PSC Syllabus For DEO & AEO EXam Orientation

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PSC Exam

Zeshan Nisar
Assistant Commissioner
Syllabus DEO
Syllabus AEO
Comparison of syllabus of both posts
No Subject Paper Marks Marks
1 English a) Essay, Precise, Composition & Letter 100 100
2 General a) Current Affairs 100 50
3 Knowledge b) Pakistan Affairs 100 50
4 Urdu Essay. Precise, Composition , Letter Writing 100 100
& Urdu Adab
5 Islamic Studies Islamic Studies 100 100
6 Educational • Planning & Policies 100
Planning & • Education Budgeting
management • Education statistics
• Primary to Higher and technical Education
system in Pakistan and future Perspective
and challenges
• Growth of Human Capital
• Issues of unemployment and solutions.
Total 600 400
• Total marks 100
• Essay English
• Precise & Composition
• Letter Writing.
Sample Paper
Write an extensive essay of about 150 lines on one of the following


Topics for English Essays

• Development after Pulwana attack and its impact on Pakistan and India’s general
• Pakistan foreign policy
• Electoral reforms
• Judicial activism
• Good governance
• Disaster management
• Counter terrorism policy
• Water issues with India
• Pakistan water crisis
• Pakistan energy crisis
• National action Plan
• CPEC and its impact on Pakistan’s economy and development
• Economic policy and economic condition of Pakistan
• Measures to improve economy of Pakistan
• Regional alliances
• World bodies and Pakistan’s participation in that bodies.
Sample Paper English Composition
Q:2. Write a précis of the following passage and suggest a suitable
Q3. Read the passage below and answer the following questions
Q4. write a letter to …….
Q5. idioms
Q6. Correction of sentences
Current Affairs
Pakistan's Domestic Affairs
1. Political
2. Economic
3. Social

Pakistan's External Affairs

4. Pakistan’s relations with its Neighbors (India, China, Afghanistan, Russia)
5. Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim World (Iran, Saudi Arabia,
Indonesia, Turkey)
6. Pakistan’s relations with the United States
7. Pakistan’s relations with Regional and International Organizations (UN,
Current Affairs
Global Issues
• International Security
• International Political Economy
• Human Rights
• Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord
• Population: world population trends, world population policies
• Terrorism and Counter Terrorism
• Global Energy Politics
• Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security
• Nuclear Politics in South Asia
• International Trade (Doha Development Round and Bali Package)
• Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.
• Millennium Development Goals, Current Status,
• Globalization
• Middle East Crisis
• Kashmir Issue
• Palestine Issue
Pakistan Affairs
• Starting from 1857 till today
• Reason of failure on 1857 Revolt
• Ideology of Pakistan ----- definition and elucidation, historical aspects: Muslim rule in the Sub-
continent, its downfall and efforts for Renaissance. Movements for reforms -- Shaikh Ahmad
Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed, Aligarh, Deoband, Nadwah, and other educational
institutions ------- Sindh Madrassah and Islamia College Peshawae. Ideology of Pakistan in the light of
Speeches and statements of Allama Iqbal and Quaid i Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
• Land and people of Pakistan ------- Geography, Society, Natural resources, Agriculture, Industry
and education with reference to characteristics, trends and problems.
• Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus
• Nuclear Program of Pakistan, its Safety and Security; International Concerns
• Regional Economic Cooperation (SAARC,ECO,SCO) and the Role of Pakistan
• Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan
• Economic Challenges in Pakistan
• Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors
• Pakistan’s Role in the Region
• Palestine Issue
• Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National Security of Pakistan
• Political Evolution Since 1971
• Pakistan and US War on Terror
Pakistan affairs
• Foreign Policy of Pakistan Post 9/11
• Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan
• Ethnic Issues and National Integration
• Hydro Politics ; Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context
• Pakistan’s National Interest
• Challenges to Sovereignty
• Pakistan’s Energy Problems and their Effects
• Pakistan’s Relations with Neighbors excluding India
• Pakistan and India Relations Since 1947
• Kashmir Issue
• The war in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on, and challenges to Pakistan, in the Post
2014 era.
• Proxy Wars: Role of External Elements
• Economic Conditions of Pakistan, the Most Recent Economic Survey, the Previous and
Current Budgets, and the Problems and Performance of Major Sectors of Economy.
• The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional Amendments and
Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher Courts.
• The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal with Them, Poverty,
Education, Health and Sanitation
Kashmir Affairs
• Treaty of Amritsar
• Young Men’s Muslim Association
• Reading room party
• Galancy Commission
• Political parties in Kashmir before 1447
• Elections in Kashmir before 1947
• 13th July 1931
• 31 July 1947
• Background of Kashmir issue
• Musharraf 4 point formula
• Chanab formula
• Kashmir after 9/11
• Recent uprising in Kashmir. A non-violent movement.
• Precise
• Composition
• Letter writing
• Proverbs
• 2 questions from history of urdu Literature
• Different movements of urdu literature
Islamic Studies
The Holy Quran & Hidiyas, Salient Characteristics:-
a. Its Revelation and Compilation.
b. Certain Basic Principles :
i. Duty towards Allah (Submission to his Laws)
ii. Duty towards Society (Equality, Justice,
Haqooqul ebad, Honesty intelectural as well as
iii. Duty towards nature Understanding (through
experimentation) conquest & domination of the
forces of nature in the service of Allah.
iv. Duty towards self: Moral Development &
purification with an object to serve God’s people.
Islamic Studies
c. Certain Injunctions:
i. Wealth- The permitted way of earning illegal
gratification – distribution - Zakaat, Inheritance,
Charity, Waqf Interest, giving away of spare
ii. Concept of love in Islam.
iii. Women: Marriage, Divorce, Polygamy, right to
Inherit, Treatment, Education of all human
necessity, position of women in Islamic Society.
iv. Administration: Power a trust-selection of an
administration, Efficiency and Honesty.
Topic 04. The Application of Islamic teachings to Socio-Economic
development in the 20 century.
Educational Planning & management

• Planning & Policies

• Education Budgeting
• Education statistics
• Primary to Higher and technical Education system in Pakistan
and future Perspective and challenges
• Growth of Human Capital
• Issues of unemployment and solutions.

• Recommended book: Education Planning & management by

Nawaz Abbasi

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