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Microbial Metabolism

Chapter 5
Metabolism - all of the chemical
reactions within a living organism
 1. Catabolism ( Catabolic )
• breakdown of complex organic molecules into
simpler compounds
• releases ENERGY
 2. Anabolism ( Anabolic )
• the building of complex organic molecules
from simpler ones
• requires ENERGY
Enzymes - catalysts that speed up and
direct chemical reactions
 A. Enzymes are substrate specific
• Lipases Lipids
• Sucrases Sucrose
• Ureases Urea
• Proteases Proteins
• DNases DNA
Enzyme Specificity can be explained
by the Lock and Key Theory

E + S -----> ES ------> E + P
Naming of Enzymes - most are
named by adding “ase” to the substrate
 Sucrose Sucrase
 Lipids Lipase
 DNA DNase
 Proteins Protease
 removes a Hydrogen Dehydrogenase
 removes a phosphate phosphotase
Naming of Enzymes
 Grouped based on type of reaction they
 1. Oxidoreductases oxidation & reduction
 2. Hydrolases hydrolysis
 3. Ligases synthesis
Enzyme Components
2 Parts
1. Apoenzyme - protein portion
2. Coenzyme (cofactor) - non-protein

Holoenzyme - whole enzyme

 Many are derived from vitamins

 1. Niacin
• NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
 2. Riboflavin
• FAD (Flavin adenine dinucleotide)
 3. Pantothenic Acid
• CoEnzyme A
Factors that Influence Enzymatic

Denaturation of an Active Protein

Inhibitors can effect enzymatic activity
1. Competitive Inhibitors
2. Noncompetitive Inhibitors
Competitive Inhibitors -compete for
the active site
 1. Penicillin
• competes for the active site on the enzyme
involved in the synthesis of the pentaglycine
 2. Sulfanilamide (Sulfa Drugs)
• competes for the active site on the enzyme that
converts PABA into Folic Acid
• Folic Acid - required for the synthesis of DNA and

Selective Toxicity
Non-competitive Inhibitors - attach to
an allosteric site
Energy Production
 1. Oxidation
• refers to the loss of Hydrogens and or electrons
 2. Reduction
• the gain of Hydrogens and or electrons

NAD Cycle
Carbohydrate Catabolism
 Microorganisms oxidize carbohydrates as
their primary source of energy
 Glucose - most common energy source
 Energy obtained from Glucose by:
• Respiration
• Fermentation
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
 Electrons released by oxidation are passed
down an Electron Transport System with
oxygen being the Final Electron Acceptor

 General Equation:

 Glucose + oxygen----> Carbon dioxide + water

Chemical Equation
 C6H12O6 + 6 O2 -------> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O

 38 ADP + 38 P 38 ATP
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
 4 subpathways

 1. Glycolysis
 2. Transition Reaction
 3. Kreb’s Cycle
 4. Electron Transport System
1. Glycolysis (splitting of sugar)

 Oxidation of Glucose into 2 molecules of

Pyruvic acid
 Embden-Meyerhof Pathway

 End Products of Glycolysis:

• 2 Pyruvic acid
• 2 NADH2
• 2 ATP
2. Transition Reaction
 Connects Glycolysis to Krebs Cycle

 End Products:
• 2 Acetyl CoEnzyme A
• 2 CO2
• 2 NADH2
3. Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
 Series of chemical reactions that begin and
end with citric acid

 Products:
• 2 ATP
• 6 NADH2
• 2 FADH2
• 4 CO2
4. Electron Transport System
 Occurs within the cell membrane of Bacteria

 Chemiosomotic Model of Mitchell

• 34 ATP
How 34 ATP from E.T.S. ?
3 ATP for each NADH2
2 ATP for each FADH2

 Glycolysis 2  Glycolysis 0
 T. R. 2  T.R. 0
 Krebs Cycle 6  Krebs Cycle 2

 Total 10  Total 2

 10 x 3 = 30 ATP  2 x 2 = 4 ATP
Total ATP production for the
complete oxidation of 1 molecule
of glucose in Aerobic Respiration
 Glycolysis 2
 Transition Reaction 0
 Krebs Cycle 2
 E.T.S. 34

 Total 38 ATP
Anaerobic Respiration
 Electrons released by oxidation are passed
down an E.T.S., but oxygen is not the final
electron acceptor

 Nitrate (NO3-) ----> Nitrite (NO2-)

 Sulfate (SO24-) ----> Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
 Carbonate (CO24-) -----> Methane (CH4)
 Anaerobic process that does not use the
E.T.S. Usually involves the incomplete
oxidation of a carbohydrate which then
becomes the final electron acceptor.

 Glycolysis - plus an additional step

Fermentation may result in numerous
end products

1. Type of organism
2. Original substrate
3. Enzymes that are present and active
1. Lactic Acid Fermenation
 Only 2 ATP
 End Product - Lactic Acid
 Food Spoilage
 Food Production
• Yogurt - Milk
• Pickles - Cucumbers
• Sauerkraut - Cabbage
 2 Genera:
• Streptococcus
• Lactobacillus
2. Alcohol Fermentation
 Only 2 ATP
 End products:
• alcohol
• CO2
 Alcoholic Beverages
 Bread dough to rise

 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast)

3. Mixed - Acid Fermentation
 Only 2 ATP
 End products - “FALSE”

 Escherichia coli and other enterics

Propionic Acid Fermentation
 Only 2 ATP
 End Products:
• Propionic acid
• CO2

 Propionibacterium sp.
Fermentation End Products
Lipid Catabolism
Protein Catabolism
Photosynthesis - conversion of light
energy from the sun into chemical energy
 Chemical energy is used to reduce CO2 to
sugar (CH2O)
 Carbon Fixation - recycling of carbon in the
environment (Life as we known is dependant on this)

 Photosynthesis
• Green Plants
• Algae
• Cyanobacteria
Chemical Equation

 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight -----> C6H12O6 + 6 O2

 2 Parts:
• 1. Light Reaction
• 2. Dark Reaction
Light Reaction
 Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation
• O2

 Light Reaction (simplified)

2. Dark Reaction

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