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Greek Mythology

• Were used to explain

– the creation of the earth,
– death and the afterlife,
– and human experiences: love, jealousy,
revenge, & war.
• They were also used as entertainment and
were only told orally because most people
could not read.
Gods & Goddesses
• Greek Myths include gods & goddesses.

• A god or goddess is immortal. This means

that they can never die and that they live

• The immortals could not die but they did

make mistakes and had human emotions
such as: jealousy, love & anger.
• Zeus was the last child of the
Titans Cronus and Rhea.
• Zeus had his golden throne on
the highest summit of Mount
Olympus and was respected
and awed by all Gods and
• He possessed the perfect
knowledge and was just,
merciful and prudent.
• Hera was a beautiful,
mature woman with big
eyes and pierced lobes. She
always took care of her
appearance, dressing
elegantly and decently in a
feminine, but not exotic
• There were times she would
also interfering, causing
harm to Zeus' mistresses,
since Zeus himself was
• Poseidon was the Greek
god responsible for natural
and supernatural events,
mainly the ones associated
to the sea world and was
the savior of ships. He
possessed a trident which
was so powerful that it
could shake the earth.
• The symbol of Poseidon
was the trident and his
sacred animals were
the dolphin and the horse.
• Hades was the Greek god
of the Dead
• Hades was the supreme
ruler of the Underworld.
Almost never did he leave
his gloomy kingdom but
was residing there
instead, surrounded by
darkness and silence.
• The sacred symbol of
Hades was his helmet,
which helped him stay
• Goddess of Hearth and Home.
• Both P oseidon and Apollo wis
hed to marry her, however
Hestia had given the oath
to Zeus to never enter into a
union with a male and to
remain forever pure and
• Hestia was a kind, forgiving
goddess and had a discrete
character. S he never left her
residence, the sacred
mountain of Olympus and
never participated in any
disputes or wars. For this
reason, all Olympian gods
respected and loved her.
• Hermes was wearing wings on
his sandals and therefore was
the speediest of all Greek
gods. Because of his speed,
Hermes received the role of
the messenger and conductor
of souls to the Underworld.
• Hermes was a messenger of
all gods, but mostly he was
known for performing duties
for his father Zeus with great
pleasure. Zeus appreciated
Hermes' wits highly and
always asked for Hermes'
assistance throughout his
decisions, especially when it
came to cheating on his
wife Hera.
• Hephaestus was a very kind
and loveable god, but was the
only deity who was physically
ugly and lame. When his
mother Hera saw him for the
first time, she was so
frustrated that she took her
son and threw him from Mount
Olympus to the depths of the
seas, causing a deformation to
his leg.
• Wife: Aphrodite, the goddess
of love.
• The symbols of Hephaestus
were the fire, the axe,
the pincers and the hammer.
• Dionysus was a god known for
his lightheartness and always
offered his help to anyone in
need. He was therefore very
popular among gods and
mortals and many festivals
were being held every year in
his honor.
• Demeter was a peace-
loving deity and the
source of all growth and
life; she was the goddess
who provided all nutrition
on the earth and taught
mortals how to cultivate
the earth and ease life.
Demeter was most
appreciated for
introducing wheat to
mankind, making man
different from animals.
• Athena was the goddess who
taught mankind various skills
such as weaving and sewing
to the women and agriculture
and metallurgy to men. S he
was always giving precious
advice and stood by on any
danger. Athena protected the
heroes as they went out to
war and saved them on their
coming back.
• Athena never married and had
no children.
• Athena's tree was the olive
tree and her sacred animal
was the owl, the symbol of
• As a child, Artemis had asked
from her father Zeus to remain
an eternal virgin and therefore
became one of the three Virgin
Goddesses in Greek
mythology. Artemis had
absolute sovereignty over
nature and was said to bring
fertility to all places that
worshipped her.
• he symbols of Artemis were
the bow and the pike. Her tree
was the cedar and her sacred
animals were the snake,
the bear and the deer.
• Just like his mother Hera, Ares
had a very difficult character
to deal with and was therefore
rather unpopular among the
other deities and mankind. For
this reason, no Greek city
wanted to have him as its
patron. He often had conflicts
and fights with his half-
sisters Artemis and Athena,
especially during the Trojan
• Ares was a simple warrior with
swift feet. Usually he was
riding a chariot, wearing a
helmet on his head. In his
hands he was holding a shield,
a sword or a spear.
• Apollo was the Greek god
of the Music. He invented
the lute(a plucked string
instrument with a body
shaped like a pear), but
he was more popular for
playing the lyre
• Apollo owned the
precious gift of prophecy,
given to him by his father
Zeus in his infancy.
• Apollo was a handsome,
strong and youthful god
with impressive golden
• Aphrodite was the most
attractive goddess of Mount
Olympus. S he was the
goddess of Love, Beauty and
Eternal Youth, arousing desire
to gods and humans as well
as birds and beasts. In
addition, she was connected
to the death/rebirth of nature
and human beings.
• Aphrodite may have been the
most attractive goddess, but
according to the Iliad(the
famous poem by Homer), she
was a rather weak, frightful
Angry because she was not invited to the
wedding of the Sea Goddess Thetis to King
Peleus, Eris tossed the Golden Apple
marked “To the Fairest” into the banquet.
• Hera offered to make
Paris ruler of Europe
and Asia
• Athena offered to let
him lead Sparta in a
victory over the Trojans
• Aphrodite offered him
the most beautiful
woman in the world
• The son of the military man
Peleus and the sea-nymph
Thetis. The most powerful
warrior in The Iliad, Achilles
commands the Myrmidons,
soldiers from his homeland of
Phthia in Greece.
A Glimpse of
•The deities of Philippine
mythology are the gods, goddesses
and diwatas worshipped by ancient
Filipinos before the Christianization of
the natives after the Spanish conquest
of the Philippines.
While not as widely known as
its European and Asian counterparts,
they have similar elements and
characteristics when compared to
other mythologies.
• The supreme god of the
Tagalogs; creator of man and
earth and addressed
sometimes as Bathalang
• He dwells in Kaluwalhatian
together with the lesser gods
and goddesses.
• Aside from the lesser gods and
goddesses, he sent his anitos
in order to assist the daily lives
of every human.
• When most of the natives
were converted
to Christianity during
the Spanish Era, he was
referred to the Christian God.
• The ill-tempered god of
the sea because among Amanikable
the first generation gods
(aside from Bathala), he
was never married after
his love was spurned by a
beautiful mortal maiden,
• In frustration, he swore
vengeance against the
humans by sending
turbulent waves and
horrible tempest in order
to wreck boats and to
drown men.
• Known by the Tagalogs
as the god of animal Idiyanale
husbandry and
aquaculture by others
the god of agriculture,
• the god who is in charge
of animal welfare and
aquatic resources, he
usually lives in the
woods and guards the
animals from
hunters, also on waters
takes in charge of the
fishes and other marine
•The goddess Dumangan
of good
•She was
married to
Idiyanale and
had two
• She is major fertility deity of the ancient
• Farmers with their children brought
offerings for him at the fields and
invoke him to protect them from
famine. Some sources also said that
foods and words are offered to him by
his devotees asking for "water" for their
fields and "fish" when they set sail in
the sea for fishing.
• Lakampati was a hermaphrodite deity
and was commented by some authors
and friars as “the hermaphrodite devil
who satisfies his carnal appetite with
men and women”.
• He is identified to the ancient Zambal
goddess Ikapati although he/she also
has a characteristics similar to other
Zambal deities such as Anitong Tawo,
Dumangan, Damulag, Kalasokus, and
• The goddess of Mayari
moon and one of the
three daughters of
Bathala by a mortal
• She was the most
charming of all the
goddesses and had
two sister namely
Tala and Hanan.
• The goddess of Tala
the stars;
• sister of Mayari
and Hanan and
one of the three
daughters of
Bathala by a
mortal woman.
• The goddess of Hanan
• sister of Mayari
and Tala and one
of the three
daughters of
Bathala by a
mortal woman.
• The strong, agile Dumakulem
guardian of
mountains and the
son of Idiyanale
and Dumangan.
• His sister was
Anitun Tabu.
• He later married
• The fickle-minded Anitun Tabu
goddess of wind
and rain.
• She was the
daughter of
Idiyanale and
Dumangan and the
sister of
• The goddess of Anagolay
lost things and the
only offspring of
Lakapati and
• She was married
to Dumakulem.
• The god of sun Apolaki
and was chiefly
the patron of
• He was the son
of Anagolay
• The goddess of love, Diyan Masalanta
conception and childbirth
and the protector of
• She was the daughter of
Anagolay and Dumakulem
and youngest of all the
• After the conversion of
the natives to Christianity
during the Spanish Era,
she was then referred
as Maria Makiling.

1.Mariang Makiling
2.Mariang Sinukuan
3.Maria Cacao
4.Diwata ng Kagubatan
Mariang Makiling
• The most famous of all
the enchantress in
the Philippine
mythology and folklore.
• She was the protector and
guardian of Mount
Makiling located in Los
Baños, Laguna. Thus,
modern sightings of her
were even reported.
• Maria Makiling is a
common theme among
Filipino artists, ranging
from painters and
Mariang Sinukuan
• She was the
resident and
of Mount
Arayat locate
in Arayat, Pa
Maria Cacao
• She dwells in Mount
Lantoy, Argao,
Cebu where she had
cacao trees, hence a
plantation outside
her own cave.
• After harvest, rain
comes that wash
down the mountain,
enabling her to float
Diwata ng Kagubatan
• Also known as Virgen Del
Monte, she was worshiped
by the
ancient Cuyunon of Cuyo
Island, Palawan.
• She is honored in a
celebrated feast, periodically
held atop of Mount Caimana
in the mentioned island.
• When most of the natives
were converted
to Christianity during
the Spanish Era, about 2/3
of the converted Cuyunon
Nuno sa Punso

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