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Questions about birth control?

Types of Birth Control and Common Side Effects Associated

Don’t know what to ask? Effectiveness with Birth Control
There are many different kinds of birth control – all Change in sex drive
with different uses and side effects. You may have Bleeding or spotting between periods
many questions about birth control, so we have
answered the most commonly asked questions for
Sore breasts
you! Nausea
Headaches Irritability
How effective is birth control?
The type of birth control decides the effectiveness – IUDs
These side effects should not last for more
and the implant are the most effective.
You decide the effectiveness – being responsible with your than three months. If side effects do last
birth control method and staying consistent allows for more longer than three months talk with your
health care provider about switching your
Is it expensive?
Currently under the Affordable Care Act, most insurances birth control.
will cover the visit to the provider as well as the cost of the
birth control. However, you must have insurance for this to
be available to you. Without insurance, visits can be What to do if you are interested in
anywhere from $35-$250, and prescriptions can cost up to
Male/female condoms: 18-21% fail rate starting birth control
Does it protect me from STDs?
Oral Contraceptives: 9% fail rate
The only forms of birth control that protect from STDs are Vaginal ring: 9% fail rate Visit
condoms or abstaining from sexual activity entirely. Injection: 6% fail rate
Is there birth control that addresses other health issues?
Some forms of birth control can help with heavy menstrual
Implant: 0.05% fail rate Go to any local health clinic or planned
periods, acne, menstrual cramps or other PMS symptoms. IUD: 0.2-0.8% fail rate parenthood clinic
Do I need a parent’s consent? Patch: 9% fail rate
In the state of Kansas, at the age of 14 you can get
prescribed birth control without a parent’s consent.
Sterilization: <1% fail rate See your primary care provider
S.M.A.R.T Goal
Specific: Create an educational flyer that informs mainly adolescent and
young adult women on different kinds of birth control and the effectiveness
of each kind. Give a 4-6-minute presentation on flyer to inform audience on
Measureable: Create a full page flyer and meet guidelines CDC’s Clear
Communication index/guidelines for moderate literacy level.
Attainable: scope of project reasonable with timeframe.
Relevant: Birth control is an effective way to prevent pregnancy in women.
Timely: project will be completed and ready to inform audience over by

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