule of law in its modern context, critically analyze the statement?

XVIII.Who is competent to file an appeal before services tribunal under service tribunal act 1973,discuss the procedure for filing such an appeal ?
XIX. Define and explain Probation and promotion of civil servant under Punjab Civil Servant Act 1974 ?
S2015 Administrative Law
I. Please explain the notion rule of law as enunciated by Prof A.v Diecy ? Also critically analyze it with French concept “Droit Administratif” ?
II. What do you understand by administrative action ? What are various classification of administrative action ?
III. What is meant by jurisdictional; principle or doctrine of ultra vires ? Also specify review of findings of law and finding of facts ?
IV. What constitutional aw remedies are available to the aggrieved person ? Is there any restriction on the exercise of writ jurisdiction ?
V. Please elaborate the concept of separation of powers in comparative PERSEPECTIVE I.E UK,PAKISTAN AND USA also discuss the system of
check and balance in special reference with the USA ?
VI. What is meant by delegated legislation / discuss the legislative and procedural controls on delegated legislation ?
VII. Please explain various reasons for growth of administrative adjudication? Please explain judicial control f administrative discretion ?
VIII. What do you know about the growth of Administrative Tribunals where the appeal les against the decision of the administrative tribunals ?
How independent are the Administrative Tribunals in Pakistan
IX. Please explain in detail the following (a) Selection authority (b) Probation (c) Seniority ?
X. What are the various kind of penalties ? Speicfy the procedures to be observed by the inquiry officer or committee during an inquiry of the
accused person under the under the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) Rules 1975

A2015 Administrative Law

XI. Define and explain the development of administrative law ? Explain about the nature and scope of administrative law ?
XII. What do you know about judicial review ? Please explain in detail e land mark cases f judicial review ? Marbury Vs Madison (1803) and
McClloch Vs Mary land (1819)?
XIII. What is delegated legislation ? What are various reasons of growth of delegated legislation ? Please indicate various classification of delegated
legislation ?
XIV. Please explain the principle of Audi Alteram Partem ? Lso discuss beach of the Audi Alteram Partem rule ?
XV. What are the prerogative writs and constitutional remedies available to the aggrieved person ? Is there any restriction on the exercise f writ
jurisdiction ?
XVI. Please write in detail the office of Ombudsman at federal level ? How independent is the office of federal Ombudsman
XVII. What do you understand by judicial control of administrative discretion ? What is the doctrine of promissory estopples ?
XVIII.Define and explan the following (ia ) BIAS (b) Review under he judicial principle ?

XIX. Please explain the following (a) Provident fund (b) right of appeal and representation (c) Termination of services
XX. Please specify the procedure to be observed by the inquiry officer during an inquiry f the accused person under the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D)
Rules 1975
S2014 Administrative Law
I. Please explain the notion rule of law as enunciated by Prof A.v Diecy ? Also critically analyze it with French concept “Droit Administratif” ?
II. Define and explain administrative law ? Please elaborate the concept of separation of powers in comparative perspective i.e UK PAKISTAN
and USA
III. What is delegated legislation ? What are various reasons of growth of delegated legislation ? Please indicate various classification of
delegated legislation ? Explain the concept in detail?
IV. What do you know about judicial review ? Please explain in detail e land mark cases f judicial review ? Marbury Vs Madison (1803) and
McClloch Vs Mary land (1819)?
V. Write not on the following (a) The jurisdictional principle or doctrine of ultravires (b) a)Review of Findings of Law and findings of fact ?
VI. The principle of natural justice occupy a unique place in administrative law ? Please elaborat6e and explain the concept in detail ?
VII. Lease explain in detail the constitutional law remedies /Public law remedies available to the aggrieved party ?
VIII. Explain n detail under Civil Servants Act 1973 (a) Probation (b) Conformation (c) Seniority
IX. What are the various kind of penalties ? Specify the procedures to be observed by the inquiry officer or committee during an inquiry of the
accused person under the under the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) Rules 1975

A2014 Administrative Law

X. What is delegated legislation ? What is necessity of delegated legislation ? Pleased indicate various classification of delegated legislation ?is
there any limitation on delegated legislation ?
XI. Please explain the notion rule of law as enunciated by Prof A.v Diecy ? Also critically analyze it with French concept “Droit Administratif” ?
XII. What do you know about judicial review ? Please explain in detail e land mark cases f judicial review ? Marbury Vs Madison (1803) and
McClloch Vs Mary land (1819)?
XIII. Please explain the principle of Audi Alteram Partem ? Also discuss beach of the Audi Alteram Partem rule ?
XIV. What is the writ jurisdiction of the high court ? Please explain all the prerogative writs in detail ? Is there any restriction on exercise of writ
jurisdiction ?
XV. Please write in detail the office of Ombudsman at federal level ? How independent is the office of federal Ombudsman
XVI. Define the following (a)Review of Findings of Law and findings of fact (b) Bias
XVII. What do you know about the growth of Administrative Tribunals where the appeal les against the decision of the administrative tribunals ?
How independent are the Administrative Tribunals in Pakistan
XVIII.Please explain the following (a) Promotion (b) Termination (c) Employment after retirement
XIX. Please Specify the procedures to be observed by the inquiry officer or committee during an inquiry of the accused person under the under
the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) Rules 1975

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