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• Group counseling has preventive as well as remedial aims.
• Generally, the counseling group has a specific focus,
which may be vocational, vocational, social or personal.
• The group involves an interpersonal process that stresses
conscious thoughts, feelings and behavior.
• KK banyak dilaksanakan di seting institusi seperti
sekolah, pusat kaunseling universiti, klinik kesihatan
mental komuniti, dan agensi perkhidmatan kemanusiaan.
• Ideally, the members decide for themselves the
specific goals of the group experience. Some of the
general goals shared by members of counseling
groups are these:
• To learn to trust oneself and others.
• To achieve self-knowledge and develop a sense of
one’s unique identity
• To recognize the commonality of the participants’
needs and problems and develop a sense of
• To increase self-acceptance, self-confidence, and
self-respect in order to achieve a new view of
• To find a new alternative ways of dealing with
normal developmental issues and of resolving
certain conflicts.
• To increase self-direction, autonomy and
responsibility toward one-self and others.
• To become aware of one’s choices and to make
choices wisely.
 To make specific plans for changing certain
behaviors and to commit oneself to follow through
with these plans.
 To learn more effective social skills.
 To become more sensitive to the needs and feelings
of others.
 To learn how to confront others with care, concern,
honesty and directness.
 To move away from merely meeting others’
expectation and to learn to live by one’s own
 To clarify one’s values and decide whether and
how to modify them.
• As a vehicle for helping people make changes in
their attitudes, beliefs about themselves and others,
feelings and behaviors.
• Participants can explore their styles of relating with
others and learn more effective social skills.
• Members can discuss their perceptions of one
another and receive valuable feedback on how they
are being perceived in the group.
 Provides a re-creation of the participants’ everyday
world, especially if the membership is diverse with
respect to age, interests, background,
socioeconomic status , and type of problem.
 The group provides a sample of reality, for
members’ struggles and conflicts in the group are
similar to those experience outside of it
 The diversity that characterizes most groups also
results in unusually rich feedback for the
participants, who can see themselves through the
eyes of a wide range of people.
 The group offers understanding and support which
fosters the members’ willingness to explore
problems they have brought with them to the
 Enable the members to compare the perceptions
they have of themselves with the perceptions others
have of them and then decide what to do with this
 Kelompok Kaunseling Untuk Kanak-kanak:
 -serve preventive or remedial purpose
 In schools, for children who display behaviors or
attributes such as excessive fighting, inability to get
along with peers, violent outbursts, chronic
tiredness, lack of supervision at home, or neglected
 If they receive psychological assistance at an early
age, they stand a better chance of coping
effectively with the developmental tasks they face
later in life.
Kelompok Kaunseling untuk
 It gives them a place to express feelings, to explore
self-doubts, and to come to the realization that they
share these concerns with their peers.
 It offers a chance for them to be instrumental in
one another’s growth.
Kelompok Kaunseling Untuk Pelajar
 To provide participants with an opportunity for
growth and a situation in which they can deal with
career decisions, interpersonal relationships,
identity problems, educational plans, feelings of
isolation on an impersonal campus, and other
concerns related to becoming an autonomous
Kelompok Kaunseling Untuk Orang
 The elderly often feel unproductive, unneeded and
 Groups can help older people challenge these
myths and deal with the developmental tasks that
they must face in such a way that they can retain
their integrity and self-respect.
Jenis-Jenis Kelompok
 Kelompok Kaunseling
 Kelompok Psikoterapi
 Kelompok Psikopendidikan/Bimbingan
 Kelompok Tugas/Kerja
 Kelompok Kaunseling
 Sebagai orientasi permasalahan dan pemulihan di
mana seseorang itu dirasionalkan mengikut
kehendak ramai bagi mengatasi kesukaran2 atau
ketidakpuasan atau tingkah laku yang negatif.
 Sebagai 1 proses dlm membantu klien
menyesuaikan dirinya dengan hal2 sehari2
mengenai perkembangan (Gibson & Mitchell)
 Kelompok Psikoterapi

 A process of reeducation that includes both

conscious and unconscious awareness and both the
present and the past.
 Focus on remediation, treatment and personality
 Are primarily designed to correct emotional and
behavioral disorders that impede one’s functioning
or to remediate in-depth psychological problems.
 Kelompok ini boleh dianggap sebagai educational
and therapeutics groups in that they are structured
along the lines of certain content themes aimed at
imparting information and that they also have a self-
development component.
 Serve a number of purposes such as, imparting
information, sharing common experiences, teaching
people how to solve problems, offering support, and
helping people learn how to create their own support
systems outside of the group setting.
Kelompok Tugas/Kerja

 Task facilitation groups are designed to assist task

forces, committees, planning groups, community
organizations, discussion groups, study circles,
learning groups, and other similar groups to correct
or develop their functioning.
 The focus is on the application of principles and
processes of group dynamics that may improve
practice and foster accomplishment of identified
work goals.

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