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Sensory Processing in the


Presented by:
Laura Peregoy, MS, OTR/L
 Introduction/What is OT?
 Sensory Processing—What is it?
 Sensory Processing--Development
 Signs of Sensory
Processing/Sensorimotor Problems
 Conclusion
 Questions
What is Occupational Therapy?
 Occupational Therapy is the therapeutic use of self-care,
work, and play activities to increase independent function,
enhance development, and prevent disabilities [and] may
include adaptation of task or environment to achieve
maximum independence and to enhance quality of life.
(AOTA, 1986)
 OT’s are concerned with analyzing the child’s ability to
perform in their everyday context.
 OT’s have 2 broad goals for the children we serve:
 To improve the child’s functional performance

 To enhance the child’s ability to interact with his or her

physical and social environments

Sensory Processing
 Imagine….
Developmental Tree of Sensory Motor Skills
Definition of Terms:

 Vestibular
 Proprioception
 Tactile
 Auditory
 Visual
 Olfactory
 Gustatory

 The vestibular system is the sensory system that responds to

changes in head position in relation to gravity, acceleration and
 The vestibular receptors are the hair cells located in and around
the inner ear and are responsible for the detection of changes in
head position and movement.
 The vestibular system provides such information as: Are you
moving? Are you right side up or upside down? How fast are
you going? What direction?
 The vestibular system influences muscle tone in certain muscle
groups, equilibrium responses, emotional responses to
movement, and even mood and behavior. Dysfunction in the
vestibular system may result in the avoidance and fearfulness of
movement activities or in a lack of awareness of heights and the
resulting danger.

 Proprioception refers to the internal

awareness of one’s body as received through
muscle and joint receptors and is stimulated
by active movement.
 Proprioceptive input provides us with an
internal map of our body as well as provides
information to the brain on how the body is
moving and the position of a body part at any
given moment in time.

 The sense of touch

 Pertains to the awareness or perception of the
location or change in position of an external stimulus
applied to the skin.
 There are 2 subsystems: It is necessary for the two
systems to be balanced and work together.
 Protective System: The pain and temperature channel
serves as protective touch as it alerts the body to any
potentially harmful or dangerous stimuli.
 Discriminative System: Gives the body information about the
quality of the stimuli.

 The sense of hearing

 Auditory processing refers to the brain’s
ability to apply meaning to this sensory
information (sounds) and not to how
well the ear is hearing (auditory acuity).

 The sense of sight

 Visual processing refers to the brain’s ability
to apply meaning to the sensory information
(vision) and not how well the eye is seeing
(visual acuity).
 Includes: visual memory, visual sequential
memory, visual discrimination, visual closure,
visual spatial relationships, visual form
constancy, and visual figure-ground.

 This sense of smell. The olfactory

information goes to a deep portion of
the brain and has a very strong
emotional overflow that strongly affects
feelings and emotions.

 The sense of taste

 Gustatory perception is dependent on
olfactory sensation.
Signs of Sensory Processing
and Sensorimotor Problems
 Sensory:
 Spinning
 Headbanging
 Outbursts
 Emotional instability
 Poor eye contact
 Dislikes change
 Avoids motor play
 Poor awareness of self in space
 Poor control in regard to self-stimming
 Hand flapping
Signs of Sensory Processing
and Sensorimotor Problems
 Repetitive speech
 Biting
 Clumsiness
 Floppy muscle tone
 Does not like touch
 Cannot feel touch
 Poor or no midline crossing
 Poor coordination between the two sides of the
 Short attention span
 Hyperactive
Signs of Sensory Processing
and Sensorimotor Problems
 Decreased ability to concentrate
 Decreased ability for abstract thought
 Decreased oral motor skills stemming from
the sensory organs
 Decreased gravitational security
 Decreased balance
Signs of Sensory Processing
and Sensorimotor Problems
 Motor:
 Raised shoulders
 Poor gross motor skills
 Disjointed appearance
 Poor fine motor skills
 Poor handwriting
 Appears “tight” or “rigid” during activity
 Toe walkers
 “Bird” walk
 Sensory Processing or sensory
integration refers to the brain’s ability to
assign meaning to incoming sensory
 Sensory Processing is different for every
person and may vary day by day or
even minute by minute.
 Ayres, A. Jean. Sensory Integration and the
Child. Western Psychological Services, Los Angeles,
CA 1979
 Case-Smith, Jane; Allen, Anne; Pratt, Pat Nuse.
Occupational Therapy for Children. Mosby,
Gainsville, Georgia, 1996
 Denniger-Bryant, Debra J. Sensory Integration:
Its Effect on Learning, Behavior and Motor
Control. Presentation; September 28-29, 2006
 Kranowitz, Carol Stock. The Out-of-Sync Child.
Skylight Press Books, New York, 1998

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