Amman - Jordan - LYD Session - Human Design

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Session 2: Human Design Concepts

Science Magic

The Science: Supernova 1987a
Supernovas: Agents of Change
“Supernovas are important agents of
change in the universe … they end the lives
of stars and trigger the birth of new ones…
they change the fate of entire galaxies by
stirring up the gas needed to build more
stars. Most, perhaps even all, of the
chemical elements heavier than iron are
forged in the chaos of the explosion.
Lighter elements - the calcium in your
bones, the oxygen you breathe, the iron in
your hemoglobin are created over the
star’s lifetime and then spewed into space
to seed a new generation of stars and
planets — and life.” 3
The Magic: the Voice

Robert Allen Krakower encountered a voice that told

him how the universe functions. It gave him the
Design of Forms, from which the Human Design
System evolved.

The Magic: the Voice
Seeds of the knowledge of HD was disseminated
across humanity.

Several years of experimenting with the revealed

knowledge followed, and since 1992, Ra Uru Hu
has dedicated his life to getting this body of
knowledge out into the world.

Yin and Yang Crystals
According to the voice, the universe
was not born at the big bang.
It was
conceived at
The entire
universe is Everything imaginable is
one single endowed with crystals of
living entity, consciousness, including
not born inanimate objects.
The Crystals of Consciousness

• The Passenger (Personality/witness)

• The Vehicle (form/body)
• The Driver (the magnetic monopole)
The design crystal manifests as the vehicle.
It is the limo we ride in.
Behind the wheel sits the driver. The driver knows
precisely how to drive the vehicle, it knows the roads; he has the maps, and where to
The personality crystal is the passenger, which is supposed to enjoy the ride, instead
of fighting for control with the driver. It is meant to relax, be quiet. Look outside the
window and enjoy the ride.
Anatomy of a HD Mandala

• The Inner wheel

• The Outer wheel
• The relationship between the
inner and the outer
• The Bodygraph and its

The Inner Wheel
• The twelve signs of the zodiac.
• HD uses the astrological calculation.
• It reveals the position of the planets at two different dates.
• The stream of Neutrino information penetrates the star
field. When a planet gets in the way, the neutrino field goes
through it.
• The infinitesimal mass of material neutrino field interacts
with the material of that planet. The field is changed by it as
it filter through it. Then it comes through humans and it
changes humans as well.

The Inner Wheel
When the Neutrino stream
goes through Mercury, it
communicates with and is
changed by it. After being
filtered by Mercury, the
stream comes through
humans and it changes
humans too.
Imagine the process, called communication as follows: a red car
and a blue car bang into each other. Each is a little changed by
the encounter. 10
The Inner Wheel
We are all in the same neutrino
program, we are being affected
by it, but we are translating that
program through our crystals

The Outer Wheel
The I’Ching are used in HD as a tool for understanding our
genetic imprint and how that translates into the Bodygraph.

The Outer Wheel
Every Hexagram has a specific place and
measurement of arc in the wheel. The wheel is
a circle of 360 degrees, and each hexagram
covers a space of 5 degrees, 37 minutes, and
30 seconds of the arc.

The Neutrinos passing through these arcs

carry the info of the hexagrams. It is an
imprinting field, and when a planet passes
through it, the Neutrinos coming from this
hexagram imprinting field pass through the

Information is exchanged as the neutrino

passes through and imprints us with the quality
of this hexagram and the specific planet.
The Inner and the Outer Wheels

• To find the positions of the planets we use an astrological calculation, thus

the inner wheel’s importance.
• When the positions of the planets are located, we find the corresponding
position in the outer I-Ching wheel.
• We take the position of the planets of the inner astrological wheel and see
their correspondence in the hexagram wheel. 14
The Rave Bodygraph and Its Components
The Voice called it the RAVE, which is its
word for human.

The Bodygraph allows us to see how the

Neutrino imprinting field is reflected within

It is made of three different components of

three different ancient sciences.

It is a synthesis of these components

making it greater than the sum of its parts.

The Nine Centers
• This is the first component. We
have nine centers in different
colors. They are based on the
Hindu Brahmin tradition known
as chakra.
• The Voice revealed that when W.
Herschel discovered the planet
Uranus in 1781 it signaled a
mutation of our species, and we
went from being a seven-
centered to nine-centered being
in our evolutionary process.
• Each center has a different
biological correlation.
Gates and Channels
Tge second component is in
the numbers (or gates). The
gates relate to the 64
hexagrams of the outer

The third component is the

channels. They connect the
centers through the gates.
They are rooted in the Tree of
Life in the Zohar/ Kabbalah
Keynotes in Human Design help us
understand the story of someone’s design.

Each gate and channel has keynotes

associated with it. It gives us a language
that we can use to analyze a Bodygraph.

Stringed together, we get a picture of a

person’s life both from a True-self and Not-
self perspective.



Individual Calculation


• Interview with Ra Uru Hu, 1995-ish (recently published):
• 1987a Supernova article in Science News:
• The Tree of Life:


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