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Ethical issues regarding social media usage in

1. Establishing a patient-physician-online relationship is ethically
questionable. patients may have unrestricted access to their
doctor’s personal information as it is provided on the Internet.
This issue violate,
• Principle of privacy and confidentiality
-Individual has the right limit access by others to aspects of their
person that can include thoughts, identifying information, and privacy
2. Appointments made online, health information and even
examination results can be distributed by e-mail. Communication
via the Internet is conflicted with a couple of ethical issues since
technologies impact data privacy and security. Poor security caused
leakage patient’s private information.
This issue violate,
• Principle of privacy and confidentiality
-Individual has the right limit access by others to aspects of their
person that can include thoughts, identifying information, and privacy
• Principle of vulnerability
-Disclosure of individual information can bring negative effect to
patient. It can affect patient mentality.
3. Using Internet certificates and Internet badges to demonstrate non-
accredited health care services may be ethically questionable.
This issue violate,
• Principle of human right
- Have the right to get the best treatment and professional service.
• Principle of vulnerability.
4. Health care practitioner posting pictures of patients on social media with the
intention of sharing. Such as patient’s physical appearance and body parts.
This issue violate,
• Principle of privacy and confidentiality
-Individual has the right limit access by others to aspects of their person that can
include thoughts, identifying information, and privacy information.
- Health care practitioner should protect patient’s privacy.
• Principle of vulnerability
- Posting of patient’s private information on social media can bring negative effect
to patient. It can affect patient mentality.
- No individuals should risk harm due to disclosure of their private information.
• Principle of human right
-No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with disclosure of his or her
- Individual has the right to be respect.
5. Patients seek medical advice from other patients or clinicians from
around the world through social networks such as Facebook and
This issue violate,
• Principle of vulnerability
- Posting of private information on social media can bring negative
effect to an individual’s mentally.
- This will cause unnecessary issue such as criticize from other.
Social media etiquette for professionals
• Pick a professional screen name.
• Create a professional profile.
• Keep personal and professional posts separate.
• Be nice.
• Do not send winks, pokes, virtual martinis, or invitations for your
business contacts to play online games
• Never post anything when too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.
• Do not be a stalker.
• Use spell check.
1. Xiao hai zi,vulnerability. With intention to share the picture and result.
eg: blue sclera.
2. Doctor patient
3. Picture
4. Certificate
5. Vulnerability
6. Human right
7. P&c
8. Beneficence and non malefiecient
9. Autonomy
10. justice

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