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Mercury is a chemical that is very
popular used in content of whitening
products because of its ability to inhibit
the formation of melanin, making the
skin look brighter in a short time.

Mercury can be found as an ingredient in skin lightening soaps

and creams, as well as a preservative cosmetic product, especially
for products mascara and eye makeup cleanser.
According to Husniah Rubiana Thamrin Akib, from BPOM,
"mercury is so dangerous because it included heavy metals. No matter
how small the amount of mercury that enters the body, it will be

If applied and absorbed by the skin, it enters into the bloodstream. Side
effects were experienced and could be arrested immediately is flushed
skin discoloration, dark spots, irritation, and even permanent damage
to the composition of the skin, nerves, brain, kidneys and impaired
fetal development. Long-term effects of mercury is damage to the
kidneys and cause cancer.
Dr. Retno I. Tranggono, SpKK mention, cream that is
containing mercury, at first it was a potent and make the
skin look white and healthy. But over time, the skin may
darken and cause severe acne. In addition, the use of
mercury in the long term can cause skin cancer, breast
cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, and other cancers.
In Indonesia, the use of mercury in these products has
been prohibited by Regulation of the Minister of Health
No. 1175 / Menkes / Per / VIII / 2010 of 2010 on
Cosmetics Production Permit.

Then, Clarified in Rule Head of Food and Drug

Supervisory Agency (BPOM) No.
HK. Year 2011 on Technical
Requirements for Cosmetic Ingredients.
Characteristic features cosmetics containing mercury :
 In general, sticky cream.

 Cream generally not HOMOGENEOUS (not fused & rude)

 Metallic mercury smell wafted sting

 Colors are generally very light

 When rubbed on the skin of the arm feels hot and itchy.

 On initial use cause irritation to the skin and redness when exposed to

 The skin may turn white in time brief

 Acne does not arise at all, this is due to our epidermal skin layer has been
damaged, the skin was devoid of protein and melanin

 Pores appear smaller and delicate, this is actually due to our face outermost
layer of skin has a thin and eroded by metallic mercury

 When you have polluted Mercury will be discontinued and the use of small
pimples arise with itching. then there will be black spots under the skin of
some or evenly on face

 The white color on the skin will eventually turn into gray and black next

 To be continued can cause skin cancer, tissue damage and lead to death.

 Can inhibit the growth, causing disability and death in the FETUS.
The impact of mercury for skin
 Make the pale skin and spotting

 Make the skin irritation

 Can cause skin cancer

the contents of mercury can enter

the body and cause cancer virus,
will spread throughout the body.
These are some ways to choose cosmetic products mercury-

free :

 Check the labels of skin lightening products, anti-aging,

or other skin products that you use. If it contains words

"Mercury" or mercurous chloride, calomel, mercuric, or

mercurio, then stop using it immediately and consult at a


 Make sure that you use the products listed in BPOM.

 Avoid using products with labels in a foreign language you do not understand.

 If you feel exposed to products containing mercury, immediately wash your hand and parts
of the body exposed to the product. If necessary, consult a doctor.

 Before disposing of products that contain mercury, put into a plastic bag or a place that does
not leak.
So, it is better to choose the natural
beautiful and safe, not instant but even
can threaten your life. Glad to share 

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