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Uraninite, also known as

pitchblende, is the most

common ore mined to
extract uranium
Uranium mining results
in higher levels of
radium in water near
uranium mines.
Plants then absorb this
radium from the water
and the soil.

Animals that eat these

plants will then
accumulate radium.
Finally, radium may
then concentrate in fish
and other aquatic
organisms and bio
magnify up the food

Bio magnification:
Biomagnification is the sequence of
processes in an ecosystem by which
A hypothetical
higher concentrations of a
example of the
particular chemical, such as the
biomagnification of
pesticide DDT, are reached in
mercury in water up
organisms higher up the food
through the food
chain, generally through a series of
chain and into a
prey-predator relationships.
wading bird's eggs.
General health impacts that can be caused are:
• Lower testosterone levels
• Skin cancer
• Bronchitis
• Emphysema
• Lung cancer
• Leukaemia (with an increased risk in
• Kidney cancer
• Chromosomal abnormality
• Bone cancer
Depleted Uranium found in the earth and water is taken up
by plant life. It is ingested by humans and animals through
the food chain.
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© U.S. Air Force / photo/Maj. David Kurle

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