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Listen to the dialogue between nurses and

patients / visitors in the outpatient rooms.

From group 6 :
Muh. Ismail
Dian Susilawati
Sudi Lestari

 Definition.
Outpatient is a medical service to a patient the aim of
observation, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and
other health services, without requiring the patient to
be hospitalized. (Indonesian Wikipedia).
 Outpatient purpose.
Striving for optimal recovery and recovery of patients
through procedures and actions that can be accounted
for. (Hospital Service Standards, Director General of the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 1999).
 Outpatient function.

Consultation, investigation, examination

and treatment places by medical specialists
in their respective fields are available for
patients who need a short time to heal.
 Good outpatient characteristics:
1) Adequate hospital facilities.
2) Proper practice hours, there are 24 hour services
and a good referral system.
3) Efficient scheduling of visits to shorten waiting
4) Rates affordable by patients.
5) Service quality is considered good if the services
provided by doctors and nurses are friendly,
attentive to patients' needs and feelings.
dialogue between nurses and patients /
visitors in the outpatient rooms.
Nurse : Good morning nurse.
Patient : Good morning too.
Nurse : What is your name?
Patient : My name is Dian.
Nurse : Where are you from miss Dian.
Patient : I`m from Tembeng Putih.
Nurse : With whom did you come here?
Patient : I come here with my mother.
Nurse : Oke miss. What can I do for you?
Patient : I feel unwell and keep vomiting all the time.
(Pasien : Saya merasa tidak enak badan dan terus muntah
sepanjang waktu.)
Nurse : How long have you fell like this?
(Perawat : Berapa lama Anda merasa seperti ini?)
Patient : Nearly two days. It started just before going to bed the day
before yesterday.
(Pasien : Hampir dua hari. Ini dimulai sebelum tidur kemarin lusa.)

Nurse : Let me examination you. I will press on your stomach to see if it

hurts and then listen to your heart.
(Perawat : Biar saya periksa Anda. Saya akan menekan perut Anda untuk
melihat apakah itu sakit dan kemudian mendengarkan denyut
jantung Anda.)

Patient : Ok. It doesn’t hurt when you press my stomach. I just feel tired.
(Pasien : Ok. Tidak ada salahnya bila Anda menekan perut saya. Saya
hanya merasa lelah.)
Nurse : Ok. Did you eat anything different from
usually before you started to feel this way?
(Perawat : Ok. Apakah Anda makan sesuatu yang
berbeda dari biasanya sebelum Anda mulai
merasa seperti ini?)
Patient : yes, my aunt cooks dinner for me. She is not
a very good cook and her food tastes a bit strange.
(Pasien : Ya, Bibi saya memasak makan malam
untuk saya. Dia bukan juru masak yang sangat baik
dan makanan nya terasa agak aneh.)
Nurse : You’ve got food poisoning. It is not very serious and
you should be better in another day.
(Perawat : Anda telah keracunan makanan. Hal ini tidak
terlalu serius dan Anda akan lebih baik esok hari.)
Patient : Oh no, what should I do?
(Pasien : Oh tidak, apa yang harus saya lakukan?)
Nurse : You need to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.
(Perawat : Anda perlu minum banyak air dan banyak beristirahat.)
Patient : Ok, thank you nurse.
(Pasien : Ok, terima kasih suster.)
Nurse : You’re welcome. If you are not better in 48 hours come and
see me again.
(Perawat : Sama-sama. Jika Anda tidak baik dalam 48 jam datang dan
kunjungi saya lagi.)

thanks for your

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