Fatima Siti Maulidya Bachrudin, Anne Agustina Suwargiani, Riana Wardani Undergraduate Programme FKG Unpad, Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat FKG Unpad

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The Role of The UKGS Teacher Supervisor and the 12 Years Old

Student’s Knowledge About Oral Health

Fatima Siti Maulidya Bachrudin*, Anne Agustina Suwargiani**, Riana Wardani***

*undergraduate programme FKG Unpad, **Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat FKG Unpad


Objectives of this research are to know - This type of research is a descriptive study.
how the role of teacher as supervisors - Variables of research are the role teacher as UKGS supervisor and and the 12
and student knowledge UKGS at age of Years Old Student’s Knowledge About Oral Health
12 years on oral health. - Research population are teacher as UKGS supervisor and student Age 12 year in
Primary School assisted of Puskesmas Cilembang, Tasikmalaya city.
- Sampling techniques done in 2 ways : Total Sampling for Teachers supervisor
UKGS (14 elementary schools) and Cluster Random Sampling for Students Age
12 year (182 people)
- Data obtained from the questionnaire results, presented in the form of frequency
distribution table to get an overview of the role of teacher supervisors UKGS age
of 12 years on oral health and then it is categorized as good, moderate and less.
Student knowledge categorized as high, moderate and low.


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