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1. Classroom Management Technique

Shaping Behavior of a bully through Counseling

Verbal Bullying
Is the act of teasing, calling names and shouting to an individual.

2. Objective
To modify the behavior of a bully child.

3. Target Behavior to Modify

Verbal Bullying

4. Rationale

There is no perfect technique on how to end verbal bullying however

understanding the bully, portraying a good model, values integration and educating the
child on how to resolve conflict would be of great help in modifying their behavior and
become a good leader through my own technique in counseling in which will turn out to
be experimental whether the method will be effective.
According to Bandura in his Observational learning Theory people can learn
new information and behaviors by watching other people. Teachers will set as a model
of values for the students to imitate.
In B.F. Skinner Operant Conditioning Theory positive reinforcement
strengthens a behavior by giving them a reward like simple praises or tap at the back
that we could use to encourage the child to behave properly and later on the child will
get use in doing positive behavior.

5. Procedure
• Interview the child about his routines at home
• Plan an everyday routine for him (Monday to Friday)
• Collaboration with the parents for continuous improvement

6. Duration of the Implementation

• 1 Month constant practice.
• 10 minutes intervention after class
• Application of lesson learned

7. Matrix of Activities

 Time: 10 minutes after class
 Interview the child for the profiling.
 Intervention through reading a story (Ang Batang Palaasar) with values that targets his flaws.
 Question and Answer about the story that targets his behavior.
 Let the child choose among the emotions (happy,sad,angry,frightened) on how he felt about the story heard.
 The child was asked to lead the story time the next day.
 During circle time the child was guided by the teacher while retelling the story.
 The child also asks questions about the story and was also guided by the teacher.
 He was assigned to be a leader in a group activity.
 Time: 10 minutes after class
 Ask him to draw a scene that he remember in the story which he told before the class.
 Draw a happy, sad, angry and frightened face in which he felt during the story telling.
Ask him why he chooses to draw that figure.
 Invite his schoolmates who is also his neighbor to play (agawan base) inside the classroom and observed his behavior and will
tend to correct him every time he did the same mistake by teasing his playmates.
 Teacher will tell a story in front of the class entitled “Ang Batang Palautos”.
Ask question about the story.
 Activity on sequencing events then asked a leader in every group to tell what they felt about the story.
 Role playing involving children connected to the story Palautos
And a follow up question will be Made.
Ex. Tama ba yung ginawa nila?
Ano ang dapat gawin?
 Time 10 minutes after class
 Printable worksheets that is connected to the story. (Put a check on the picture that shows appropriate behavior.
 Open conversation (sharing of thoughts)about role playing M.A.Q.
 The teacher will show a picture of a child shouting
 A follow up question will be made.
 Teacher will tell a story entitled Ang Batang palautos
 During outdoor/indoor activity the class will play the boat is sinking.
 Behavior will be observed and corrected.
Ex. Teacher say: group yourselves into three. (that in which the teacher is aware that he has 4 friends near him)

 Time: 10 minutes after class.

 The teacher will ask the child who are his friends inside the classroom.
 Why did you left out a friend during our game inside the classroom.
 Follow up question
Then why did you shout at him?
There are other ways on how you can tell a friend about the situation.
 Let the child choose among these emotions (happy,sad,angry.frightened) and ask him why did he choose that emotions.
 Set situations in which the child trying to stop a commotion between two or more children fighting.
 Follow up question.
 Ask a volunteer from the students to tell their own story about their experiences wherein they stopped a fight between his
friends or family members.
 Teacher will tell three short stories and after each story they will draw a happy or sad face on how they felt on the story heard.
 The Child (Bully) will be called to share his ansers to his classmates
 Then Follow up questions will be made.
 Time 10 minutes after class
 Let the child c draw on how he felt during the class activity.
 Explain why he drew it.
 Worksheet
 Color the picture that shows proper behavior.
8. Target Outcome

Pupils will use appropriate words to speak to one another

Know how to respect others
Show Camaraderie
Express happy disposition
Good leader
Can solve conflict without fighting

9. Reflection

Verbal Bullying hurts people of all ages it occurs as early as in the preschool
setting, and a child can prevent verbal bullying by learning how to resolve conflicts,
respect others and handle frustration. All it takes is proper guidance for a child to
become a good person or leader someday.


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