Aspect Psychosocial Interaction Between Family Member

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Aspect psychosocial interaction

between family member

A.J. Tanra

Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa FK-

Umi/ FK- Unhas, Makassar
Psychosocial stage & developmental task

1. Oral-sensory stage (birth to 1 year) : trust vs

2. Muscular-anal stage (1 to 3 years) : autonomy
vs shame & doubt.
3. Locomotor-genital stage (3 to 6 years) :
initiative vs guilt.
4. Latency (6 to 12 years) : industry vs inferiority.
5. Adolescence ( 12 to 18 or 20 years) : identity
vs role diffusion.
6. Young adulthood (20 to 30 years) :
intimacy vs isolation.
7. Adulthood (30 to 65 years) : generativity
vs self absorption or stagnation.
8. Maturity (65 years and older) : ego
integrity vs despair.
Definiton of Family
Three major classes of definitions in current use :
1. Structural
a. Extended family
- related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
- biology and social legitimacy.
b. Nuclear family
- live together in one household
- family of orientation
- family of procreation
2. Functional
- Psychososial system
- Commitment to mutual need fulfillment and nurturance.
3. Transactional
- Strong reciprocal affections and
- Emotional and experiental bonds.
Crisis and the Family life cycle

Crisis :
- any event, personal or interpersonal,
within or outside the family, that requires
adaptive response from a family.
- increases the stress, can lead to a decline
in the family`s health.
- an adequate family functioning requires
these stresses be recognized and
validated and subsequently mastered.
Family Therapy

1. Behavioral-psychoeducational
2. Structural and strategic approaches.
3. Intergenerational-experiental approaches.

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