Undrained Soil Behavior (And Modeling) : Gioacchino (Cino) Viggiani

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Undrained Soil Behavior

(and modeling)
Gioacchino (Cino) Viggiani
Laboratoire 3SR (Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques), Grenoble, France

many of the slides were originally created by:

Helmut Schweiger (Technical University of Graz, Austria)
Ronald Brinkgreve (Plaxis bv / Delft University of Technology)
Antonio Gens (Technical University of Catalunya, Barcelona)

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 1/37

contents R

• drained / undrained (conditions and analysis)

• drained / undrained soil behavior
– typical results from drained and undrained triaxial tests
– Skempton's parameters A and B
– strength parameters
– what is the critical case: drained or undrained?
• modeling undrained behavior with Plaxis
– three methods
– effective stress analysis: how does it actually work
• undrained shear strength
– undrained behavior with Mohr-Coulomb Model
– undrained behavior with Hardening Soil Model
– influence of dilatancy
• summary

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drained / undrained (conditions and analysis) R

in undrained conditions, no water movement takes place and,

therefore, excess pore pressures are built up
Du  0, Ds  Ds'

in drained conditions, no excess pore pressures are built up

Du = 0, Ds = Ds'

• drained analysis appropriate when

– permeability is high
– rate of loading is low
– short term behavior is not of interest for problem considered

• undrained analysis appropriate when

– permeability is low and rate of loading is high
– short term behavior has to be assessed

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an example (deep excavations) R

suggestion by Vermeer & Meier (1998)

T < 0.10 (U < 10%)  undrained analysis

T > 0.40 (U > 70%)  drained analysis

k = permeability
Eoed = stiffness in 1-d compression
k E oed w = unit weight of water
T t D = drainage length
γw D 2
t = construction time
T = dimensionless time factor
U = degree of consolidation

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triaxial test (NC soils) – drained / undrained R

drained undrained

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triaxial test (OC soils) – drained / undrained R

drained undrained

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stress paths in undrained triaxial test – NC / OC R

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Skempton’s parameters A and B R

Skempton 1954: Dpw  B Ds 3  ADs1  Ds 3 

- fully saturated soil

- no inflow / outflow of pore water
- bulk modulus of soil grains is considered to be very high
- isotropic linear elastic material behavior (Hooke´s law)

D vol , skeleton  D vol , pore water

Dp' K' 

D vol , skeleton  31  2´ 
n Dp w
D vol , pore water 

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Skempton’s parameters A and B R

in standard triaxial compression: Ds 1 ; Ds 2  Ds 3

D vol , skeleton  D vol , pore water

Ds1  2Ds 3  3Dpw K w

Dp w  
3K' n

 
D pw 
 D s 3 
D s 1  D s 3 
nK '  3 

Dpw  B Ds 3  ADs1  Ds 3 

B 1
nK ' (always) A only for linear isotropric elasticity
Kw 3

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Skempton’s parameters A and B R

a few notes on parameters A and B:

– for Kw large compared to K', parameter B ~ 1.0

(corresponds to Dpw = Dp  Dp' = 0)
– small amount of air (lack of saturation) reduces parameter
B significantly
– "parameter" A is NOT a soil parameter. It depends on stress
path: for a given model, it cannot be determined a priori
but is a result of the model behavior for the stress path
followed (e.g. A=1/3 for linear isotropic elasticity)

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strength parameters R

Mohr-Coulomb parameters in terms of effective stress (real soil behaviour)

  c  s  tan  

c s

s 1  s 3  s 1  s 3 c   c 
   sin   ; 
t  s   sin  
2  2 tan     tan   

however …

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 11/37

strength parameters R

MC parameters in terms of total stresses (only undrained conditions!)

   c  s  tan   total stresses

 s 1  s 3  s1  s 3 
 2 
 F
 2 
 F   cu s , s

Effective stresses

 Soil behaves as if it was purely cohesive (zero friction)

 cu ( su ) : undrained shear strength
 cu only changes if drainage occurs (no change if undrained conditions prevail)

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what is the critical case: drained or undrained? R


s, s’

note that for soils in general:

factor of safety against failure is lower for short term (undrained)
conditions for loading problems (e.g. embankment)
factor of safety against failure is lower for long term (drained)
conditions for unloading problems (e.g. excavations)
however … all depends on the sign of Dpwp, which depends on soil and SP

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 13/37

contents R

• drained / undrained (conditions and analysis)

• drained / undrained soil behavior
– typical results from drained and undrained triaxial tests
– Skempton's parameters A and B
– strength parameters
– what is the critical case: drained or undrained?
• modeling undrained behavior with Plaxis
– three methods
– effective stress analysis: how does it actually work
• undrained shear strength
– undrained behavior with Mohr-Coulomb Model
– undrained behavior with Hardening Soil Model
– influence of dilatancy
• summary

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modeling undrained behavior with PLAXIS R

Undrained A (analysis in terms of effective stresses):

effective strength parameters c', ', '
effective stiffness parameters E50', '

Undrained B (analysis in terms of effective stresses):

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0
effective stiffness parameters E50', '

Undrained C (analysis in terms of total stresses):

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0
total stiffness parameters Eu, u = 0.495

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FE modeling of undrained behavior (method A) R

• both changes in s' and u are considered

• constitutive equations are formulated in terms of s'

principle of effective stress  Ds  Ds ' Ds f

with Ds f  Dpw Dpw Dpw 0 0 0

since the strains are the same in each phase,

Ds  D D
Ds '  D' D D  D' D f
Ds f  D f D pore fluid stiffness, related to the
bulk modulus of pore fluid Kf
13 03 Kf
D f  Ke Ke 
03 03 n

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FE modeling of undrained behavior (method A) R

all the above (which is valid for any soil for which the principle
of effective stress applies) can be easily combined with the FEM

• instead of specifying the components of D, specify D'‚ and Ke

D  D' D f then same as in the drained case

• when calculating stresses,
Ds f  K e D v
Ds  Ds ' Ds f
Ds '  D' D
a value must be set for Ke

the pore-fluid is assigned a bulk modulus that is substantially

larger than that of the soil skeleton (which ensures that during
undrained loading the volumetric strains are very small)

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what PLAXIS does R

PLAXIS automatically adds stiffness of water when undrained

material type is chosen using the following approximation:

Kw Eu 2 G1   u 
K total  K'   
n 31  2 u  31  2 u 

E' 1   u 
K total  assuming u = 0.495
31  2 u  1  '

• this procedure gives reasonable B-values only for ' < 0.35 !
• real value of Kw/n ~ 1•106 kPa (for n = 0.5)
• in Version 8 B-value can be entered explicitely for undrained materials

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two numerical examples R

Example 1:

E' = 3 000 kPa, ' = 0.3, u = 0.495

 K' = 2 500 kPa, Ktotal = 115 000 kPa  Kw/n = 112 500 kPa
B = 0.978 fair value for saturated soil
nK '

Example 2:

E' = 3 000 kPa, ' = 0.45, u = 0.495

 K' = 10 000 kPa, Ktotal = 103 103 kPa  Kw/n = 93 103 kPa

B = 0.903 poor value for saturated soil

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FE modeling of undrained behavior (method A) R

cu ESP

s, s’

– single set of parameters in terms of effective stress (consistent)

– realistic prediction of pore pressures (if model is appropriate)
– the undrained analysis can be followed by a consolidation analysis
– Cu is a consequence of the model, not an input parameter!!

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modeling undrained behavior with PLAXIS R

Undrained A (analysis in terms of effective stresses):

effective strength parameters c', ', '
effective stiffness parameters E50', '

Undrained B (analysis in terms of effective stresses):

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0
effective stiffness parameters E50', '

Undrained C (analysis in terms of total stresses):

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0
total stiffness parameters Eu, u = 0.495

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FE modeling of undrained behavior (method C) R

• analysis in terms of total stress

• u does not change

• constitutive equations are formulated in terms of s

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0

total stiffness parameters Eu, u = 0.495

Ds  D D

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FE modeling of undrained behavior (method C) R

s, s’

– parameters in terms of total stress

– no prediction of pore pressures (only total stresses are obtained)
– the undrained analysis can not be followed by a consolidation analysis
– Cu is an input parameter!!

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modeling undrained behavior with PLAXIS R

Undrained A (analysis in terms of effective stresses):

effective strength parameters c', ', '
effective stiffness parameters E50', '

Undrained B (analysis in terms of effective stresses):

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0
effective stiffness parameters E50', '

Undrained C (analysis in terms of total stresses):

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0
total stiffness parameters Eu, u = 0.495

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FE modeling of undrained behavior (method B) R

• analysis in terms of effective stress

• u changes
• constitutive equations are formulated in terms of s’ (but
strength in total stresses!)

total strength parameters c = cu,  = 0,  = 0

effective stiffness parameters E50', '

Ds  D D
D  D' D f
Resulting undrained stiffness parameters
3 E
Eu  ;  u  0.495
2 1  

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 26/37

FE modeling of undrained behavior (method B) R

s, s’

– parameters in terms of total stress and effective stress

– prediction of pore pressures (generally unrealistic)
– the undrained analysis should not be followed by a consolidation
analysis (pore pressures unrealistic)
– Cu is an input parameter!!

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 27/37

contents R

• drained / undrained (conditions and analysis)

• drained / undrained soil behavior
– typical results from drained and undrained triaxial tests
– Skempton's parameters A and B
– strength parameters
– What is the critical case: drained or undrained?
• modeling undrained behavior with Plaxis
– three methods
– effective stress analysis: how does it actually work
• undrained shear strength
– undrained behavior with Mohr-Coulomb Model
– undrained behavior with Hardening Soil Model
– influence of dilatancy
• summary

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 28/37

undrained shear strength from the Mohr Coulomb model R

“method A” (c’, f’ input parameters)

tana’ = sinf’

s1  s3  Effective Stress

2 Path, ESP B’

a’ = c’cosf’


s' 1 s' 3  , s1  s 3 

2 2
cu  c 'cos f ' s 'sin f '  c 'cos f ' s vo  s ho
  sin f '
cu c 'cos f ' 1
  1  K 0  sin f '
s 'v 0 s 'v 0 2

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 29/37

undrained shear strength from advanced models R

‘Method A’
 Although it is possible, in some cases, to obtain an analytical
expression for cu, it is advisable to perform a numerical “laboratory”
test to check the value of undrained shear strength actually supplied
by the model
 It is important to perform the numerical “laboratory” test under the
same condition as in the analysis
 Plane strain, triaxial, simple shear
 Correct initial stresses
 Compression, extension, simple shear
 Not all cu values are achievable with a particular model

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Soft soil model R

c '  0.1 kPa f '  23º K 0NC  1  sin f '  0.609  ur  0.15  *  0.11  *  0.0275

Desired cu/sv’=0.22


100.00 100.00
1-3 (kPa)


1-3 (kPa)

60.00 60.00



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0.00
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00
p' (kPa)
p' (kPa)

Triaxial (compression) Triaxial (extension)

cu/sv’=0.279 cu/sv’=0.214

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Soft soil model R

c '  0.1 kPa f '  23º K 0NC  1  sin f '  0.609  ur  0.15  *  0.11  *  0.0275

Desired cu/sv’=0.22


1-3 (kPa)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
p' (kPa)

Plane strain (compression) Plane strain (extension)

cu/sv’=0.279 cu/sv’=0.277

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 32/37

influence of dilatancy on undrained shear strength R

if we set   0 then, negative volumetric plastic deformations

occur at failure:

D v  D ve  D vp (elastic-plastic behavior)

D v  0 (undrained conditions)

D vp  0  D ve  0  Dp '  K D ve  0
At failure: Dq  M Dp '  Dq  0

result: unlimited increase of q, i.e. infinite strength!!

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influence of constitutive model and dilatancy R


1 vs q
simulation of undrained triaxial compression test – MC / HS model - q vs 1






q [kN/m ]




MC non dil
50 MC dil
HS_1 non dil
25 HS_1 dil

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00

1 [%]

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influence of constitutive model and dilatancy R


simulation of undrained triaxial compression
p' vs q test – MC / HS model - q vs p'


275 MC non dil

MC dil
250 HS_1 non dil
HS_1 dil
225 total stress path

q [kN/m ]







0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 225.00 250.00

p' [kN/m2]

Course “Computational Geotechnics” 35/37

summary R

• FEM analysis of undrained conditions can be performed in

effective stresses and with effective stiffness and strength
parameters (Method A)

• undrained shear strength is a result of the constitutive model

• care must be taken with the choice of the value for dilatancy

• Methods B and C provide alternative ways to analyze undrained

problems but:
– the constitutive models do not represent the true soil
– useful only in stability problems in undrained conditions

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Nicoll Highway Collapse, Singapore R


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Nicoll Highway Collapse, Singapore R

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Nicoll Highway Collapse R

15:33, 20 April 2004

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Nicoll Highway Collapse R

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Nicoll Highway Collapse R

• Undrained stability problem. Method A and Mohr Coulomb

constituive model used for design analysis

cu A

cu real
s, s’

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Nicoll Highway Collapse R

0.21s'v0 Section M3
Piezocone Data 100
100 NKT = 14
Profile: ABH-32
Best Estimate Line Test
Cu (Mohr-Coulomb)
AC-3 95 Cu (Geotechnical Design Parameter Table)
Upper Marine Clay


Reduced Level, RL (m)


Elevation, RL (m)
Method A
Lower Marine Clay

Design Used in
FE Analyses


60 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Undrained Shear Strength, s u (kPa) Shear strength (kPa)

Overestimation of shear strength: 43%-62.1%

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Nicoll Highway Collapse R

Method A Method B
Underestimation of wall displacements (about a factor of 2)
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Nicoll Highway Collapse R

Method A Method B
Underestimation of bending moment (about a factor of 2)
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Nicoll Highway Collapse R

Method A
(no collapse)


Method B

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