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IAOPA 2012 world Assembly

IAOPA 2012 1
Created towards the end of WWII

 Chicago 1944
 52 States – now 191
 South Africa participated

Session two - IAOPA 2012 2

The Purpose of the Convention
* Ensure orderly growth of aviation
* Aimed at across border traffic –
international commercial
* Involved mainly airline development
* General aviation had neither the
capability or need to go beyond
domestic applications

IAOPA 2012 3
 Commercial scheduled and non-
scheduled operations
 General aviation

General aviation not a priority

Overall ICAO is successful

Session two - IAOPA 2012 4

 Economic growth
 Technical development
 Development of use of aircraft in
 Private ownership increased
 Recreational or sport aviation
All within the GA category (Part 91)

IAOPA 2012 5
GA aircraft range
 Airbus 340
 Boeing 747
 Beechcraft
 Cessna
 Piper
 Experimental
 Micro light aircraft
IAOPA 2012 6
 Range and state of the art of
smaller aircraft changing
 Small aircraft no longer restricted
to domestic operations
 Cross border travel now feasible
and a need exists
 Such should be facilitated

IAOPA 2012 7
Cost factors introduced a new
concept in GA aircraft use
 Non Type Certificated Aircraft
 Resulted in a split of50/50 in the SA
aircraft register (11000 aircraft)
 This GA activity will grow
 Cannot comply with Annex 8
IAOPA 2012 8
 Capabilities increasing
 Sling II & IV around the world
 Cannot claim recognition in terms
of the Convention
 Need exists and will expand
 Need to make it easier and assure

IAOPA 2012 9
 Some support and recognition for
GA in the Annexes
 Annex 12 SAR
 Annex 1

 GA is threatened- economics,
airspace, land use, equipment

IAOPA 2012 10
 It is a changing environment we
live in now

 ICAO to give more attention to GA

 Urge Governments to protect ,
develop and ensure growth of GA
 Urge Governments not to

IAOPA 2012 11
 There is a need for a review of all
the Annexes to the Convention
 Address issues that could impact
on GA
 Accept that there are different
levels of GA activities
 Accept that there is a difference
in acceptable risks associated
with GA operations
IAOPA 2012 12
 Supportive role by ICAO is called
for in urging Governments to
encourage development of GA
 GA is the source of interest in
 We can call
 “”Mister ICAO support in breaking
down the barriers to growth of
IAOPA 2012 13

Session two - IAOPA 2012 14

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