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 Ohm’s law deals with the relationship between Voltage

and Current, in presence of some resistance. It states
that current in the circuit is directly proportional to
voltage across the circuit, keeping that physical
state and temperature of the conductor don’t
Mathematical Form
 Mathematically,

V I
V  IR
 Where R is constant of proportionality, named as
Resistance. Unit of R is ‘Ohm’
I is however inversely proportional to R. Why??
You can think of it like walking on a road. If there is no
traffic then you can move with high speed. But if there
are hurdles then our speed will be low. Same is the case
with Charges. Resistance is like hurdle for them, while
flowing from high to low potential. If there is more
resistance then current can’t flow smoothly and value of
I will decrease.
 From where resistance comes from?
 It comes from the other atoms which are present in the
conductor. When charges flow they collide with these
particles and loses energy. (For this reason conductor
gets heated up when current flows from it)
 Can resistance be zero?
 Can you make a system in which there will be no
power loss at all?
 Ohm’s law has a limitation;
 I will no longer be proportional to V if there is change
of temperature or state as if affects the value of
 On this basis conductors are divided into two
categories i.e. Ohmic and Non-Ohmic.
 How will you differentiate it?
 Red is for ohmic
 Blue is for Non-ohmic

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