Career Opportunity Management: A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (PVT.) LTD

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Career Opportunity Management

A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.

Career Opportunity Management
Career Details
1. Career can be defined as a pathway of an individual
with respect to his occupation or profession.
2. It may appear as continuity of a single job or
sequence of related jobs.
3. Sequence may or may not be unidirectional.
4. It may appear as multilateral integration, but
diversification is regarded as switching of career.
5. There are a number of myths as far as career is
considered, the biggest 2 student’s myths are:
1. Grades are not important …
2. Grades are very important …

A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.

Career Opportunity Management
Crisis Details
1. Crisis is any event that is leading, or is expected to
lead to:
1. An unstable and dangerous situation
2. It can effect an individual, group, community, or
whole society.
3. It occurs abruptly, with little or no warning.
4. It may appear as a result of any of the 2 situations:
1. Indeterminacy
2. Ignorance
5. More loosely, it is a term meaning "a testing time"
or an "emergency event".

A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.

Career Opportunity Management
opportunity Details
1. An opportunity can be defined as the availability of a
favorable option at favorable time as per the profile of an
2. An opportunity always comes across as a complete
package where few elements of the package are more
favorable, few less and still others are not at all favorable
and it demands for a trade off among elements as per your
3. It is not the option, that if lost can never be regained.
4. It must be tried hard, not to get it lost, but if lost you must
not be depressed to an extent to lose the remaining

A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.

Career Opportunity Management

Everybody has 02 options in his/her career

1. Searching Jobs in Crisis
2. Managing Opportunities in Career

A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.

Career Opportunity Management

Career Crisis
Career crisis in an employment
event that is sudden, unforeseen,
harmful, and allows only a short
time to make decisions.

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Career Opportunity Management
Career Crisis Nature & Types
1. Politico-legal Career Crisis:
It happens on a larger scale and spares only those who
have deep understanding of the scenario to quit the
system timely and maintain a pool of alternatives with
2. Sociocultural Career Crisis:
Mostly it happens with individuals sociocultural
grounds and involve only those who are either unaware
of the changing scenario or are unable to adapt as per
the changing scenario.

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Career Opportunity Management
Career Crisis Management
Career crisis can be managed through:
1. Learning to recognize signals that a disaster might be
2. Develop a plan to prepare for or prevent a crisis.
3. Know how to limit the crisis and any resulting damage.
4. Part of the plan includes recovery from a crisis or
5. After the crisis has passed, it demands to review:
1. What resulted in crisis and what were the exacerbating
and limiting factors.
2. What and how to improve to prevent it in future.
3. Focus must always be on self deficiency whether that is
just to misread a person or organization.
A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.
Career Opportunity Management
Career Crisis Job Searching
1. Job searching in career crisis is a difficult task as one has to
compromise and sacrifice his/her priorities while searching
job in critical situations.
2. These sacrifices can be:
a. Financial, in terms of low financial package.
b. Intellectual, on the basis of work objectives and JDs.
Emotional, by compromising on self respect or on
c. Professional, on the basis of minimization or elimination
of growth opportunities.
d. Domestic, by engaging yourself in extra hours with no
additional benefits

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Career Opportunity Management
Rule of ‘3’ Basic Understanding
1. Career Opportunity Management (COM) is the
process of identification, preparation and acquisition
of business or job opportunity, with strict
consideration of:
1. Primary domestic loyalty, secondary industry
loyalty and tertiary corporate loyalty.
2. Following S.I.S career cycle (Sustain – Improve –
3. Awareness and urge for short term, medium term
and long term career objectives along with a set
of sustained objectives

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Career Opportunity Management

Identifying sub-segments of

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Career Opportunity Management
Identification Details
1. Majority of people search for jobs in crisis as they
don’t initiate career management process just by not
identifying what is required.
2. Identification is the most deceptive and overlooked
part of career opportunity management.
3. Identification process is composed of 4 sub-
1. Identify myself (as career seeker).
2. Identify my customers.
3. Identify my competitors.
4. Identify my sellers.

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Career Opportunity Management
Myself Identification
1. Consider yourself as a product.
2. Write down its features and benefits.
3. Remember 02 things !
1. Features and benefits are extremely case sensitive (as the
parameters of beauty are gender specific); so mark these features and
benefits in context to its customers.
2. Its features make its profile whereas its benefits make its
4. Profile is important to grab the attention of its customers’
attention, whereas the buying decision is made by its
5. There are two types of its features; Established (creates ‘look’ of the
product) and inherent features (supports in better performance).

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Career Opportunity Management
Established Features Inherent Features
Inherent factors: These are the factors which are either present
These are the factors which
in a manager naturally or adapted by him from his/her
are not present naturally
environment. These are not dependent on the age and stage of
and can be established only
the manager. These include:
by using inherent factors.
These are dependent on
the age, stage and inherent 1. Hard work 7. Dedication 13. Aggression
factors of the manager. 2. Reliability 8. Determination 14. Patience
These include: 3. Regularity 9. Discipline 15. Motivation
1. Qualification 4. Punctuality 10. Boldness 16. Creativity
2. Experience
5. Sincerity 11. Communication 17. Adaptation
3. Business Relations
6. Honesty 12. Interpersonal 18. Initiation

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Whether it is established feature or inherent feature, both are meant to

establish good performance; which is the ultimate determinant of my
market price.

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Career Opportunity Management
My Customers Identification
1. Keeping in view my features, benefits and market price, I need
to prepare a list of my target customers.
2. My professional competitors are my personal customers along
with top management of my existing company who can also buy
me if I continue to establish and communicate my features,
benefits and market price.
3. If I am a product, avoid working on ‘push’ strategy rather focus
on ‘pull’ strategy; it will differentiate me as a ‘prescription
product’ rather than just a ‘net item’.
4. Special Note: Meaningless and frequent switching at the same
position makes me a ‘2nd hand product’ which can damage my
Review My Features & Benefits market price in spite of good performance

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Career Opportunity Management
My Competitors Identification
1. As I used to keep track of competitor of my product portfolio, I
must have an eye that what are the positions I am focusing in
which company class and how big is the competition in that
2. As a next step I must study the features, benefits and
performance of my competition.
3. My competitors are my friends, my corporate colleagues and my
industry colleagues.
4. I must compete them on the basis of my features and benefits
and must not get involved in any negative propaganda
campaign as it can damage me as well, on the other hand I must
take care of a fact, that is …

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Career Opportunity Management
My Sellers Identification
1. My professional customers are in fact my sellers, when they talk
positively about me with my professional competitors, that
sounds very high, as compared to the loudness of my own
2. It must purely be on the basis of our features and benefits, not
on the basis of our request to do so.

I have seen cases where a person requested a doctor to say positive

words to the person where he has applied and doctor did so by
saying that “kar do yar us becharay nay bohat dafa kaha tha”

A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.

Repeat Career Opportunity Management
Rule of ‘3’ Basic Understanding
1. Career Opportunity Management (COM) is the
process of identification, preparation and acquisition
of business or job opportunity, with strict
consideration of:
1. Primary domestic loyalty, secondary industry
loyalty and tertiary corporate loyalty.
2. Following S.I.S career cycle (Sustain – Improve –
3. Awareness and urge for short term, medium term
and long term career objectives along with
sustained objectives

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Career includes all type of businesses and employments ranging from semi skilled to skilled and semi
professional to professional. It may involve a single skill or a number of versatile skills throughout
the career path.

All depends what you have identified,
and how sharply you are prepared for
your desired acquisition. Sharp
preparation is always a painful
process and starts with the objective

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Career Opportunity Management
Rule of ‘3’ Sustained Career Objectives
1. There are few objectives that must remain be in mind
at every stage of career path, in addition to the short,
medium and long term objectives.
2. These objectives can mainly be achieved inside out;
one has to realize its importance and modify his/her
actions in a way to achieve it.
3. These are called sustained career objectives and
1. Professional profile compatibility
2. Balancing domestic/Professional/Social aspects
3. Financial security.

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1. C.O.M starts with setting time specific objectives.
2. It is very difficult when an individual lacks knowledge of career
opportunities and/or is not fully aware of his own talents, abilities
and circumstances. So it is the foremost prerequisite to gain its
3. Career assessment is an effective tool for career objective
setting, but it is beyond the scope of this session.

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Career Opportunity Management (Objectives)

Short Term Medium Term Long Term

1. Specific, limited in scope and 1. Less specific, more open 1. Highly specific, easy to mark
easy to formulate. ended and difficult to but very difficult to achieve.
2. Accomplished with or formulate. 2. Wished by me, my family and
without consideration of 2. It needs to be continuously my friends.
one’s own inherent and worked upon, and amended 3. Usually not wished by
established features. as per the availability of relatives, neighbors and
3. If compatible with inherent better insight and the some other societal
and established features, changing external factors. members.
these can be integrated with 3. It further demands to 4. All those who wish it to be
the medium and long term upgrade and sharpen one’s achieved are an obstacle in
objectives, otherwise there own skills and expertise as its way (usually).
will just be the renewal of per the requirement of the 5. I am the biggest obstacle in
short term objectives after objectives, and direction of its way but unfortunately I
every spell of completion. long term objectives. don’t know it.

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Career Opportunity Management
Preparation 6 Steps
Objective setting is as similar as deciding the destination
of your journey. Once you did it, you will have to prepare
to reach the destination.
Following are the steps of preparation:
1. Prepare yourself as a professional.
2. Prepare yourself as a person.
3. Prepare you family as your supporter
4. Revisit your objectives and professional preparation
5. Prepare yourself as a product (brand).
6. Set milestones of your journey, determine your speed as per
your vehicle, road and the weather

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Career Opportunity Management
Prepare yourself as Professional
1. Once you set objectives of your career, you will have
to deeply analyze following aspects:
2. Key success factors of the profession
a. Self assessment
b. Self development
c. Action Plan
3. Before starting implementation on your action plan ,
you need to follow the rest of the points of
preparation specifically preparing as a person and
preparing family as supporter.

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Career Opportunity Management
Prepare yourself as Person
1. Once you prepared your action plan as a professional, you must
think again as a person.
2. This step is advised to be followed after professional
preparation, in order to avoid undue barriers.
3. In this step you will have to prepare yourself about the problems
in the way to your destination.
4. Personal preparation doesn’t mean to avoid risks.
5. Life itself is an outcome of risk, so it is needed to manage risk
instead of avoiding risk.
6. Risk management can be described as the process of proactively
working with stakeholders to minimize the risks and maximize
the opportunity associated with decision to reach to
professional decisions.

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Career Opportunity Management
Prepare your family as Supporter
1. The biggest stakeholder of your career outcome is
your family (if they share common objectives).
2. You are required to prepare them for the pros and
cons of your career pathway.
3. Be committed to extend all benefits of your decision
to your family.
4. Get their commitment of support for all the problems
in its way.
5. Revisit and fine tune your action plan, in line with
your personal preparation and support of your family.

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Career Opportunity Management
Prepare yourself as Brand
1. After last 4 steps you will have to prepare yourself as
a brand.
2. No brand can be as successful as personal brand, as
every brand is required to be personified by its
branding team, whereas you are a person yourself !
3. No brand can be as difficult as a human brand as all
positive features of this brand can be destroyed by a
single word, expression or a gesture, hence self
control is a very important aspect of personal

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Career Opportunity Management
Prepare yourself as Brand
1. Always set monthly and quarterly milestones of your
features and benefits as a product.
2. Set your milestones keeping in view your personal
capabilities (type of vehicle), circumstance of the
domestic and professional family (type of road), and
other factors including political, legal, cultural,
religious and environmental (weather).
3. Monitor your performance does it match with your
features and benefits as a products.
4. Evaluate how this brand is perceived in the market, as
per performance or below/above performance.

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Career Opportunity Management
Prepare yourself as Brand
5. If it is as per performance, its good. Keep it up.
6. If it is below performance, improve communication
process with the target customers.
7. If it is above performance, immediately work on your
features/benefits to upgrade the performance as per
the perception of your target customers.

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Career Lifecycle
Career Life Cycle Details
1. In this universe every living or non living thing has its
own lifespan which is different from others.
2. Every lifespan is comparable only within its own class,
in order to determine and mark it as short, long or
3. In the same way life span of a career is required to be
defined along with its different stages and respective
duration of each stage.
4. After being designed, it is called ‘Career Lifecycle’ and
used as benchmark of growth and progression

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Career Life Cycle
Career Position Minimum Duration Maximum Duration

Trainee 06 month 02 Years

Frontline Worker 01 year 04 Years

Line Manager 02 years 06 Years

Middle Management 03 years 08 Years

Top Management 10 years 20 Years

Entrepreneurship Yes No

Consultant Yes Yes

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Job Lifecycle
Job Life Cycle Details
Job life cycle is a bit different 1. All jobs are not set up to satisfy us for a lifetime.
from career life cycle. There is
2. A job has a life cycle characterized by various stages.
no benchmark duration for it,
it is just the game of timely 3. This movement from Idealize to Devalue is different
judgment for the sequence of for everyone.
events as ‘signal for decision’. 4. Some employees even skip stages.
5. Moving through each of these periods can take just a
few weeks or many years.
6. If you can recognize where you are at each stage you
can improve your experience or prepare for a
successful exit.

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Job Lifecycle
Ideal Stage Details
Once you have accepted a 1. This is the stage where your mistakes are noted and
position, you are likely to feel communicated but in very soft words.
it as your ideal because … 2. You are motivated and excited about this new position and
the potential it has.
3. This period is characterized by high motivation and
4. You perceive your supervisor as someone you can work for
and is an individual that will be committed to your success.
5. The job duties seem potentially challenging and
rewarding. You are ready to begin this new chapter of your

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Job Lifecycle
Compromise Stage Details
Once you have accepted a 1. This is the period where your mistakes are noted and
position, you are likely to feel communicated boldly and openly with an advice to improve
it as your ideal because … but there is no reprimand for it .
2. Most employers expect that you have been given sufficient
time to settle and now you should start to contribute.
3. It can be a period where you have permission to make
mistakes and be forgiven but these are impacting you
4. You may even start doubting about your own abilities to do
this new job.
5. Both parties are adjusting at this point, so strive hard to make
yourself productive at this stage.

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Job Lifecycle
Compromise Stage Details
Once you have accepted a 6. you may think this was not the best choice.
position, you are likely to feel 7. Reality sets in and a gap forms between the ideal and the
it as your ideal because … real. After you settle in, the reality becomes clearer.
8. The job and work environment turn out to be different than
what you envisioned.
9. You are still learning, however, the job duties may be more
routine, boring, and less exciting than you expected.
10. Your co-workers and supervisor are not exactly what you
thought they would be like.
11. You may feel disappointed or frustrated.
12. This is a transitional phase and enters either into performance
phase through reconciliation or job switching through

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Job Lifecycle
Reconciliation Stage Details
It is considered as a ‘Lucky 1. It acts as the base of the performance stage.
Stage’ as there are many
2. Employee starts realizing that he or she will have to
people where this stage is
skipped and the employee adapt as per the culture and requirements of the
goes directly in the stage of organization.
devaluation. 3. Employee starts realizing that he or she will be paid in
the long run out of his/her own contribution in the
productivity of the organization.
4. Organization acknowledges its employees sense of
realization and waits for his/her productivity eagerly.

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Job Lifecycle
Reconciliation Stage Details
It is considered as a ‘Lucky 5. You are advised to:
Stage’ as there are many 1. Be tactful,
people where this stage is 2. find ways to fit in and gain acceptance,
skipped and the employee
3. start to lay the foundation for collaboration with team
goes directly in the stage of
devaluation. members,
4. search for focus and direction.
5. Begin to develop a daily work routine.

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Job Lifecycle
Performance Stage Details
Performance can never be 1. It is characterized by your highest degree of mastery
achieved without
of the job and highest productivity.
reconciliation between
employer and an employee. 2. Your energy is focused on accomplishing tasks and
This is the most paying stage goals.
for the employee as well as for 3. Your self-confidence and competence are excellent.
employer 4. You have raised your visibility.
5. You are fully integrated into the work group and
organization; you are able to better negotiate
changes effectively.
6. This stage can be prolonged by periodic addition of
integrated challenges and rewards.

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Job Lifecycle
Plateau Stage Details
Your professional development 1. You are not learning very much and your enthusiasm
in this job has leveled off or
has waned.
declined. You notice an
increase in routine and 2. You have lost a sense of urgency or caring. You are
decrease in challenge and maintaining your work performance, but there is not
creativity. a lot beyond that.
3. What you may need to do is to reinvent your job or
reposition yourself.
4. You can continue to keep yourself marketable by join
professional associations, training others, taking on
new projects, upgrading old knowledge, learning new
skills, networking, attending seminars or classes.

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Job Lifecycle
Devalue Stage Details
At this stage you are feeling 1. This stage appears either after plateau stage or
mostly negative about your
directly after compromise stage.
job. Your commitment to the
job and employer wanes. 2. If it is followed by plateau stage, then the employee is
suggested not to wait too long in switching the job
and if it is followed by compromise stage then the
employee must as per the requirement of
3. Prolonged stay at this stage can ruin the whole career
as you may have to face poor performance
evaluation, keeping out of key meetings, explanation
calls or even termination.

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Career Opportunity Management

Acquiring Job as part of

Checklist that can convert job switching
into career opportunity management

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Career Opportunity Management
If you want to acquire … New Job
1. Whenever you are going to acquire a new job, you
must ask yourself that acquisition of a new job is as
per my plan/relevant to my plan or not ?
2. Does it match my sustained, short term, medium
term or long term objectives?
3. Do I need to switch the job, or the requirement is just
to manage my stress ?
4. Is it due to professional reasons, or some personal
reasons are there behind this decision? If the reason
is personal then is there any guarantee that same
personal reasons will not happen in my next job ?

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Career Opportunity Management
If you want to acquire … New Job
5. What is the total scoring of current and new job if I
calculate it keeping in view my all 4 objective types?
6. Is this difference positive and significant ?
7. Am I following S.I.S principle?

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Career Opportunity Management
If you don’t want to acquire … New Job
1. Does it match my sustained, short term, medium
term or long term objectives?
2. Is it due to professional reasons, or just because of
my loyalty to the corporate ?
3. Did I compare my loyalty with the corporate to the
corporate loyalty with me or to people like me?
4. Did I compare my loyalty with the corporate to that
of my loyalty with my family?
5. Can I define loyalty with corporate ?
6. Can I define loyalty with the family ?
7. Can I define loyalty with the industry?

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Question & Answers

A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.

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