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Group members:
Trần Ngô Hương Thủy Trần Công Tiểu Nhi
Trần Thị Thu Huyền Trần Thị Thu Trâm
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Liên Trương Thị Bích Trâm
Nguyễn Ngọc Trúc Quỳnh
1. Definition
2. Outline
3. Basic steps
4. Common mistakes
5. Five keys
6. Mini-game
An argumentative essay:
- Show writer’s attitude (agree or disagree) towards an
- Use reasons to support the opinion
Both sides of the issue have to be discussed.
Convince the readers
It is generally believed that some
Some citiesarein the
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sport or have
others are not. However, it is
laws establishing curfews for young
sometimes claimed that any child
can be They
taught(usually age a17good
to become and
sporter ormay not beDiscuss
musician. out onboththe
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10PM. Do own​
your you
agree or disagree with such curfews.
A. Block Organization
2. Body
Block 1
Summary 1.ofIntroduction
other side’s arguments
Rebuttal of argument
the first issue
Summary to of statement
of view
Rebuttal to the third argument
Block 2
Your first argument
Your second argument
Your third argument
B. Point by point organization
3. Body
• Statement of the other side’s first
argument and rebuttal with your own
1. Introduction:
• Explanation of the issue, including a
3.• Conclusion:
Statement ofa the other slide’s
summary of your second
point of
summary of the other slide’s arguments
view. and rebuttal with your own
• Thesis statement
• Statement of the other slide’s third
argument and rebuttal with your own
• Step 1: Clarification
• Step 2: Research the topic for idea-sand
supporting reasons for both sides of the
• Step 3: Divide the main points found into:
 For your side
 Against your side
• Step 4: Write a thesis: topic + controlling idea.
• Step 5:Construct an outline
Write concisely and briefly main supporting
points in your preferred order (order of
importance or logical division of ideas).
Choose one or two opposing opinion (one is
highly recommended)
Choose an organization, either block or point-by-
point organization.
Step 6:Write the first draft
I. Introduction:
 Funnel organization
 Background information
 Thesis statement and state an opposing view
and main points (or the number of main points)
Step 6:Write the first draft
II. Body:
A major supporting point
Explanations, examples, statistics or quotations
(cited), etc.
Strong and well-founded argument
Use transitional signals properly
Unity and coherence between and within
paragraphs. (page 297-299)
Step 6:Write the first draft
III. Conclusion:
Restate the controlling idea
Mention briefly the opposing opinion
May provide a general statement of how the
community will benefit from following your
premise or a warning of the consequences.
Step 7: Proof-reading and Peer-editing
Spelling mistakes
Run-on sentences
Subject and verb agreement,….
Exchange papers with a classmate. (the author may
overlook their mistakes)
Provide a viewpoint of an outsider
Improve your paper before submitting
 Sound opinionated
Present facts, statistics,….
 Writing without your audience in mind
Consider your readers and their knowledge
about this topic
 Lack of supporting evidences
Read more materials: books, articles,
An argumentative essay contains these five keys

1. An explanation of the issue

2. A clear thesis statement
3. A summary of the opposing arguments
4. Rebuttals to the opposing arguments
5. Your own argument
• Divide class into 2 groups at first.
• Questions will be shown in sequence on the screen.
• The person who stand up first will have rights to
answer this question.
• With each correct answer, the group will have 1 mark
and this person will receive 1 special gift.
1. What is an argumentative essay? Is there any
out-standing feature of this type?

An argumentative essay is a kind of essay in which

you try to persuade your reader to agree with your
opinion about a controversial topic.
Both sides of the issue have to be discussed.
2. What is the main difference between point by
point and block organization?

In block organization:
- The first paragraph talks about rebuttal to all
- The second one focuses on proving the writer’s
In point by point organization:
Each paragraph gives each argument and its
3. Five keys to make a good argumentative essays?

1. An explanation of the issue

2. A clear thesis statement
3. A summary of the opposing arguments
4. Rebuttals to the opposing arguments
5. Your own argument
4. What do we use to connect opposing arguments
with your counter arguments? Give some words?

Contrast transition signals will be used to connect

opposing arguments and writer’s argument.
For example: although, even though, while, whereas, in
contrast, on the other hand,….
A. Add an opposing point of view to each of the
following thesis statements. (You also can rewrite
part of the given sentence)
Doctors or family members should never be allowed
to “pull the plug”.
Although some people believe that doctors and
family members should never be allowed to “pull the
plug”, I believe that its is sometimes more humane to
do so.
1. Television is the worst invention of
modern times

In spite of the fact that television brings many

benefits to human’s life, I suppose that it is the worst
invention of modern times.
Many people consider television as the worst
invention; on the contrary, I believe that it is one of
the most important invention of modern times.
2. Global climate change is caused by
While many scientists blames global climate
change on human’s activity, I firmly believe that
it is caused by many other factors.

Although many people suppose that global

climate change is caused by human, I suppose
that there are many other factors contributing to
this change.
3. The future status of English as the
global language is assured
Whereas there are plenty of languages all the
globe, the future status of English as the global
language is assured.

Many people assume that the future status of

English as the global language is assured,
however, I believe that English can not surely be
a global language.
B. Think of two supporting arguments and one
opposing point for each thesis statement.
C. Violence in video games, movies and
television programs should be banned.
o Violent video games, movies directly affects
human’s personality and behavior
o A large number of violent games, movies is
published these days
o Some movies, games with certain violence level
should be allowed.
2. School should require students to
participate in outdoor activities at least one
per week.
o Outdoor activities will improve social
o Voluntary activities are good chances to
contribute to the development of our
oOutdoor activities may neglects learning at

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