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Formulating Research

Problems, Questions
and Hypotheses
Sathish Rajamani M.Sc (N)
Learning Objectives
 Describe the general  Describe the difference
steps in the research between Level I, II, and
process III studies
 Describe process of  Describe the use of
identifying a research research questions vs.
problem hypotheses in a
 Define research research study
questions, directional
and non-directional

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Research Defined
 Research is an organized and
systematic way to find answers to

 Research is a creative process

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Why is research important to the
profession of nursing?
 Nursing research provides a scientific
knowledge base for practice.

 Knowledge obtained from sound

research is transformed into clinical
practice, leading to nursing practice
that is evidence-based.

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Research and Nursing
 “The nurse must be a knowledgeable
consumer of research, one who can
critique research and use existing
standards to determine the merit and
readiness for research use in clinical
practice” (ANA, 1997; AACN, 1998b).

 LB-W & H p. 7

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Developing & Refining a
Research Problem
 Research study should include:
A specific problem area
 Review of relevant literature
 Significance to nursing
 Feasibility

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Research Topics

 Nursing research topics include

studies of patient populations, or an
individual’s response to health
problems, or potential health problems.

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The Research Idea
 Professional experience
 Burning questions
 Yours
 Others

 Literature
 Professional meetings
 Discussions

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Research Topics
 Observations
 Behaviors
 Concepts
 Theories
 Testing of assessment and intervention

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Criteria for developing a good
research question: FINER
 Feasibility
 Interesting
 Novel
 Ethical
 Relevant

 Cummings et al. 2001

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 Feasible  Ethical
 Subjects  Social or scientific value
 Resources  Safe
 Manageable
 Relevant
 Data available?
 Advance scientific
 Interesting knowledge?
 Novel  Influence clinical practice?
 In relation to previous findings  Impact health policy?
 Confirm or refute?  Guide future research?
 New setting, new population

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Narrowing the research topic
 Idea → brainstorming
 Literature review
 Identify the variables for study
 Formulate research problems and

 LB-W & H p. 51 – see fig. 3-1

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A Research Question Must

1. The variables under study

2. The population being studied
3. The testability of the question

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Variables in research
 Have 2 or more properties or qualities
 Age, sex, weight, height

 Is one variable related to another?

“ Is X related to Y? What is the effect of X on Y?” etc.

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Variables in research
 Independent  Dependent variable:
variable:  Something that varies
 has a presumed effect with a change in the
on the dependent independent variable
variable (outcome)  Outcome variable
 May or may not be

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 The population to be
studied must be
specified in the
research question

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 Research problem must imply that the
problem is measurable/testable
 Example of a poorly phrased research
 “Should postoperative patients control how
much pain medication they receive?”
 How would you revise the question?

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Characteristics to Consider
 Research questions
 Cannot be answered by yes/no
 Should ask:
 What happens when?
 What’s going on here?
 How does this happen?
 Why does one thing work better than another?

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 What is the relationship between
effectiveness of pain management
strategies and quality of life?

 How do older adults adapt to living

with early stage dementia?

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Purpose Statement

 The purpose of the study encompasses

the aims or goals the investigator
wants to accomplish
 Purpose ≠ Question

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12/07/21 LB-W & H p. 58 Box 3-2 21
Research Questions
 Research studies do not always
contain hypotheses

 Exploratory and descriptive studies

may pose research questions instead

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What is a researchable
 Helps solve a problem, add to theory, or
improve nursing practice

 Needs to be usable, current, and clear

 Provides answers that will explain,

describe, identify, predict or qualify

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Guidelines for writing research
 Start with a simple question
 Has one stem and one topic
 Action-oriented
 The way you ask a question determines
how you will answer it

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Writing the research question
 Examples:
 What are the health beliefs of the Amish?
 What is the relationship between preoperative
teaching and postoperative pain?
 Why does increased assertiveness in nurses
lead to lower nosocomial infection rates?

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 Statement about the relationship
between 2 or more variables
 Converts the question into a statement
that predicts an expected outcome
 A unit or subset of the research

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Characteristics of hypotheses
 Declarative statement that identifies the
predicted relationship between 2 or
more variables
 Testability
 Based on sound scientific

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 Hypotheses may not always be
explicitly stated
 Wording must include:
 The variables
 The population being studied
 The predicted outcome of the hypothesis

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Directional vs. Non-Directional
 Directional hypothesis
 Specifies the direction of the relationship
between independent and dependent
 Non-directional hypothesis
 Shows the existence of a relationship
between variables but no direction is specified

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 Directional hypothesis
 Cardiac patients who receive support from former
patients have less anxiety and higher self-efficacy
than other patients
 Non-directional hypothesis
 There is a difference in anxiety and self-efficacy
between cardiac patients who receive support from
former patients and those who do not

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Research vs. Statistical
 Research hypothesis = scientific hypothesis
 Statement about the expected relationship of the
 Can be directional or nondirectional

 Statistical hypothesis = null hypothesis

 States there is no relationship between the variables

 L-B, W & H p. 66-67

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Example: Statistical Hypothesis

 Oxygen inhalation by nasal cannula of

up to 6L/min does not affect oral
temperature measurement taken with
an electronic thermometer.
 Variables?
 other examples?

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Levels of Questions
 Level I  Level III
 Little to no literature is  There is a great deal of
available on the topic and knowledge about the topic
the purpose is to describe and the purpose of the
what is found as it exists study is to test the theory
naturally through direct manipulation
 Level II of the variables
 There is knowledge about
the topic but relationships
among the variables are
not well known

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Level I Questions
 Lead to exploration and result in a
complete description of the topic
 Examples:
 What are the characteristics of suicidal
 What are the spiritual needs of transplant

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Level II Questions
 Build on the results of  Examples:
Level I studies  What is the relationship
 Look for relationships between relaxation and
pain in postoperative
between the variables patients?
 What is the relationship
among nutrition, birth
weight of the newborn, and
age of the mother?

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Level III Questions
 Builds on the results of previous
 Lead to experimental designs
 Examples:
 Why does patient satisfaction increase with
positive attitudes toward self-care?
 Why does increased vitamin C decrease skin
fragility in elderly people?

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Summary of Level I, II, and III
 Level I questions have only one
variable and one population
 Level II requires a minimum of 2
variables in one population
 At level III there must be 2 variables
that specify a cause and effect

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 What are the body positions into which
nurses place LBW intubated infants?
 What is the relationship between body
positions and heart rate in the LBW
intubated infants?
 Why does supine body positioning
decrease heart rate in the intubated
LBW infant?

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Summary Points
 Preliminary steps in the  Research questions
research process illustrate a relationship
include forming a between variables,
research problem, identify independent
questions and and dependent
hypotheses variables, include a
 A hypothesis attempts population, and imply
to answer the question that a problem is
posed by the research testable

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Your questions?

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