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 Templates, based on an extended version of HTML

 XSS protection
 Dependency injection
 Ajax requests by @angular/HTTP
 Routing, provided by @angular/router
 Component CSS encapsulation
 Utilities for unit-testing components.
 @angular/forms for building forms
 Is a full framework
 Has a Regular DOM, which renders updates slower than React’s Virtual DOM
 The rendered JavaScript and HTML maintains a physical separation
 Utilizes Components: emerging web components standard
 Data Binding: two-way
 You must use TypeScript
 Mobile: Ionic and Cordova are slower than React Native
 Testing: Jasmine & Mocha
 Learning Curve is higher, but once you understand it you have an entire MVC
 Scalability: easy to scale
 Popularity: dropped since AngularJS (Angular 1)
 Open source: GitHub stars: 40,963 / Contributors: 732 / Issue: 2,162
 Size: larger, resulting in longer load times and performance on mobile
 Used on: Google, Nike, Forbes, Upwork, General Motors, HBO, Sony
 Instead of classic templates, it has JSX, an XML-like language built
on top of JavaScript
 XSS protection
 No dependency injection
 Fetch for Ajax requests
 Utilities for unit-testing components

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