PART 6 and 7

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PART 6 and 7

Geraldo Jujika / 16 - 1035

Helmy cahyadi / 16 -1040
Kevin Erlang K.N. /16 -1049
ed, olga kovacs, whom represents one of our most important cents,
the answer is whom because its relative prnounce, if we use who thats
tell about a person.
she will be staying at the grand hotel,
the answer is will be staying because the sentence is future sentence
please send a limousine to her hotel by 07.30
the answer is a limousine because what is needed to arrive at the
destination on time is the vechile
although there have

The answer is although because the beginning of the sentence should

not use conjunctions
this is not encouraging news for public health officals....
The answer is encouraging beacuse the sentence is present continuous
starting a habit like smoking during adolescence can mean serious
health problem for the rest of one
The answer is adolescence because the answer is compatible with the
the answer is D. “book in many languages” because in those ads listed
sentence 225 language
• the answer is A. “Multilingual staff” because thats advertisement
about global publishing services with multi language so that must
have a multilingual staff
who will be billed the purchase?
the answer is A.”the purchasing departement, TECH 2000” because
tech 2000 make purchase order to comtex as a vendor so the
purchasing departement tech 2000 get the billed the purchase
who sells hard drives and serial cables ?
the answer is A. “Comtex” because in the purchase order, comtex as a
vendor who sells the item
• if the ethernet cards were not ordered, what would be the subtotal?
the answer is C. “7700” because if without ethernet cards the cost
needed just form hard drive and serial cable, thats just need 7000, and
with tax 10% so its need 7700
• which departement does not get a copy of the purchase orfer ?
the answer is D. “Personnel” because in the purchase order only
accounting, purchasing, and receiving get copy of the purchase.
If international companies want to grow, they will need to...
The answer C. “Build factories close to their customer” beacuse the
customer want to provide input on design, engineering, and quality
Who wants to provide input on design ?
The answer is B. “Customer” because in the sentence stated that the
customer wants provide input on design and to find what the customer
wants the product to be
What is the purpose of this letter?
The answer is A. “To Apologize” because the essence of the letter is
about apologizing for the error in shipping the goods
The first shipment...
The answer is A. “Was not Complete” We can see in the first paragraph
Mr. Getrude Rombach say “We are sending immediately the additional
1000 cases of facsmile paper, model P-345X, that were not included in
the shipment

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