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1.“but it was probably less than a sheer exhaustion that kept Sachiko awake”
2.“Miyuki and Komazawa murmuring of the love as they sailed down the
River Uji”
3.“and indeed one should properly put on a long-sleeved kimono”
4.“They turned off their flashlights and approached in silence; fireflies dislike
noise and light.”
5.“actually it was no more than a ditch through the paddies”
6.“lines of wavering out from this bank and the other and back again”

a.nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis).

b.a long, loose robe with wide sleeves and tied with a sash, originally worn as
a formal garment in Japan and now also used elsewhere as a robe.
c. a soft, low, or indistinct sound produced by a person or group of people
speaking quietly or at a distance.
d.a narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage alongside a
road or the edge of a field.
e.the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake.
f. a soft-bodied beetle related to the glowworm, the winged male and
flightless female of which both have luminescent organs
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. F
5. D
6. E
Examples of Context Clues
• Synonyms as Context Clues
• Antonyms as Context Clues
• Definitions as Context Clues
• Explanations as Context Clues
• Contrasts as Context Clues
• What is the significance of having a
kinship/relation with nature?
• Why can’t Sachiko sleep?
• What, to Sachiko, is the most impressive
moment of the evening?
What values of the Japanese regarding
nature are shown in this selection?
How can this values maintain ecological
Realism and
Characters are people
or animals in stories.
The setting of a story is
where and when the
story happens.
Summarizing a story
means telling the story in
a short way making sure
to tell the important parts.
The main idea of a
story is what the
story is mostly
Realism and Fantasy

A realistic story could happen.

A fantasy could not happen.

Think about these stories. Could they really
happen or are they make-believe?

They could really happen.

They are all realistic.
Think about the story.
Is it realistic or a fantasy?

Think about the story.
Is it realistic or a fantasy?

Think about the story.
Is it realistic or a fantasy?

Think about the story.
Is it realistic or a fantasy?

Think about the story.
Is it realistic or a fantasy?

If a story can happen,
it is…

If a story cannot happen,
it is…

What details in the story reveals realism?

Which part became magical?

DIRECTIONS: Identify whether the following sentences are reality or fantasy.
Write F for Fantasy and R if it is a Reality

1: The horse galloped and flew into the air onto a tree branch.
2: The boys and girls went to the Yamang Bukid for a field trip.
3: A cow plowed the field and then asked for a drink of water.
4: I found a real pretty ring, but it told me to put it down.
5: The children clapped at the end of the concert.
6: Mrs. Soriano laughed with the children.
7: The fat carabao ran around its pen.
8: Jane danced when the music began.
9: Cardo and all his pets become comfortable and watch television together.
Sometimes they tell each other stories. He share jokes and they all laugh
10: Juan loves his pet. He has a dog and two puppies, a kitten and a bird.
He feeds them twice a day, once in the morning before he leaves for school
and another time in the afternoon. When he gets home, his pets seem to
love him too.
DIRECTIONS: Identify whether the following sentences are reality or fantasy.
Write F for Fantasy and R if it is a Reality

1: The horse galloped and flew into the air onto a tree branch. FANTASY
2: The boys and girls went to the Yamang Bukid for a field trip. REALITY
3: A cow plowed the field and then asked for a drink of water. FANTASY
4: I found a real pretty ring, but it told me to put it down. FANTASY
5: The children clapped at the end of the concert. REALITY
6: Mrs. Soriano laughed with the children. REALITY
7: The fat carabao ran around its pen. REALITY
8: Jane danced when the music began. REALITY
9: Cardo and all his pets become comfortable and watch television together.
Sometimes they tell each other stories. He share jokes and they all laugh
together. FANTASY
10: Juan loves his pet. He has a dog and two puppies, a kitten and a bird.
He feeds them twice a day, once in the morning before he leaves for school
and another time in the afternoon. When he gets home, his pets seem to
love him too. REALITY
Being able to tell if a story is
realistic or a fantasy will help you
become a super reader!

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