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Supply Chain Management

Chapter: Precis Writing

Instructor: Ayesha Zareef
Lecture Date: 10/27/2017

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What is a Precis Writing?
• A Precis is a summary and precis writing means
• Precis writing is an exercise in compression.
• A precis is a main theme of the passage expressed in as
few word as possible, however it should include all the
essential points, so that anyone on reading it may be
able to grasp the main points and general effect of the
passage summarized.

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Principle of Precis Making

• What to do
• How to do
• Class Exercise

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What to do?
1. Size:
As per instruction of the examiner regarding the size of the precis.
If the examiner is silent than precis must be 1/3.
• 4% less or more margin on words demanded.
2. The language structure of the original passage must be broken.
3. Precis must be written in indirect speech
* Third person
4. The tense of the precis must be same as of its passage.
5. Reorganization: it should be a cohesive paragraph, strong rhythm,
* Reorganization of scattered points
Forecasting 4
6. Precis must be written in one paragraph.
7. Preferably one should write precis in active voice because
communication is active.
9. Proverbs should not be reproduced and should be dismantled and
their meanings should be the part of your precis.
• No pain, no gain: here one should dismantle it and extract the
10. Your own knowledge on the subject given in the original
passage, your political affiliations, your religious beliefs, your
cultural biases etc. must not influence the meanings of the original
passage. Forecasting 5
11. You must not go behind the meanings of the written words in the
original passage.
12. Sentences must be of medium size in your precis (10-15 words,
avoid otherwise)
* your precis must be on half a page
13. You should use simple vocabulary, no idioms or expressions.
14. Suggest a suitable title to your precis (heading).

Forecasting 6
Qualities of a good title
1. Size of the title:
Maximum size: six words
Minimum size: one word
2. Title must be your own, it should not be a quotation.
3. Do not use punctuation sign.
4. It must be not written in inverted commas.
5. The most important keywords or key terms in the precis shall be
the part of title.
6. You must not be a philosopher in writing the title of the precis.
7. Title must be specific in its meaning to the precis, it should not be
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How to do

• Step 1: Sentence construction.

• Step 2: Re organization of the sentences to
avoid the overlapping of points.
• Step 3: Suggest a suitable title.

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Rough Draft

• All the points of step 2 will be written here

in the form of a paragraph.
• Here use pronouns instead of unnecessary
• Use connecting words to develop rhythm in

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Final Draft

Original Words:300
Precis Words: 150

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Class Exercise (Solution)

Educational Institutions and Social Morality

The increased chances of survival of today’s man lies with
human intelligence training and development of social
morality. It is a challenge for educators to produce such
individuals that was left with the religion but its failure to
fulfil this requirement increased the chances of nuclear
devastation. The practical rulers had no interest in morality.
Therefore, educational institutions should work for the
training of human intelligence and for developing their
functional empathy.

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