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Effective Communications in Business

Chapter [1] – Exercises {3}

Assignment Presented By

Group [3]

© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]

Miscommunicating in Translations. See if you can interpret
the following letter sent from a Japanese supplier to an
:American company

We are glad to inform you that hand-made samples. My apology for this belated
hand-made samples. Trial hand-made sample the point at issue

The pump sample is no good. Thickness no equality. By reason of machine is . 1

.out of order. But directly by mended of machine it is no trouble
This is plate sample no clear and stained with grain of good. But no trouble in . 2
.case of mass production

You may be well assured we shall exert ourselves to the utmost to prove
.ourselves deserving of your recommendation

Yours Sincerely

© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]

Type of Communication
External Communication

Components of Communication

Context – {Culture, Direct translation}<

Sender-encoder – {Japanese supplier}<
Message – {Verbal}<
Medium – {Written}<
Receiver-decoder – {American company}<
Feedback – {Not mention}<

© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]

Objectives of Communication
To Inform<
To Apologize<
To Explain<
To Persuade<

Communication Problems in Convention of


.You’re not sure what the writer is trying to say<

.The writing doesn’t flow rhythm<
.Grammatically not in style<
.Lots of unnecessary details<
© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]
Effective Writing

.Completeness: All information needed is provided<

.Correctness: Relevant and precise information<
.Credibility: Support your statement<
.Clarity: Should not be vague, confusing, ambiguous<
.Conciseness: To the point<
.Consideration: anticipate the reader’s reaction<
Vitality: Use active voice rather than the passive voice<

© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]

Effective Writing Steps


And Drafting

Editing Revising

© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]

Utilize full potential of written communication<
How you communicate will ultimately<
define you as a professional to your colleagues
and superiors
Match the appropriate communication method<
to the recipient
Eliminating excessive or unnecessary<
communication will improve your workflow
Mastering these skills will improve your<
.ability and enhance your career

© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]


© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]


© Diploma in Marketing [Batch-6] - Group [3]

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