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Combat Pistol School
General Safety Rules
• All Guns are always loaded.
• Never let the muzzle cover anything your
not willing to destroy.
• Keep your finger off the trigger until your
sights are on the target.
• Be sure of your target.
Safety Considerations for Everyone

• Handle every Firearm • Visually inspect the

as if it were loaded. chamber.
• Never point a Firearm • Control the muzzle at
at anyone or shoot all times.
anything you don’t • Don’t trust safeties on
intend to kill. Firearms. They are
• Do not accept a mechanical devices.
Firearm handed to you
unless the action is
These Accident Factors must be present
for anyone to be injured or killed with a
• Weapon must be loaded.
• Weapon must be handled.
• Muzzle must be pointed in the direction of a
person or an object that can ricochet the
• The action must work!
Handgun Nomenclature
Decocking Lever
Magazine Release

Front Sight

Rear Sight
Slide Release
Auto Pistol Modifications
• High Visibility Sights • Laser Sights
• Night Sights • Trigger Stops
• Good Crisp Trigger • Extended Magazine
– 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds Release
• Magazine Floor Plate • Trigger Jobs
Modifications to New Generation Pistols

• Modifications by a “gunsmith” to your life

saving piece of equipment puts you and
others at risk.
• The tampering can make the weapon unsafe
and unreliable when it is pressed into
• Avoid advertisements that promise to
enhance performance of your weapon.
Modifications to New Generation Pistols

• The modification will usually void any

manufacturer warranty and the potential of
total disclaimer of weapon performance and
• Killeen Police Department Firearms
General Order prohibits these actions and
others to the Duty Weapon.
Modifications to New Generation Pistols

• The allure of dressing up one’s duty piece is

enticing, but remember the purpose of the
Combat Pistol, it must be a dependable,
accurate and fully functional life saving
piece of equipment that must work 100% of
the time. It is not a showpiece, nor a
conversation piece. Do not wear your ego in
your holster for all to see.
Modifications to New Generation Pistols

• Your new generation pistol is the result of

years of research and testing. Your weapon
has benefited from the early model
competition weapons and street proven
techniques that were normally considered
“customizing”. Out of the box, your weapon

Modern Techniques of Shooting

Diligentia Vis Celerita

Latin for “accuracy, power, speed”, is the defacto motto of

the Modern Technique and of practical shooting in
An accurate shot is useless if delivered too slowly or with
an insufficient blow. A powerful blow delivered too late or
which does not hit the target is likewise useless, as is a
quickly delivered but inaccurate or weak blow.
Modern Techniques of Shooting
“The Triad”

The Triad
All of the modern techniques, whether for the
pistol, shotgun or rifle are based upon what
has come to be called “The Triad.”
The Triad consists of three equal and
interconnected principals of gun handling,
mind set and marksmanship, all of which must
be learned through proper training and
The Triad
• Gun Handling - This is the safe and efficient use,
presentation, and maintenance of one’s firearm.
• Marksmanship - This is the ability to hit one’s target
quickly and accurately.
• Mindset - This is the “crisis management” and the ability
to hit one’s target while under stress. Failure to think
correctly in the use of deadly force, respond to deadly
force, or to learn the doctrine and techniques for their
management leaves your survival or success to pure
The operation of weapons may be considered
a science, but the use of weapons to win an
engagement is not, it is the “Art of
The word Strategy derives from the Greek
word “strategos” meaning General Officer.
Therefore Strategy is the art of the General,
indirectly to do with fighting. A good
Strategist can be a poor fighter.
The word Tactics derives from the word
“touch” and implies actually touching one’s
foe in combat. Tactics has come to mean
simply the more or less systematic conduct of
a fight.
• The first principal of Tactics is SPEED.
• If fighting becomes necessary, delays of
even split seconds can determine the
outcome of the engagement.
• The best fight is that which is over before
the loser ever realizes it has begun.
• No Tactical Plan is effective if it’s object is
given time to understand it.
• But even a bad plan will usually succeed if
it is executed before it can be intelligently
– Remember, a bad plan is better than no plan
at all.
The Tactician
• The goal of the Tactician is to insure that
the fight is never fair. The Tactician must
bring overwhelming force to bear upon the
opponent and dispose of him before any
counter measures can be deployed.
• This is called “defeat in detail” and both
sides are aware of it. The skillful succeeds.
The Tactician
• Your opponent wants to live as much as you
do, and while he may appear to be
unskilled, do not count on it.
– Prior training
– Military
– Survival School
– Militia
The Tactician
• As you try to confound him, he will try to
confound you. The faster of the two and the
one with a plan will win.
• This is where discipline to your tactical
training counts.
The Tactician
• Do not always rely upon strength in
numbers, one skilled, alert and determined
opponent can be the equivalent of a dozen
men that are unskilled and undisciplined.
• Rethink numbers as units of force.
The Tactician
• Remember the Principals of Tactics

Applied Tactics
• After you have fired at a threat: Scan, then
lower to the “hunt” so that you can see and
assess the threat.
• If the immediate threat is neutralized, start
looking for other threats.
• Don’t forget to look left, right and over your
Applied Tactics
• Think Ammunition.
• Think Malfunction (is my gun still
• Think Cover.
Applied Tactics
Rules for winning a gun fight
1. Bring a gun!
2. Bring a big gun!
3. Bring lots of friends with guns!

“The best reason for carrying a handgun is so you can fight your way
back to the rifle you should have had in the first place”
John Farnam
Applied Tactics
• Remember, everything that can go wrong
will probably go wrong, Don’t stand there,
Do something, even if it’s the wrong thing it
may buy you time to do the right thing…
• This comes back to a BAD PLAN is better
than no plan at all.
Applied Tactics
• Move when you make your presentation.
• Move after several shots or after several
• Move when you reload.
• Move when your gun stops.
Applied Tactics
• Never cross your feet or lose your balance.
• Never leave an area unchecked before
• Never put your foot down where you can
not see. Always step forward.
• Never holster an empty gun. If it’s in the
holster, it’s ready to fight with.
Applied Tactics
• Interview Stance: Stand with your body
bladed, non-weapon side closest to the
threat, gun side back. Mindset conditioned
to react to level of threat.
Applied Tactics
Rules of Cover
• Find it before the fight starts.
• Get to it before the fight starts.
• Don’t leave it until the fight is over.
• If you must move, take what you need with
Applied Tactics
Rules of Cover
• Minimum amount of exposure for a
minimum amount of time.
• No more than 2 or 3 shots from any one
• Never come out in the same position
Applied Tactics
Rules of Cover
• Stay well back from cover.
• Cover is better than concealment, but
concealment is better than nothing.
• If you think its cover, it probably isn’t.
The Combat Mind Set
• Man fights with his mind
– Hands and weapons are simply an extension of
his will.
– The fallacy is that equipment is the equivalent
of force.
– Specialized Teams are aware of these fallacies
and factor them into their plans.
What is the Combat Mind Set

“State of mind which insures victory in a

The Combat Mind Set
is composed of:

Combat Mind Set
Above all else, it’s essence is

Combat Mind Set
When “Cop Killers” were interviewed in
prison, the most common response to the
question of why did you shoot the police
officer was-
Because the Cop lost control of the situation
and I took control...
Mental Conditioning
• When you are in a fight, your response
should not be “Oh, my God, I’m in a fight,
how did this happen”. But rather;
• “I thought this could happen, I’m ready and
I know what to do”.
Mental Conditioning

“The Combat Mind Set”

Mental Conditioning

• Most people exist in the WHITE phase and

are not ready to react to any type of threat,
this is called the “Relaxed Condition”
• This condition is a de-stressor, but only to
Officers when it is safe to do so.
Mental Conditioning

• Officers should be in this mind set when

they are known in their community as a
Law Enforcement Official, on and off duty.
• The mind is conditioned to say, “I may have
to use deadly force today”.
Mental Conditioning

• This mind set is used when the aggressor is

singled out or in a situation that can lead to
deadly force.
• The mind is conditioned to say “I must be
ready to use deadly force and I have a plan
of action”.
Mental Conditioning

• You are engaged in a deadly force situation

and you are determined to stop the threat
being directed against you or others.
• The technical matter of placing the shot is
your task.
Mental Conditioning

• Instinct and mental conditioning will determine

the outcome of your reaction.
• It is easier to get to RED when you are already in
• Training is the only way to overcome a negative
or unsatisfactory reaction.
Combat Mind Set Response
• Before the fact;
– Alert, prepared and aware
– Fear should be channeled into Anger.
• During the fight;
– Total concentration upon the technical matter of
placing the shot effectively.
Combat Mind Set Response
• After the conflict;
– Probably relief, gratification and PRIDE!
Before the Fact
• You have a plan, even a bad plan is better
than no plan at all.
• You have mentally prepared yourself well in
• Fear and Anger are physiological responses
that derive from the same chemical in your
Before the Fact
• When you experience FEAR, you cannot
think clearly, you experience “Tunnel
Vision” and have a flight instead of fight
• ANGER allows you to think clearly and
react to the threat with decisiveness and
During the Fight
• Heads up display;
• Concentration on the FRONT SIGHT;
• Smooth depression of the trigger;
• Concentration on the FRONT SIGHT.
During the Fight
If you concentrate on the Front Sight and have
a clear, sharp picture of it and concentrate
on a smooth steady surprise break of the
trigger, you will get your hits.
The Pistolero
• History of the Handgun
– Began as a military arm, extending the reach of
the Cavalryman beyond that of the Infantry
Pike, while allowing him to manage his horse
with his free hand.
The Service Pistol
• A satisfactory Service Pistol must include
the following:
– Dependability,
– Power,
– Controllability
• A Service Pistol (Duty Weapon) is a life
saving instrument, it must work 999 times
out if a 1000.
• It must never be altered to remove factory
specifications or upgraded to a “Race Gun”.
• The Officer must feel confident that the
Pistol will perform when placed into
• It must be sufficiently powered to stop a
determined threat with acceptable Wound
Trauma Incapacitation (WTI).
• The larger the caliber, the more effective the
• The Officer must be able control the Pistol
with minimum effort.
• The Officer must be able to perform all
stoppages, clearances and reloads.
The SNS Effect
• Sympathetic Nervous System
• Activation of the SNS is automatic and virtually
• Occurs anytime one perceives a threat to survival
and results in the immediate discharge of stress
• Increase in arterial blood flow to large muscle
groups, resulting in an enhancement to gross
motor skills.
The SNS Effect
• Vasoconstriction of minor blood vessels, pupil
dilation, cessation of the digestive process and
muscle tremors will occur.
• Once activated, SNS will dominate all voluntary
and involuntary systems until the threat is
• Term “Tunnel Vision” and “Flight or Fight”
Syndrome is used.
The SNS Effect
Motor Skills, Vision and Cognizant Thought
Processing are the three most prominent
performance inhibitors when under the SNS
effect. For these reasons the gunhandling skills
taught an individual who is training for combat
must rely, to the greatest extent possible, on gross
motor skills.
“Remember the Big Things”

Basic Marksmanship
• The Grip on the weapon is the foundation of
Good Marksmanship.
• You want to achieve a firm grip, but not a
“white knuckle” grasp.
• Remove all the “air” from around the stocks
with your hands.
Trigger Control
• Control the trigger in both directions.
• Slapping the trigger produces errors in shot
• Train to find the “disconnector” to allow for
quicker follow-up shots.
Depressing the Trigger
• Term is used instead of squeezing or pulling
the trigger.
• Trigger depressed straight to the rear, a
smooth continuous motion.
Establishing a Trigger Rhythm
• Depress trigger according to a rhythm.
• From forward most position to rear most
• Letting the gun go off instead of making it
go off.
Sight Alignment
• Relationship of the front sight to the rear
sight without any relationship to the target.
• Light relief is obtained by extending the
pistol at arms length.
• Pistol Sights are manufactured to work at
arms length.
Center Mass
• High Center Mass
– Most effective with pistols, creates best WTI on
• Center Mass
– Best used with shotgun pellets, allows for better
dispersion of shot
• Upper body strength needed when using
Modified Weaver or stoppages will occur
because the weapon will experience low
recoil absorption.
• Lock out weapon arm firmly.
• Most any stance that closely to the Modified
Weaver that is comfortable and produces
good shoot placement is acceptable.
• Three dominate stances used in pistol
– Weaver (classic)
– Modified Weaver
– Isosceles
• Turnipseed Stance
– Enhanced Weaver
“Classic” Weaver Stance
In the “Classic” Weaver
two-handed stance, your
strong arm is slightly flexed
and pushes the gun out. The
supporting arm, which is
more flexed, counters this by
pulling the gun in to create a
strong braced hold.
Sometimes referred as
“Isometric” tension.
Modified Weaver Stance
In the “Modified” or
“Chapman” Weaver, the
position of your feet is the
same and your supporting
arm is still flexed. Your
strong arm is kept as straight
as possible.
Weaver Stance
An important characteristic
of both Weaver Stances are
that your feet are apart with
your weak side foot slightly
This is also called the
“Bladed Stance” or
“Interview Stance”
Weaver (all) Stance
• Can stress the body if maintained for long
period of time. Skeletal alignment is
• Has some balance control issues
• Requires discipline via training to perform this
presentation under stress. Average shooter is
not willing to commit.
• Experts claim SNS will force shooter into
Isosceles during gunfight anyway.
Weaver (all) Stance
• Good stance (oblique) for police work.
• Very fast and can deliver accurate hits.
• Blends in with “Use of Force Continuum”
• Allows for use of “Harries” Flashlight
Isosceles Stance
• The Isosceles Stance is nothing more than
another variation of the Weaver.
• The weak hand is placed over the weapon side
• The body is 180 degrees to the target.
• Feet placement varies from wide “Horse
Stance” to leaning back to support the
Isosceles Stance
• Can cause stress to the body which leads to
pain, fatigue and imbalance.
• Causes “overswing” of weapon to target
resulting in misplaced shots or imbalance.
• Does not work with Shoulder Weapons.
• Does not blend with other aspects of “Use of
Force” techniques.
• Designed for Competitive shooters to kill steel
and paper.
Turnipseed Stance
• Maintains balance.
• Skeletal alignment.
• Works on all weapons.
• Reduces fatigue
• Hybrid of the enhanced Weaver platform.
• Enhanced Weaver is more applicable for LE.
• Body remains loose and flexible.
• 30% of your balance is related to vision.
• During a gunfight, autonomic senses kick in
and the shooter uses both eyes to pull in all
the information needed to respond to threat.
• Your dominate eye will take over when
shooting with both eyes open.
• You only have the ability to actively focus
at arms length the size of a quarter.
• Keep sights in natural position to eye to reduce
eye fatigue.
• Tilting the head causes extra work on the eye
muscle groups to maintain sights in the fovea of
the eyes macula (the center of the retina in the
back of the eye).
• Keeping head up in a natural position reduces the
strain on the eye muscles maintaining aiming
precision over longer periods of time.
During SNS you will experience:
• A reduction of blood flow to the rods and cones of
the eyeball.
• Up to70% loss of peripheral vision.
• A significant reduction in your ability to focus on
close small objects (such as the front sight).
• Poor night vision and color recognition.
• Binocular effect of the eye “Tunnel Vision”.
Sight Alignment Techniques
Target is

Front sight is sharp,

clear and equally
placed between rear
blade aperture

Rear sight blade

is hazy

Using Sight Alignment to achieve a Sight Picture

Sight Alignment Techniques
Target is

Front sight is sharp,

clear and quickly
acquired thru the

Rear sight blade

is used as a

Using Flash Sight to achieve a Sight Picture

Sight Picture
• Sight Picture is what one sees when using
Sight Alignment, incorporating both front
and rear sight blades.
• Flash Sight Picture is obtained by using
only the front sight on the target and
referencing the back sight as a window.
Sight Picture
A correct firing stroke, from leather to sight picture,
aligns the pistol reflexively, once it is neurologically
programmed. The sights are not used to align the
pistol, but rather they are used to verify an alignment
already achieved by means of a trained presentation.
Your mind does not command “up, down, left, right,
that’s close, squeeze”. It simply says “Go”
Sight Picture
The single most important issue with your
sight alignment is the total concentration upon
As your pistol lines up reflexively from your
presentation, you tell yourself;
Sight Picture
Keeping the sights aligned with each
other (maintaining the sight picture) is
more important than keeping the sights
precisely pointed at the target
(maintaining point of aim).
Pistol Silhouette Sight Technique
• Grip the Gun properly so it is a natural extension
of the body.
• Focus on the threat.
• Raise the gun to eye level and point it at the
• Smooth depression of the trigger straight back.
Missing the Target
• Poor grip and trigger control is usually the reason
you will miss at any distance.
• Most shootings will occur in light to dim to
utilize your sights.
• Night sights, flashlights are the essentials for
these situations.
Most Common Problems
• Flinching
– Recoil
– Noise
– Shots string vertically downward
• Attempting to counteract the recoil
– Shots scattered
• Anticipation or closing your eyes
• The Fix - Concentrate on Front Sight
Most Common Problems
• Jerking
– Shots strung out to one side
– Pulling trigger too fast
– Muscles which pull your index finger also tend
to curl your whole hand inwards.
– Usually shows up when speed is added to shot
• The Fix - Gradually build speed while
maintaining accuracy.
Most Common Problems
• Fatigue
– You use muscles which normally don’t see
much action, they tire out fast and
performance degrades rapidly.
• The Fix - Shoot or Dry Fire regulary so
your muscles will get stronger and build
endurance. Fatigue will still occur, but will
take longer to set in.
The Facts of Life
• When suspects fire at LE, they hit 9 out of ten
times on their target. 50% are head shots. KEEP
• When LE fire on a suspect, they hit less than 4
out of 10 times.
• 92% of the time, we miss at 21 feet or less.
• Average shots fired by LE has more than tripled
in the last ten years, with a reduced hit ratio.

Shot Placement
• Shot placement is absolutely critical. If you
cannot hit the target, you cannot create
• The Term “Stopping Power” is an illusion,
there is no such thing as 100% one-shot
stopping power, there are no magic bullets
and no substitute for Good Marksmanship.
Shot Placement
• Many shootings that involve Police will
have intermediate, energy absorbing
barriers between the Officer and the
– Wood
– Metal
– Wallboard
– Glass
Shot Placement
• According to the Institute of Forensic
Sciences in Dallas, up to 70% of Officer
involved shootings are non-frontal.
• This means that you threat will appear from
left, right or rear response areas the majority
of the time.
Duty Ammunition Criteria
• There are two important issues when
selecting Duty Ammunition:
– Does it offer the best possible performance in a
deadly confrontation?
– Will you be able to defend your decision in a
Court of Law, if needed?
Duty Ammunition Criteria
There is no handgun ammunition which is
guaranteed to stop a person with one shot,
regardless of caliber, velocity or bullet type.
Ballistic Categories
Internal External
Internal Ballistics
• The dynamic forces at work within the
firearm before the bullet leaves the barrel.
• Issues associated with forces;
– Propellant
– Bullet size and design
– Bore size (caliber)
– Rate of twist (barrel)
Internal Ballistics
• Muzzle Energy (Kinetic Energy)
.22 short = 83 ft/lbs.
.22 LR = 140 ft/lbs.
Baseball = 140 ft/lbs.
9mm 147gr. = 326 ft/lbs.
40 S&W 180gr. = 475 ft/lbs.
45 ACP 230gr. = 352 ft/lbs.
Internal Ballistics
Muzzle Energy is sometimes referred to as
KNOCKDOWN POWER, in reality,
knockdown power is a Sante Fe Train.
External Ballistics
• Usually expressed in terms of bullet speed
and trajectory range.
• Forces of gravity and wind are the primary
external forces at work against External
External Ballistics
• Terms used in External Ballistics:
– Gravity
– Point of Aim / Point of Impact
– Flight Integrity
– Wind Drift
– Maximum Range
– Yaw
External Ballistics

Midrange Point of Impact


Line of Sight
Terminal Ballistics
• Refers to Wound Trauma Incapacitation
• What the bullet does when it enters the
body and the effectiveness of the bullet to
incapacitate a live human being.
Terminal Ballistics
• Myths associated with WTI:
– Shocking Power
– Stopping Power
– Knockdown Power
• True instant incapacitation is a relatively
rare occurrence.
Terms of Terminal Ballistics
• Permanent Cavity (Crush Cavity)
– The amount of tissue actually touched, crushed
or pulped by the bullet itself and is the critical
part of the wound predicting analysis at most
handgun velocities.
– Big bore and expanding bullets produce the
largest crush cavities.
Terms of Terminal Ballistics
• Temporary (Stretch) Cavity
– This temporary cavity is produced because the
bullet passage at high speed forces the tissue
laterally with enough velocity to temporarily
create a path much larger than the bullet.
– The kinetic energy of this moving tissue is
momentarily transformed into strain energy in
the elastic tissue. The bullet’s energy is
transferred to the tissue losing it’s velocity.
Terms of Terminal Ballistics
• Temporary (Stretch) Cavity
– When the strain limit of some tissue is
exceeded, the tissue is stretched and actually
torn open by the formation of the temporary
stretch cavity.
– The brain, liver, spleen and kidneys are
especially sensitive to stretch.
Terms of Terminal Ballistics
• Zone of Maximum Disruption
– The largest portion of the Temporary Stretch
• Penetration
– The distance the bullet travels in the body
– Penetration is a function of bullet weight and
design, not velocity.
Terms of Terminal Ballistics
• Upset
– The change of bullet shape by force or impact.
• Controlled Expansion
– The designed mushrooming effect of a bullet
upon impact.
– Expansion is important in that it increases the
size of the wound inflicted.
Terms of Terminal Ballistics
• Energy Transfer
– Energy is defined as the ability to do work.
– The transfer of bullet energy to the target
causes it to penetrate, causes the bullet to
expand and causes the permanent and
temporary wound cavity.
– The greater the resistance, the greater the
energy transferred.
Terms of Terminal Ballistics
• Vital Zone
– Areas on the human body containing organs or
tissue necessary to sustain life, that when struck
by a bullet will likely result in physical
Terminal Ballistics
• There are some things known with certainty
– If the brain stem is destroyed, all ability to initiate
voluntary action is ended. If there are involuntary
contractions which do not originate in the brain,
movement is possible.
– If the central nervous system is damaged, movement
below the point of destruction stops.
– If the vital blood supply is lost, movement will cease in
a given time period.
Terminal Ballistics
• The single most critical factor is penetration
– 18 inches preferable, a bullet must penetrate at
least 12 inches, whether or not the bullet
– Increased bullet mass will increase penetration.
Rapid WTI and the Human Body
• Hitting the critical area (shot placement)
– Reliable accurate weapon
– High degree of shooting skill
• Effective WTI requires:
– Deep penetration
– Large permanent crush cavity
– Loss of 40% blood or 2 quarts, strike in brain
stem or central nervous system.

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