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IT Project Management
Project Management
What is Project & Its Management ?
 It is a Art & Science of managing
phases and not just managing a
 It is management of temporary
endeavour undertaken to create
a unique product or service
called “project”.
 Every project management carries
a progressive elaboration which
Scope Management
What are the scope based in project management?
Scope in project management
 It ensures that the project includes
the complete task requirements and
also only selective work required.
 Scope of project is finalised based on
the total work needed to be
executed and the WBS required to
complete the phased sprints into the
 The review of the total work
executed by the team is constantly
taken under considerations after
Scope in project management (Conti..)
 The change control system includes
phases like Analyse, Evaluation,
Channel of approval and
 Scope also determines what is
included into the project and what
is not.
 Scope also helps in preventing extra
work apart from phases explained in
PM Scope Document.
 To define a successful scope
Scope in project management (Conti..)
 Scope management also includes
project scope & product scope
which are also the important
aspects of scope management.
 In project scope its all about work
done to deliver the product and in
product scope its all about the
functions and features that make
the product.
 Project scope planning understands
the project scope to stakeholders
What does Time Management Involve?
Time management of project
 It involves the identification of
scheduling activities which are
needed to perform to build the
project, organise them in well order
& estimate the type and resource
 This lifecycle of time management is
been reviewed throughout the
project, with duration estimation &
developing schedules.
 Project Activity Definition is
Time management of project (conti..)
 It involves the identification of
scheduling activities which are
needed to perform to build the
project, organise them in well order
& estimate the type and resource
 This lifecycle of time management is
been reviewed throughout the
project, with duration estimation &
developing schedules.
 Project Activity Definition is
Time management of project (conti..)
 Time management has some of the
tools & techniques like
decomposition, planning package,
polling wave planning which are of
project plan, work in package,
progress in details.
 The above tools leads us to the
outputs like Activity list, activity
attributes and , milestone list which
help in tracking the time schedules
of the project.
What Process Does Cost Management Have?
Cost Management Of Project
 Cost management includes process
like Cost Estimation, Determine Budget,
Controlling Budget.
 Estimating cost includes
approximation of cost to complete
the task whether its scope baseline or
project schedule & HR.
 Cost Management also defines level of
accuracy, units of measures,
organizational process, control
threshold, rules of performance
measure, reporting formats and
Cost Management Of Project (conti..)
 Determining the cost is aggregating
the estimated cost of an individual or
all authorized budget but excludes
 Expert judgement, analysis estimate and
parametric estimate are the tools used
for the cost determination.
 It should also consider the
stakeholders requirement for
capturing cost, and also consider the
all over effect of the system.
 Determining budget is also an
important role in the project
management as all over budget is to
Cost Management Of Project (conti..)
 Controlling the budget is the most
important thing when a project is
on-going, because it’s a process of
monitoring project status to
update the budget & manage cost
 Any increase in the budget requires
a change control cost which
means that managing actual
changes and when should they
How Human Resource Is Managed For Project?
HR Management Of Project
 Hr Management includes the process
that organise, manage and lead the
project team.
 Early involvement and participation
of the team members which adds
their expertise to plan the project.
 Hr in a project management is
responsible for the process like
initiating the task, planning for the
project, executing the planned task,
managing the project, controlling
the budget of the project and
finally closing the project.
HR Management Of Project (conti..)
 While all this process takes place a
successful ethical behaviour and
influencing the team members is
necessary for the smooth carry of
the project.
 Developing the Hr Plan needs
identifying the HR role,
documenting and assigning, project
roles and the responsibilities and
reporting the relationship.
 Hr Management includes creating
HR Management Of Project (conti..)
 Improving the teams interaction
and overall project performance
 The project manager should have
the skills to identify, build &
maintain the team and achieve high
 Team work is also a critical to
project success.
 Process of tracking team members,
performance providing feedback,
resolving issues, team assessment,
performance report, certificate of
appreciation, newsletters etc… are
Communication Management
How is communication done in a project management?
Communication Management Of Project
 Communication are of many types
internal & external communication,
formal & informal, vertical &
horizontal, official & unofficial,
written & oral, verbal & non-verbal
 It is a process of timely and
appropriate generation, collection,
distribution, storage, retrial &
disposition of the project
Communication Management Of Project
 Communication process is based on
identifying stakeholders, plan
communication, distribute info,
manage stakeholders expectation,
report performance, internal
consultants and external entities.
 People involved in project, process of
determining the information, plan to
share information when and where
required are the initial phase of
communication management.
 Process of collecting and distributing
Communication Management Of Project
 External entities like customers &
vendors are also managed in the
communication process.
 Managing stakeholders depends on
actively managing expectations,
addressing issues, clarity and resolve
issue, and increase the probability.
 Report performance depends on status
report as team performance, variance
report as analyse cost and schedule,
trend analysis as predict future
 Plan of communication is based on
interactive communication, Pull
We-Longue (2012)
 India’s first market place for the
home services which is currently
Headquartered in Mumbai and
branched currently in Pune.
 CEO Debadutta Upadhaya who was a
student of journalism but landed
into sales in Times Of India.
 Debadutta worked in Times of India,
Yahoo And now the current CEO of
 Debadutta is basically interested
into entrepreneur and making a
business which will be useful for the
people for daily needs and daily
 Deba’s habit of over achieving
targets in the companies were
because of born with purpose and
the work with purpose.
 TOI mentor Bhaskar Das is the man
who took her to the different
world, taking the opportunities as
full challenges of life and interest
into the entrepreneurship made her
change the step from corporate to
launching a start-up.
 She started the start-up of
Timesaverz in 2012 -2013 due to
irritation of the incorporation of
 In the 2 years of the business
Timesaverz has made a confirm
order of 5000 house hold services,
1000 partners and about spread of
business in 3 different cities.
 First customers or sales was a
member named Suraj Sinha who has
done for a electrical services.
 The first service lost by Timesaverz
was into a Aquarium in the Marine
Lines due to unavailability of
required resources.
 Few of the challenges faced by
Timesaverz is like Financial Size,
Building a proof of confidence
etc… and also took 18 months to
 Rita Verma is the Alumni of
Welingkars Institute in the year
 She has worked as a HR later builded
up to Executive VP to Mudra Group.
 She works as a COO to the Strategic
Business Partner to CEO also she has
won many HR Leadership Awards.
 Duality of working in HR and
completing the MBA was a
challenging task for Rita which
was managed well in the way future.
 Working in DDB Mudra since last 11
years, Company growth became from
 HR representatives was an important
role in her growth of the Mudra
Groups, to manage the resources
and tasks.
 DDB Mudra has a culture of People
Product Performance Wise through
out the world.
 9 box matrix is also used for the
people performance in the
management of the Mudra Groups.
 Mudra group follows a fixed type
of work type like, full time, part or
consultant type or a article or
project based contractual type.
 The management uses the media like
the newspaper, outer
communication, print media to
drive out the process of the business
all-over the world.
 Digital media is also the most
important aspects for Indian
Market Industry,
 The strength is towards the
communication to future world,
the parent of the communications,
newer forms of the
communications, skill sets etc…
 Interaction with lot of people is
the interesting thing of Rita’s Job
also as a people also a good stage
 Mr Yogesh is BE in IT with as MS from
Bits Pilani Institute also with a MBA
dual into HR and Finance sector.
 Relation of IT with Finance and HR
is like a brain behind the computer,
technology is also an means of
achieving the business activities.
 The Burnouts rates are highest in
the IT where there as some of the
folks who still continue to be the
IT successful professionals.
 The only thing IGATE follows id
change and upgrade to every
employee for any tasks.
 In the JDP prospective India
contributed 1.2% for Abroad
opportunities and till 2012 its 7.5%
to JDP.
 Difference between E-Business and E-
commerce is like innovations, based
all on internet, E-Business is superset
and E-commerce is the subset of E-
 It contains HR policies, Product
Development, Strategies, Cultures
etc… are the subsets of E-Business i.e.
 Important of E-Commerce is like 0.2%
 The Global Opportunities for the IT
peoples are like 60% of the IT revenue
are outsourcings.
 In India the mobility has overcome
against the desktop, which is a
great increase to the E-commerce.
 The IT Infrastructure till year 2020,
the IT will be creating India as a HUB
for Innovations and E-Business
 Networking for the IT
infrastructure is the most
increasing module in the markets..
 Professional Career of Yogesh Naik
started from Patni and Later into
News Wire
 As the word says Managing the
project from stretch to end is the
role of project manager.
 Project Manager has to be into
many roles for every stages of
project management.
 Necessary required skills a PM
should have:
- Develop positive mutually
aligned connections with
- Develop an understanding of a
 Paying attention to the big
picture - Don't just manage teams -
- motivate and influence them
 Help to build respect among teams
and stakeholders
 Influence individuals and teams to
optimize their contributions
 Challenges Faced :
- new technologies :- Upgrading to
new technologies of the existing
- remote workforces :- more than
one remote work tasks and
incomplete communications.
 As it comes to IT where IT plays an
important role in the markets,
point comes where data security
comes into picture.
 It matters to have a data security
is to protect sensitive data which
can be the targets of cyber spy's
and cyber crimes which leads to
data loss and financial loses.
 Looking at Data Security as a
CAREER below are the positive
 Private institutes nowadays also
offer renowned certification in
network and data security.
 - The growth in the industry is very
high as of the rise in the cyber
 - It requires an analytical mind to
resolve the data lose happening
 - The person working into this is
even known as an ethical hacker.
 - Its an added skill with IT for a
person working in it.
 - Training young professionals to
work in this domain is the need of
 The current of IT which are under
the spotlights of the year 2017 will
build a DevOps in the IT Industries.
 This is built specially to discard
the gap between the Development
and the Operations Team for
better communication and to
achieve more success rates for the
 The Top 3 trends which are here
for the DevOps :-
1. Continuous testing to become
 Testing comes the main factor when
the team needs to be a successor in
good code producer.
 Testing is not a game of one or two
peoples but needs the team and also
with the developers to complete the
 Security is the most important topic
when thing comes to high
architecture product. Failing in
security is a pray to hackers
 For the code to be safe it has to be
deployed in a good and tight
 Year 2016 was not so good for the
Indian IT Industries where we faced
a recession in 2016 to some extend.
 But in the coming of 2017, there
also are some of the challenges
that may be faced in the IT of India.
 Due to automation many of the
things has been done automated
and jobs are hard to be marked as
 In 2017 there can also be seen a cut
in the prices of the products with
 In an average the growth target
revenue has decreased from 12% to
8% where the European clients are
already facing this issues in the
 The RPA is currently the number one
in the priority for the operations
management which is decreasing the
outsourcing activities of the
 Currently the Indian Business People
are concentrating on increasing
the automation activities for
offering the lower customer
 As Google which is famous for its
search engine, they are also
transforming the world to some
interesting called as Artificial
 This will more attracted towards
the banking & Medical sector
helping them to be at ease using
the AI to drive towards the
 CEO Sundar Pichai defines AI as a
solution which can track
 Pichai further said that the
technology in the coming time can
also be implemented globally where
India will be the testing grounds
for this innovations.
 In India the concentration is on
primary languages which leads to
the substantial rural penetration.
 As India has a source of many
different languages, Google will be
implementation as many as
languages in the product for user
friendly access.
 Smart Phones can also be at a ace
 The communication prototype
between the user and the computer
i.e. the operating system has changed
widely due to Artificial Intelligence.
 The next operating system will be a
way different as compared to
current versions going on, most
probably Microsoft with the full
control over all systems.
 System went on upgrading as
compared to the 70s time with the
current situations the system has
 As the new race for this has been
started between this companies, in
2016 Google has announced a series
of hardware products, but Google
currently concentrating more on
software rather than hardware
 Artificial Intelligence like Hello
Google by Google, Siri by Apple,
Cartona by Microsoft are some of
the best examples of the new coming
world in future.
 The knock of this system will be a
huge demand in future where as
 As in the current situation India
as a country is facing a huge lack
or shortage of the cyber
 Many of the things are lacking in
the skills which are most required
in the security for India.
 As per the ISC Survey, India may face
a shortfall of almost 1.5 million
man till the year 2020 which is the
huge shortage for Indian Cyber
 The Indian government is least
concerned about the protection
of the digital technologies, due to
the fear of security breach and
digital business transformations.
 This survey also confirmed that
India Falls to a shortage of 87% of
the Man Power of security
 To stop this recipe of disaster
changes in the digital technologies
has to be undertaken and many
organizations are into rising the
challenges for the same.
 Instead of hiding and researching
the innovations, Apple has come up
with a innovation in advance called
a Image Recognition.
 This is a technique which will read
and recognise the algorithms of the
computers using objects like
synthetic or by computer generated
 This was surveyed by the team of
engineers in the university of
 In process to overcome this
drawback Apple has come up with a
solution called Simulated Plus
Unsupervised Learning.
 This will help to learn and reduce
the model to improve the realism of
the Simulator using the real time
data and annotation information
from it.
 The company has developed the
network based on the Generative
Adversarial Networks i.e. GANs but
with the synthetic images as inputs
instead of random vectors.
 Year 2017 will see the next
technological revolution which
will be upgrading the Indian
Society, as well as business plans.
 As technology will be shaping the
Indian Society, but this will be
happening as time passes, i.e. not in a
hurry way.
 With a rough idea about the
technology growing this days, yes
the coming days will boom the IT
Sectors in a lot different way.
 In this issue, we have also dedicated
a section to artificial intelligence
(AI), aimed at underscoring how
important this trend is and what
this umbrella concept will mean
to individuals, companies and
 Artificial Intelligence experts also
says that this platform will be at its
best in the next coming years, as
many of the things will be dome on
 Digital Technologies also can be
the second green revolution in the
10. FirstSource Secures
Outsourcing Contract from
 FirstSource Solutions, a RP- Sanjiv
Goenka Group company, on
Tuesday said it has signed a major
contract with the entertainment
major Sky.
 According to Group chairman
Sanjiv Goenka, the ten-year
agreement with Sky, the Europe’s
largest entertainment company,
will be a game changer for FSL,
which is currently third largest
Indian BPO company.
 Around 1,300 employees got
transferred from Sky to
FirstSource as of now which is
turning a best business for FSL.
 The current FSL pipeline is around
$360 million where as the
company’s performance is going
on improving.
 SKY to consolidate its outsourced
areas under the core TV and
broadband services into one
strategic partnership.
 The company, a global provider of
customised Business Process

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