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Definisi dan Objective: Project Description

IQEAP (Integrated Equipment Allocation &

Planning) merupakan sebuah tools informasi
yang berfungsi untuk melakukan simulasi
produksi (perubahan kapasitas unit) dan setting
performance untuk mencapai kapasitas

Timeframe Project
-Plan Equip. unit running -DWH master Equipment
-Plan PA,UA, Prodty, total hari

-Simulasi Plan Produksi

(movement unit)

Jan-Feb’18 Mar’18 Apr’18 Mei’18 Jun’18 Jul’18

Perencanaan Sistem Desain Implementation System UAT &
Analisa Sistem informasi Trial & Testing Revision

Desain grafis (UI) GO LIVE

Database Application Fase 1
Model Development
Database Design by Visual
Plan Equipment Requeirement Estimation Online Form
PERE Online digunakan untuk menghitung Jumlah Kebutuhan Alat di Site, sebagai bahan dasar
untuk pengajuan IBS

iQEAP Application is a tool for The main user (engineer), first off The data will shows on the main
helping engineer to save, simulate all would define the plan of
dashboard inside iQEAP
need of equipment (based on production parameter such as,
PERE). Then delivere it to all productivity, UA, PA, and application, responsive change
stakeholder online. Equipment. based on PERE data
Simulation Module for Quick Calculating Production Estimation
Mengintegrasikan data PERE dan data Moving unit seluruh site, sehingga bisa mengestimasi
kapasitas produksi masing-masing site lebih lengkap dengan adanya fleet movement

1. User pick sites for simulation

iQEAP Application allows users to
2. User choose site destination
simulate and recalculate the need
3. User pick total of egi Loader and dumptruck wish to move
of equipment (PERE), based on
4. System will recalculate production total result (decrease and increase
data of unit movement among
between sites)
5. PERE might be updated based on simulation data

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