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Sexuality- is much more

than sexual feelings or

sexual intercourse.

 Sensuality
 Sexual Intimacy
 Sexual Identity
 Reproduction and Sexual Health
 Sexualization
Sensuality- is a awareness
and feelings about your own
body, especially the body of
sexual partner.
Sexual Intimacy- is the ability
to be close emotionally to
another human being and to
accept closeness in return.
Sexual Identity- is a person's
understanding of who he/she
is sexually,
including the sense of being
male or being a female.
Reproduction and Sexual
Health- These are a person's
capacity to reproduce and the
behaviors and attitudes that
make sexual relationships
healthy and enjoyable.
Sexualization- people behave
sexually to influence,
manipulate or control other
people. Often called shadowy
side of human sexuality.
Sexuality in adolescent
youth (ages 13 to 19)
 Once youth reached puberty and beyond ,
they experience increase in romantic and
sexual relationships and in genital behaviors.

 As youth mature, they experience strong

emotional attachments to romantic partners
and find it natural to express their feelings
within sexual relationship.

 Most adolescents participate in sexual

intercourse the age of 20.
The Chemistry of Lust,
Love and Attachment
 Lust- driven by the sex hormones testosterone
and estrogen in both men and women.

 Attraction- one of the beautiful moments of life.

Scientist think that three neurotransmitters are
involved in this stage; adrenaline, dopamine and

 Attachment- is a bond helping the couple to take

their relationship to advanced levels. Scientists
think there might be two major hormones
involved in this feeling of attachments; oxytocin
and vasopressin.
The Diversity of Human
 These are many rules about what men and women
can/should do that have nothing to do with the way their
bodies are built or function.

 Gender Roles
 Gender Bias

 1975, the American Psychological Association has called

psychologist to take the lead in removing the stigma of
mental illness
 that has been associated with lesbian, gay and bisexual

 Prejudice and Discrimination regularly experienced by

people, identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual.
What is Sexual Orientation?

-refers to an enduring pattern of

emotional, romantic and sexual
attractions to men, women or both
How do people know if they are
lesbian, gay or bisexual?

- adult sexual orientation typically

emerge between middle childhood and
early adolescent
What about sexual orientation and
coming out during adolescent?

-Adolescence can be a period of

experimentation and many youths may
question in their sexual feelings.
End of Presentation!

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