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Operating Systems

Part I: Introduction
“I think that there is a world
market for about five
- Thomas J. Watson (1943)

Why Study Operating Systems?

 We want to have an efficient O/S because it

– consumes more resources than any other program.
– is the most complex program.
– is necessary for any use of the computer.
– is used by many users.
 Efficiency is measured through
– Functionality
– Performance: Time and Utilization
– Convenience and Cost

Goals of This Course

 Understand what an operating system is

 Understand the key components of an
operating system
 Have a deeper understanding of common
operating systems in the market (e.g.
Windows, Unix, MS-DOS) and the issues
associated with them
 To be able to use performance measures

What is an O/S?

•A layer of
abstraction between
the HW and SW
•A resource
•Virtual machine
•Reactive system

Operating Systems: A Definition

A collection of programs that integrate the

hardware resources of the computer and make
those resources available to the user in a
productive, timely, and efficient manner

Operating Systems Ease the Pain

 Performs the interface task with the hardware (file

operations, memory paging, etc.) which should have
been done by the user if the OS did not exist
 High-level interface (GUI, command line a.k.a. CUI)
 The O/S’s capability for multiuser and multitasking
utilize the hardware efficiently
 Makes visible the “virtual” component of the system
 Allows program interaction

Why are Operating Systems
Difficult to Create and Maintain?

 Size
– Too big for one person; current systems have
millions of lines of code and involve 10-100 man
years to build
 Lifetime
– Operating systems remain longer than the
programmers who originally wrote them. Code is
written and rewritten and original intent is forgotten
(Unix designed to be cute, small system - now
several volumes thick!)

Why are Operating Systems
Difficult to Create and Maintain?

 Complexity
– The system must do difficult things -- deal with ugly
I/O devices, multiplexing/juggling act, handle errors
 Multitasking
– Must do several things at once
 General purpose

A Brief History: Early 1950’s,
Mainframes Rule!

 Early systems
– No O/S! Programmer is also operator
– Large machines run from a console; programs loaded through
switches and card readers
 Simple batch systems were the first real OS
– Setup time was a problem -> hire an operator
– Operator ran related jobs together
– O/S was a simple program stored in one part of memory
 Loads a single job from card reader into memory
 Transfers control from one job to the next

Offline Processing

Allowed jobs to be read ahead of time onto tape

Card Line
Reader CPU printer

On-line processing

Card Tape Tape Line

Reader Drive CPU Drive printer

Tape Off-line processing Tape

Drive Drive

 Allowed jobs to be read

ahead onto disk
 Spool (Simultaneous
Peripheral Operation On-

Multiprogrammed Systems

 Multiprogrammed batch systems provided

increased utilization
– Keeps several jobs in memory simultaneously
– I/O processing of one job overlaps with computation
of another
– Analogy: Lawyer working on several cases; while
waiting to go to trial on one, can work on another
– Needs CPU scheduling

Timesharing/Multitasking Systems

 Timesharing supported
interactive use
– Each user feels as if
he/she has the entire
– Tries to optimize
response time
– Based on time-slicing;
divide CPU equally
among others

Desktop Systems

 First appeared in the 1970s

 More popularly known as personal computers
 Breakthroughs in hardware allowed downsizing
from expensive mainframes

Multiprocessor Systems
 Also known as parallel systems or tightly-coupled
 Three main advantages
– Increased throughput (more CPUs = more work in less time)
– Economy of scale (saves money, CPUs share peripherals)
– Increased reliability (provides redundancy and fault tolerance)
 Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP): All CPUs do the
same thing
 Asymmetric multiprocessing: each CPU has specific
role (usually master-slave)

Distributed (Loosely-Coupled)
 Facilitates use of geographically distributed computing resources
 Supports communications between parts of a job or different jobs
 Supports sharing of distributed resources, both hardware and
 Client-server systems vs. Peer-to-peer systems

Clustered Systems

 Makes several CPUs work together to accomplish

computational task
 Most likely share storage and linked through a local
area network (LAN)
 Possible clustering schemes:
– Symmetric mode (two or more hosts running applications and
monitoring each other)
– Asymmetric clustering (one is in hot standby mode while
another is running applications; switches to backup if active

Real Time Systems
 Used for specialized applications: subway systems, flight-control,
factories, power plants
 Basic idea: O/S guarantees response to physical events will occur
within a fixed amount of time
 Problem faced : Schedule activities so as to meet all time
 Hard real time system
– Deadline is critical
– Typically used to control a device
 Soft real time system
– Deadline is important but not critical
– Example : Video applications (Use in PC environment)

Handheld Systems

 Used in PDAs and cellular phones

 Common concerns:
– Limited main memory
– Processor speed
– Small display screens

General Structure of an O/S
 Resident Programs  Non-resident Programs

Programs which are critical to Loaded into memory only when

the operation of the system needed


An Example: MS-DOS Structure

 Memory resident components

– Command interface shell (eg. ver, dir, date, time) :
– Set of I/O routines which control each I/O devices
(drivers) -- e.g. BIOS : IO.SYS
– File Management System : MSDOS.SYS
 Non-resident components

How MS-DOS Programs are Loaded
in Main Memory
At System Start-up Running a Program

Operating System Components

 Process Management
– Process: a program in execution
– Keeps track of each process and it’s state
– Create, delete, suspend, resume processes;
synchronize process communications,
handle deadlocks
– Possibly support threads (executable parts
of a process)
Operating System Components

 Main Memory Management

– Keep track of which parts of memory are in
– Allocates and deallocates memory as
– Decides which processes must be loaded in
main memory when space becomes

Operating System Components

 File Management
– Keeps tracks of available space on the system
– Maintains directory structure and hierarchy
– Supports file manipulation commands
– Keeps track of file information (inode, name,
 I/O System Management
– Allows for a standard methodology for access of
each device
– Use of device drivers for modularity
Operating System Components

 Secondary Storage Management

– Free space management
– Storage allocation
– Disk scheduling
 Networking
– Transfer protocols
– Routing and connection strategies

Operating System Components

 Protection System
– Provide mechanism for controlling access to
programs, processes, or users
– Essential in multitasking and multiuser systems
 Command Interpreter System
– GUI vs. Command Line Interface
– Redirection, Piping, and Parameter Passing

Operating Systems Architectures

 Monolithic
 Layered
 Virtual Machine
 Microkernel


 Easy to implement
 “The Big Mess” –
virtually no structure!
 Kernel is one large
 Each procedure is visible
to every other procedure
 Not used anymore


 Not easy to implement

because some
functionalities are
mutually dependent.
 Inefficient because it
requires a high number
of traversals of

Virtual Machine

 Each user has a

“virtual machine” and
he can choose which
OS to run on that
 Elegant, but does not
deal with questions of
resource management
and responsiveness

 Used in Mac/OSF/NT
 Takes out as much
functionality as possible
from kernel -- allows
modularity and portability
across platforms
 Interactions between
processes involve the
kernel, thereby requiring
high efficiency in transfer


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