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Newton’s Laws of Motion

I. Newton’s First Law

 An Object at rest remains at rest, and an object in

motion continues in motion with constant
velocity (that is, constant speed in a straight line),
unless it experiences a net external force or an
unabalanced force.
 Also known as Law of Inertia
 The tendency to resist change in motion is called
 Every object continues in a state of rest, or at a
constant speed in a straight line unless acted on by
an unbalanced, or a net force

In the absence of an unbalanced force, an object in

motion will maintain this state of motion.
 Inertia is the tendency
of an object to resist
changes in its velocity:
whether in motion or

These pumpkins will not move unless acted on

by an unbalanced force.
2. Why do things stop???

 Friction – the force that resists the

motion, or attempted motion, between
objects in contact.
 Friction is the net force that changes an
object’s motion.

 A force that causes resistance to motion

 Arises from contact between two surfaces
 If the force applied is smaller than the friction, then the object
will not move
 If the object is not moving, then ffriction=Fapplied
 The object eventually slips when the applied force is big
 Without friction (OR gravity!) all
things would continue to move in
a straight line at a constant
 Friction was discovered by
Galileo Galilee when he
rolled a ball down a slope
and observed that the ball
rolls up the opposite slope
to about the same height,
and concluded that the
difference between the
initial height and the final
height is caused by friction.
 Galileo also noticed that
the ball would roll almost
forever on a flat surface so
that the ball can elevate to
the same height as where it
Two types of Friction

 Static Friction • Kinetic Friction

 Friction that exists while the – The friction that exists
when an object is in
object is stationary motion
 If the applied force on an – F-fkinetic produces
object becomes greater than acceleration to the
the maximum of static direction the object is
friction, then the object starts – If F=fkinetic, then the
moving object moves at
 fstatic≤μstaticn constant speed with no
– fkinetic= μkineticn
– Kinetic friction and the
coefficient of kinetic
friction are smaller than
static friction and the
static coefficient
Net force (unbalanced forces!)

 When more than

one force acts on
an object, the net
force is the sum
of all the forces. 15N
Net force (unbalanced forces!!)

 When opposing
forces cancel
each other out,
the net force is
zero 5N 5N

Net Force = 0
Net force (unbalanced forces!!)

 If the forces do
not cancel out,
then you do
have a net force!
5N 10N

Net Force = 5N
Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces!
Balance & Net Force???

 Unbalanced Net Force

 Balanced Fnet = 0
Newton’s First Law

 When there is no force

exerted on an object, the
motion of the object
remains the same like
described in the diagram
 Because the equation of
Force is F=ma, the
acceleration is 0m/s². So
the equation is
 Therefore, force is not
needed to keep the object
in motion, when
 The object is in
equilibrium when it does
not change its state of
The car is traveling rightward
and crashes into a brick wall.
The brick wall acts as an
unbalanced force and stops
the car.
The truck stops when it But the ladder falls in front
crashes into the red car. of the truck because the
ladder was in motion with
the truck but there is
nothing stopping the
ladder when the truck
Other Examples of Law of Inertia

 A passenger tends to move forward when the

car suddenly stops.
 A bullet fired from a gun continues it motion
if not for the resistance of air and the pull of
 A moving car remains in uniform motion
and is retarded by the force applied on the
2nd Law of Newton (Law of Acceleration)

The acceleration of an object as produced by

a net force is directly proportional to the
magnitude of the net force, in the same
direction as the net force, and inversely
proportional to the mass of the object.
The 2nd Law of Motion

 This law describes changes in the motion of objects

 That change is acceleration (Δv/t). The cause of
acceleration is force
 Accelerationdepends on NET force
 NET force & acceleration are proportional.
 Mass is inversely proportional to

 As the mass increases, the acceleration

 Putting these together gives us Newton’s 2nd Law of

 The acceleration of an object is directly proportional

to the net force and inversely proportional to the
acceleration = net force
 Can change the formula around to. . .

F = ma
 The first part of the Second Law tell us that the greater
the unbalanced force is, the grater is the acceleration of
the body being acted on it. Therefore if a force F1 is
applied to a body at one time and force F2 at another
then, then

F1 a1
F2 a2

 Thus, if we push a car with a certain force F1and at

another time push it twice as hard, it will have an
acceleration twice that as the first
•Look at the pictures
on the right.
•Which vehicle do
you think would
require a greater
force to push?
•Why do you think
•Using the equation,
solve for the amount
of force.
Relation between Mass and Weight

 Mass – the measure of the amount of

material (matter) in an object.

 Weight – a measure of the

gravitational force acting on the object
 Mass remains the same – no matter the location
 Weight is dependent on gravity
 Mass & weight are proportional to each other, but not

W = mg
Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s2.
 When mass is in kilograms and acceleration is in
m/s2, the unit of force is in newton (N).
 One newton is equal to the force required to
accelerate one kilogram of mass at one meter/s2.
Example of Relation between Mass and Weight

 A 1.0 kg object is brought to planet Mercury where

the acceleration due to gravity is 0.38 times its value
on Earth
A). What is the weight of the object on Earth?
B) What is the mass of the object on mercury?
C) What is its weight on Mercury?
2nd Law (F = m x a) Sample Problem

 How much force is needed to accelerate a 1400

kilogram car 2 m/s2?
 Write the formula
 Fill in given numbers and units
 F = 1400 kg x 2 m/s2
 Solve for the unknown

 2800 kg-m/s2 or 2800 N

If mass remains constant, doubling the acceleration, doubles the force. If force remains
constant, doubling the mass, halves the acceleration.
Newton’s 2nd Law proves that different masses
accelerate to the earth at the same rate, but with
different forces.

 We know that
objects with
different masses
accelerate to the
ground at the
same rate.
 However,
because of the
2nd Law we
know that they
don’t hit the
ground with the
same force.
Check Your Understanding

 1. What acceleration will result when a 12 N net force

applied to a 3 kg object? A 6 kg object?

 2. A net force of 16 N causes a mass to accelerate at a rate of

5 m/s2. Determine the mass.

3. How much force is needed to accelerate a 66 kg skier 1

Third Law of Motion -
Law of Interaction
In every action, there is always an equal and
opposite reaction
The elephant's feet push backward on the ground; the ground pushes
forward on its feet. The right end of the right rope pulls leftward on the
elephant's body; its body pulls rightward on the right end of the right
rope. The left end of the right rope pulls rightward on the man; the man
pulls leftward on the left end of the right rope. The right end of the left
rope pulls leftward on the man; the man pulls rightward on the right end
of the left rope. The tractor pulls leftward on the right end of the left rope;
the left end of the left rope pulls rightward on the tractor. etc., etc.
According to Newton,
whenever objects A and
B interact with each
other, they exert forces
upon each other. When
you sit in your chair,
your body exerts a
downward force on the
chair and the chair
exerts an upward force
on your body.
There are two
forces resulting
from this
interaction - a
force on the
chair and a force
on your body.
These two forces
are called action
and reaction
Flying gracefully
through the air, birds
depend on Newton’s
third law of motion. As
the birds push down
on the air with their
wings, the air pushes
their wings up and
gives them lift.
 Consider the flying motion of birds. A bird flies by
use of its wings. The wings of a bird push air
downwards. In turn, the air reacts by pushing the
bird upwards.
 The size of the force on the air equals the size of the
force on the bird; the direction of the force on the
air (downwards) is opposite the direction of the
force on the bird (upwards).
 Action-reaction force pairs make it possible for
birds to fly.
Other examples of Newton’s Third Law

 The baseball forces

the bat to the left
(an action); the bat
forces the ball to
the right (the
• The action and reaction forces
do not cancel out because they
are acting on different
• Look at the volleyball player in
Figure at the right.
• She exerts an upward action
force on the ball.
• In return, the ball exerts an
equal but opposite downward
reaction force back on her
• The action and reaction forces
act on different objects.
• On the other hand, the volleyball players are both
exerting a force on the same object – the
• When they hit the ball from opposite directions,
each of their hands exerts a force on the ball
equal in strength but opposite in direction.
• The forces on the volleyball are balanced and the
ball does not move either to the left or to the
Chapter Task ( page 67 )

Newton Mobile
Design and build a vehicle out of common items found
in a recycling bin. The vehicle must have a mechanism
for motion based on Newton’s Third Law of Motion –
for every action, there is an equal and opposite
Newton Mobile

A.Design: In your team, decide on a basic design for
your vehicle. Collect materials and bring them to class.

Your vehicle must move forward by pushing

back on something
What forces act on vehicle to slow it down? How can
you minimize these?
How does the mass of your vehicle affect its
acceleration ( Newton’s Second Law ).
3. How will the acceleration affect the distance and
speed of your vehicle?
4. How can you use Newton’s Third Law to make
your vehicle move?


Kleenx or other small boxes

plastic containers
rubber bands
paper towel or toilet paper rolls
plastic lids

Build your vehicle using the materials listed above

 Race: Place your vehicle at a starting line. Record the
distance and travel time on the class chart. Use these
to calculate and record the average speed.

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