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CV through CV

Communicating Curriculum
Value Vitae
A Presentation by Holistic Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.
CV Writer Curriculum Vitae

1. Points of consideration
2. Employers objectives
3. Applicants objectives 1. Chronological
Preparation 4. Conventional Applicants Types 2. Functional
Methodology 3. Hybrid (Mix)
5. Recommended Applicant’s

1. Type of organization to be
applied, 1. Font Selection & Formatting.
Considerations 2. Type of CV reader, 2. Language Style.

To classify & identify:

3. Type of the job for which Procedure 3. Title & Photograph
you are going to apply, 4. Objective writing and
4. Written job descriptions & 5. Much more …..

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Preparation of CV writing:
1. Introduction
2. Points of consideration
3. Employers objectives
4. Applicants objectives
5. Conventional Applicants Methodology
6. Recommended Applicant’s Methodology

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae Introduction

1. Curriculum vitae (CV) is a summary of a job applicant's:
a. Professional experience,
b. Educational background,
c. Other relevant & meaningful information.
2. Curriculum vitae is a Latin expression which can be loosely
translated as the “course of my life”.
3. C.V is meant to tailor the emphasis of the information
according to the requirements of a particular position for
which the job seeker is applying.
4. In Pakistan it is used synonymously to that of resume,
whereas in west resume is short and summarized than CV.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae Points of Consideration

There are many points which are needed to be addressed
before posting a CV. These are as under:
1. Applicant is always an applicant while posting a CV
whereas employer can be:
i. The entrepreneur himself, or
ii. The HR department (may simply be HR officer), or
iii. Line Manager or
iv. A recruiting agency.
2. Perspective of looking into the CV differs with the
difference of the viewer of the CV.
3. But whoever will be the viewer, keep in mind one thing
that he/she cant spare long time with each CV, and will
largely respond on the 1st impression of the CV.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae Employer’s Objectives

1. Academically the objective of an employer is to short list
the applicants for detailed interview after reviewing:
a. Relevance of the candidate with the vacant job position
b. Compatibility of the applicants objectives with the
objectives of the vacant job position.
c. Previous results of an applicant
d. Consistency of applicants past and present, aptitude and
job selection, job selection and working, working and
performance, performance and growth, growth & stability.
2. Employer does it to varying level as per his/her own or
organization’s profile.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae Applicant’s Objectives

1. Academically the objective of an applicant is to get noticed
and short listed for the detailed interview to impress the
2. Practically I have seen different objectives:
a. Ease of preparing the CV. These type of people request
their friends to give their CV so that they can amend it as
per their qualification and experience.
b. Ease of posting the CV. To prepare a generalized CV that
can be posted to every organization to every vacancy.
c. Impress the employer directly with their CV, for which
they prepare a detailed version of their CV.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae Applicant’s Methodology

1. There are few people who want to differentiate their CV and
in order to achieve it they compare different CVs before
designing their own CV, OR seek help a CV expert to get their
CV designed by them and then use it as a ‘Master Key’ to
open all types of ‘Vacancy Locks’.
2. Remember one thing, no key is a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ key and
outcome of a key can not be determined by its resemblance
or difference from any other key.
3. A key can only be successful by its compatibility with
the specifications with the key hole of the targeted

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae Recommended Methodology

1. In the same way, a CV can only be successful by its
compatibility with the:
1. Type of organization,
2. Type of CV reader,
3. Type of the job for which you are going to apply,
4. written job descriptions, practical job requirements,
5. job specifications.
2. All these collectively determine the type of CV you should
3. Irrespective of the type of CV, you need to start with the
objective .
4. Objective of the CV is a bridge between your own profile
and the profile of the announced job

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Applicant’s considerations for CV writing:
It is to classify & identify:
1. Type of organization to be applied,
2. Type of CV reader,
3. Type of the job for which you are going to apply,
4. Written job descriptions & specifications

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Must Consider … Type of Organization

1. There are different ways of classifying organizations but
we will remain focused to its classification with respect to
their focus on different aspects of the profile of the
2. These can be classified in 3 major classes:
a. Academic approach
b. Experience approach
c. Aptitude & Skills approach
3. All these segments are mandatory to be mentioned in a
CV, but the focus of the CV as per the focus of the
organization, it maximizes the chance of being short listed.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Must Consider … Type of CV Reader

1. Consideration of the type of reader of a CV is a dynamic
process where you have to evaluate the CV viewer in
multiple ways narrated as under:
1. Qualification, experience, skills.
2. Hobbies, lifestyle and social connections.
3. Hierarchy, designation and hierarchical distance with the
vacant job position.
4. Line manager, staff manager or entrepreneur himself.
5. Most important, KSF in his life
2. It is very difficult to evaluate all the parameters of the CV
reader every time you are submitting the CV, but a good
orientation does pay in the process of being short listed.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Must Consider … Type of Job

1. The most famous classification of the type of job is
from front line worker to the level of top
2. As we need to know the impact of type of job on CV
writing, so we will look into its types which can
determine the type of CV we should prepare. Hence,
we will classify it as under:
a. Dealing with objects
b. Dealing with humans
c. Composite

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Must Consider … Job Description

1. This is the most difficult part of your CV to write
because your sections on education and the list of
previous jobs needed to focus on static facts
2. By contrast when correlating your responsibilities
and achievements you need to be more creative (and
I don’t mean lying!). You need to tailor this section to
each job you apply for.
3. This is your opportunity to really sell yourself. Think of
your CV as a way to market your own skills,
experience and knowledge.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Must Consider … Job Description

4. The best way to sell yourself is to use positive action verbs
and no negatives.
5. Review the described JDs of the employer carefully for
following aspects:
a) Never miss any major or minor JD.
b) Integrate all JDs given by the employer and establish a link
between each individual JD with rest of the JDs.
c) Re-organize those JDs as per their functionality.
d) Compare these for perceived overlap at up and down
hierarchies, to prevent any emphasis on any particular JD
that can impact you negatively.

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Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Must Consider … Job Description

6. Verb phrases are the strongest way to describe previous
job responsibilities.
7. To write verb phrases, pretend you're telling someone
about your job, beginning each sentence with "I. . . . " For
example, "I supervise ten employees. I organize mass
mailings. I arrange airline and hotel reservations." On the
resume, you omit the "I" and use only the remaining verb
phrases to describe the work you do: "Supervise ten
employees. Organize mass mailings. Arrange airline and
hotel reservations."
8. Use present tense verb phrases for jobs you currently hold
and past tense for former jobs.

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Prevailing trends and types of CV
There are 03 major types of CVs:
1. Chronological
2. Functional
3. Hybrid (Mix)

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Types of a CV
Chronological Functional Hybrid

You list all your jobs in Use this type in case your The advantages of both previous
chronological order beginning professional career is types of CV are put together in
with the recent one and ending heterogeneous, unusual or this case. However, it is more
with the oldest one. Personnel short, you want to find a job time-consuming and demands
clerks like this type of CV the after a long time of being more careful preparation.
best because it is clearly unemployed or in case you are
organized. looking for your first job.

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Types of a CV
Chronological Definition

You list all your jobs in 1. It is a style in which the entire work history as well as the
chronological order beginning educational qualification is described in an organized
with the recent one and ending manner starting from the most recent one.
with the oldest one. Personnel 2. The basic format of this type of CV comprises of a brief
clerks like this type of CV the
best because it is clearly objective, a chronologically arranged work history,
organized. educational qualification, professional membership, skill
summary, and other relevant credits.
3. Although the style of resume is very popular in the job
market, there are certain disadvantages that cannot be
ignored. Listed below are some of the advantages and
disadvantages of chronological resume.

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Chronological CV
1. Particularly useful for those applying within the same industry as it will
demonstrate your career progression.
2. It is the favorite format for most employers, who simply want to get a feel
for your career to date.
3. If you do not have many achievements across your career, taking a job by
job approach will save you having a separate “Achievements” section.
1. If you have gaps in your employment which you would rather not discuss, a
chronological CV will make them prominent.
2. If you are changing career direction, a chronological CV will add little
information to your new employer, who will be more concerned about the
transferable skills that you are bringing rather than the detail of your
experience in an unrelated sector.

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Types of a CV
Functional Definition

Use this type in case your 1. Unlike a chronological CV, a functional CV places the
professional career is emphasis on your skills and expertise rather than the
heterogeneous, unusual or
short, you want to find a job
chronology of you employment to date.
after a long time of being 2. A functional CV typically starts with a personal profile
unemployed or in case you are which highlights the achievements, skills and personal
looking for your first job.
qualities that you possess.
3. This is then followed by a succession of sections, each
relating to a different skill or ability.
4. These should be ordered in decreasing order of

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Functional CV
1. If you have changed jobs frequently, if your experience is a mish-mash of
seemingly unrelated posts or if you have several career gaps, a functional CV
will help place the emphasis on what you have to offer as a whole rather
than on the chronology.
2. If you are changing industry, a functional CV will help the recruiter focus on
your transferable skills.
3. If you are a more mature applicant, a functional CV will take the spotlight
away from your age.
1. If you do not have much work experience, you may struggle to highlight
achievements in a separate section.
2. A functional CV will not enable you to highlight consistent career
progression. If you wish to convey career progression, you should adopt a
chronological format.

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Types of a CV
Hybrid Definition
1. The advantages of both previous types of CV are put
together in this case.
2. However, it is more time-consuming and demands more
careful preparation.
3. It follows both the chronological and functional
formats, which makes the CV slightly longer than

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Hybrid CV
1. Perfect format if you have a strong career progression with many
2. Enables you to sell your strengths as well as your experience
1. Lengthier than a functional or chronological CV
2. Failing to get the attention with the right profile at the start of
the CV may result in the whole CV remaining unread.
3. Not suitable for those with little experience or achievements.
4. Not suitable for those with employment gaps
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Start Writing CV
1. Font Selection & Formatting.
2. Language Style.
3. Title & Photograph
4. Objective writing
5. When to start with objective
6. When not to start with objective
7. Specimen of recommended and forbidden objectives
8. Educational background
9. Employment History
10. Skills & Achievements
11. Length of the CV

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1 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Font Selection & Formatting
1. Here you need to consider the font type and the font size
which is clear, well spaced out and easy to read.
2. You may be tempted to use a fancy font to make your CV
stand out, however, it is best to stick to classic types which
are easy to read and available in MS office as if you use a
unique font that that is not available at reader’s end, may
create an unforeseen problem for you .
3. Although you might want to use small-sized writing in
order to fit more on your page, the ideal is a font that is no
less than 11pt. Too small will mean that your reader can't
see it and might just toss it to one side. Writing that is too
big will also have a similar effect.

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1 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Font Selection & Formatting
4. Stick to one any font and use it throughout the document,
otherwise it will look messy and do not use capital letters
unless you are starting a sentence or writing a title or sub-
title, as this looks blurry to the eye.
5. Always use black color.
6. Underlining and italics may only be necessary in certain
cases but are not essential to a CV. Only use if they
enhance the appearance of the document, making it
clearer and easier to read, and don't clutter up the page.
7. Do not let these effects distract from the content of the

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2 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Language Style
1. Brief statements, bullet points and a punchy style are the
2. Do not use long sentences or long paragraphs and try to
get your message across in the shortest way possible.
3. Sentences should be between 10 - 20 words.
4. Do not use abbreviated words unless they are commonly
understood by everyone.
5. Start with action verbs.
6. Avoid proverbs, jargons or uncommon, unfamiliar old
English words, as these may impair the understanding of
the content.

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3 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Title & Photograph
1. Starting with the top of the document, a very common
mistake is to write the title "CV, Curriculum Vitae, Resume"
or similar.
2. None of these should be included, as it should be plainly
obvious that the document is your CV.
3. Title of your CV must be your name.
4. Unless you are applying for a modelling job, do not send a
photograph of yourself with your CV. It used to be the case
previously, but is no longer deemed necessary as it has
been seen extensively to shortlist people on the basis of
subjective personality assessments.

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4 Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae Objective of CV

1. A resume objective is a short, powerful statement at the
top of your CV that tells the employer exactly how you
will be of value to their organization.
2. Given that employers scan each resume at lightning
speed before deciding whether to read on or not, the
objective maximizes your opportunity to grab their
attention in those precious seconds.
3. In short, it's an introduction that provides an instant
sense of how you would fit into the advertised role. If it
works properly, it will get your CV looked at more

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4 Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae When not to start with the objective …

Never start your CV with the objective when:

1. There are a number of potential positions for which
you are qualified in the organization, even if these
are not advertised, as it will limit your options.
2. You can't be specific about the job you're targeting.
3. Your resume is to be used at a job portal, with an
extensive job opportunities and
4. You have just an ordinary match with any of the
available job.

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4 Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae When to start with the objective …

1. Always start your CV with an objective when:
a) You are an entry level applicants and recent
graduates, as you need to focus on what you will
have to do as you have nothing to show what you
b) You have only one or two years of work experience.
c) You are changing career to show the employer what
you can add to the organization with this change.
2. It's important to only include an objective statement
when you are targeting a particular job, so that it can
relate your skills and experience directly to that
employer's needs.

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4 Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

Curriculum Vitae How to start with the objective …

1. If you use ‘Objective’ then make it very specific, not
vague and meaningless.
2. Avoid words like try, strive, challenge etc.
3. In close context with the specific vacancy.
4. Mention those skills which are very closely relevant to
the objectives of the vacant position.
5. Keep it short and punchy.
6. It must also be relevant to rest of your CV, as if you
wrote a short and punchy statement but irrelevant to
your profile then again, it can damage your profile in
front of the viewer of your CV.

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4 Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

CV Objectives Specimen Objectives - Not Recommended

1. “To obtain a position that will enable me to use my
educational background and transferable skills to
manage and create new opportunities in the business
2. “To obtain a full time position in the Human
Resources Training Department."
3. “To occupy a position in the Business and Marketing
Administration field."
4. "To obtain a position which will enable me to utilize
my education and experience in the pharmaceutical

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4 Communicating Value through Curriculum Viate

CV Objectives Recommended
1. To achieve the set targets for the position of XYZ by
performing in the field with an optimum utility of my
communication and interpersonal skills.
2. To reduce the sales versus expense ratio, while
maintaining the sales growth by comparing the
positive findings of the cost pattern of the corporate
with rest of the industry and also with its own
objectives of profitability.
3. To ensure the productivity of the corporate by
achieving the task of market research in a way
compatible with corporate growth objectives.

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5 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Educational Background
1. If you are just out of school or university then this section
would be of utmost importance, due to your lack of
experience in the work field.
2. As you gain experience in the professional field, your
educational history will have lesser importance to your
potential employer and you can place it lower down on the
page of your CV.
3. As with your employment history, list your academic
achievements in reverse chronological order.
4. It will suffice to write the name of your qualification, the
grade in brackets (optional) and the name of the institution
where the qualification was gained.

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6 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Employment History
1. Employers are slightly uncomfortable if employment
dates are not included, and so it is best to include them
if there are no long gaps in your employment history.
2. If there are gaps, it would be better to use the
functional CV. However, periods of unemployment can
often be explained without causing worry to the
potential employer.
3. Focus in terms of your role rather than your actual title.
4. After this comes the substance of your CV and details of
all of your experience, achievements and contributions
to your previous company, set out in bullet points.

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7 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Skills & Achievements
1. If using the functional or skills-based CV format, this section
will appear before the employment and education sections
and will make up the bulk of the CV.
2. This section is crucial, particularly if you are lacking in
academic qualifications.
3. Here, you list all achievements that you recorded in your
previous jobs, as well as all other contributions that you may
have made and all skills required to carry out that position.
4. Include things such as "Set up system for tracking incoming
correspondence” or “improving turnaround time by over
10%" or "responsible for managing a team of 6 staff" and
"won sales award for most sales generated in one year etc.

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8 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Length
1. A CV should be no more than two sides of A-4 paper
and the general rule is one page to every 05 years of
work experience.

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Close Your CV:
1. Review your CV
2. Interview yourself asking questions from CV
3. Prepare Cover letter
1. Its significance and difference from CV
2. Standards and Rules
3. Worst way to start
4. Best way to start
5. An optimist Closing

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2 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Review
1. There is nothing more irritating for potential employers
than a document that is full of spelling mistakes and
grammatical errors.
2. Use spell check from the computer but be careful with
spell-checks on the computer, as they sometimes change
actual technical words with ‘right normal’ but wrong
situational words.
3. A document with mistakes can give the impression that
you are careless and hasty in your work.
4. Once your CV is written, go back and check the document
at least twice or get someone else to do it, as it is often
easy to overlook your own mistakes.

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2 Start Writing CV
Cover Letter Significance and Difference from CV
1. These days no CV is complete without sending a cover
letter to go with it.
2. The cover letter is just as important as the CV itself in
that it is a way of introducing yourself to the employer
in a less formal manner than in your CV.
3. Your CV is a rigid and impersonal document, whilst your
covering letter should show you as a real person rather
than just another name on a piece of paper.
4. An impressive cover letter, will spark interest and give
you a head start above the other candidates.

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2 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Standards & Rules
1. As there are certain rules that apply to writing CVs, there are
also a number of important DOs and DON'Ts when writing
the cover letter. Read the following information to give you a
better idea of what to say, and more importantly what not to
say in your covering letter.
2. Your cover letter should be:
1. Brief, & Written in simple language
2. No more than five paragraphs, with each paragraph being
two or three sentences long.
3. No more than 250 words with plenty of white space
4. Absolutely no spelling or grammatical errors,
5. No stains or smudges on the paper.

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2 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Worst way to start
1. The last option to start your cover letter is with the phrase
"Dear Sir" or "To whom it may concern".
2. Go out of your way to find out the name of a specific
person to address your CV to.
3. It should be someone in management, someone with
hiring power or someone who can refer you to the person
with the hiring power.
4. Starting the cover letter with the name of the correct
person shows that you are focused, determined to get an
interview and that you pay attention to detail - all good
qualities for any job.

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2 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … Best way to start
1. Start with a punchy first line that is sure to grab the reader's attention
and entice them to read more.
2. Explain the reason for contact, how you found out about the
position/company and what you have to offer.
3. If you are responding to a job vacancy advert, make sure that you
mention which post you are interested in and specifically how your
particular skills and background relate to that specific vacancy.
4. If you are sending your CV to the company in the hope that they may
have a job for you, then say why you want to work for that company, as
opposed to all the others. Show that you have the knowledge about
their company through research and say what you can do for them and
not what they can do for you.
5. Give a few examples of reasons why that company might be interested
in giving you a job and back them up with proof of qualifications or

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2 Start Writing CV
Must Consider … An optimist closing
1. A common mistake that people make when they send out their CVs is that they
then sit back and wait for things to happen.
2. More often than not they are left waiting a long time.
3. It is essential these days that you ask for a meeting and that you tell the
employer that you will follow up the receipt of your CV with a phone call in a
week's time, for example. Ensure that you stick to what you say.

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Question & Answers

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