Designing Ergonomic Work System To Reduce Level

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Group 10 :

1. Lenny Fibriani (027)

2. Putri Aurora L. (044)

3. Kasih Aima Y. (052)


• Uncomfortable workplace
conditions that cause workers
to quickly feel tired at one
point in the human body
Background of research :
Because an increasingly high level of demand
companies must issue innovative ideas in order to increase
the utilization of available resources optimally to
maximize product levels in terms of both quantity and
1. To optimize the workforce to be considered is the human
aspect so an alternative is needed that includes the layout
design of work equipment and work tools that support
workers, so they do their work regularly without causing
significant fatigue.
2. Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary scientific approach of
applying the principles of human behavior to the design of
human-machine systems directed at adjusting to machines and
auxiliary equipment, to improve performance in safe,
comfortable, efficient, healthy and safe working conditions.
The usefulness of applying ergonomics
1. Work performance (increase work speed, accuracy, work safety and
reduce excessive work energy and reduce fatigue.
2. Reduce wasted time and minimize equipment damage caused by
“human error”.
3. Improving human comfort in work
Symptoms of fatigue are tiredness, decreased alertness,
slow and weak perceptions in addition to the decline in
physical and mental work.
Classification of fatigue :
1. Muscle fatigue
2. General fatigue.
Fatigue usually occurs at the end of working hours
caused by various factors
1. Monotony
2. static muscle work
3. tools and work facilities that are inconsistent with
the anthropometry of the wearer
4. ergonomic work stations
5. forced attitudes and timing work-an improper rest
Work Equipment Used

The work carried out by the packer is the packing of the

product, so the main working equipment that is associated is
1. The work chair
2. Conveyor
3. Place for dos incorporate the product (jig).
Seating (Working Chair)
The seats (seats) that workers use today have the following sizes:
1. High chair from floor = 500 mm
2. Seat depth = 370 mm
3. Width of seat = 360 mm
4. High backrest = 180 mm
5. The height of the footrest from the floor = 100 mm
6. Hand coverage range = 850 mm
picture 1. size of work equipment and current working position picture 2. the size of the design work chair adjusted with
other work equipment

In designing work systems where interactions occur

between humans and machines, the dimensions of the
work facility should be made in accordance with the
dimensions of the human body that use them.

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