Cc304 Chapter 7 - Soil Improving

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LECTURER: Mr Mohd Firdaus Bin Che Soh
Characteristics of soil suitable for civil engineering works is
 Have good shear strength in terms of kejelekit and friction angle.
 Index has compressibility appropriate in order to reduce the effects of sediment on the land.
 Appropriate to have a permeability effect does not affect the strength of soil.
 Types of land itself whether soil pieces gross or fine or mixed pieces both.
 A slope has the potential to fail when the emphasis of soil shear strength increased or decreased. Increased
with increasing emphasis of load or there is vibration and shock. Increasing water pressures the pores are
also potentially reduce the shear strength of soil in addition to increasing emphasis. Slope failure occurs
when the emphasis of shear strength exceeds the shear owned land. There are five (5) the type of slope
failure, ie;

(a) Failure Mode Fall
(b) Failure Mode slips Rotation
(c) Failure Mode slip Houghton
(d) Failure Mode slips Translation
(e) Failure mode flow
Failure Mode Fall

 Mode of failure falls not so serious. It is associated with short-term slope failure strongest over land. Two
phase failure can be identified. When the support side lost, the land around the foot slope budge out and
tension cracks appeared at the top of the slope. This led to the emergence of fracture increased emphasis
on the root zone which separates the two masses. The existences of water in the cracks will damage more
stability. Finally, mass of soil collapse and fall in unexpectedly. Figure below shows the mode of failure

 Failure Mode Fall

Failure Mode slips Rotation
 Rotational slip occurred on the slope land jelekit homogeneous. The fail Surface will curve. Depending on
the steepness of slopes, the slip plane is in failure. The ratio between maximum thickness and maximum
length slip along the slope is in the range of 0:15 to 0:33. Type rotational slip failure occurred in rounded
clay slope is more uniform. Mass of soil slips is not divided except in the lowest land. Failure to slip
rotation not unanimous on the slopes of clay formed over the strongest not uniform. Mass soil movement
is not uniform. Therefore, the mass of broken land slips. Shallow slip rotation round shape and not
rounded often occur in the not so steep slope. Figure below shows the rotational slip failure mode.
Failure Mode slip Houghton

 Slip occurs with plural form of surface failure is influenced by the presence of the adjacent Stratum
has a very different strengths. Slip usually occurs when the compound is in Stratum next great
depth where the failure surface and the arc-shaped cross-section containing the plane. Figure below
shows the failure mode slip compound.
Failure Mode slips Translation

 Translation slip occurs because the existence of such heterogeneity and weak soil layer boundary
between two different materials. This usually happens slip heterogeneity is relatively shallow from
the surface slope. Level surface and failure surface almost parallel to the slope land. Jelekit not land
on the slopes, slip translation occur when conditions change, for example risipan occur. The sliding
mass can move far before stopping. Figure below shows the failure mode translation slip.
Failure mode flow

 Flow is one of the forms of soil mass movement complex. Does not exist plane failed to determine for
certain. The flowing soil is just like vicious liquid. Figure below shows the failure mode flow.

 Mass of soil collapse and fall in Excavation work is usually done in the work site preparation projects
(figure below) as the basis, 'basement', and other excavation work. When excavation work done, if the soil
on the banks of that support not disinter, then failure happen to the soil. This failure is shown in figure
20.7. Between soil failure disinter are as follows: --
(a) the sediment surface soil adjacent to dredge
(b) Movement of sight of land
(c) side by policy dredge

 Work Preparation Sites

 the failure of shallow foundation and the foundation refers to the ability to bear the burden Galas land on
it or refer to shear failure of soil supporting the foundation.


 There are three modes of soil failure occur on the basis shallow, ie shear failure pm, local shear failure and
shear failure perforated.
 a. General Shear Failure
 Failure resulting continuous surface between the end-end base and surface .When pressure is up, plastic
equilibrium condition is reached, the land around the base gradually spread toward the bottom and out. In
the state of plastic equilibrium resulting in the complete soil on the surface failed. Bulwark surface soil
occurred on both sides of the foundation.
b. Local Shear Failure
 Compression occurred at a large land base and only under some circumstances occurs plastic equilibrium.
It happen a little bulwark at the occurrence of surface soil and compaction at the bottom of the
foundation. The incident caused the sediment on the base. Figure below shows the local shear failure

 C. Shear failure perforate

 Perforate shear failure occurs when there is compression at the bottom of the land base and soil bulwark
not occur at the soil surface. The incident caused large sediment on the base. Figure 20:10 shows the shear
failure mode perforate.

 Foundation commonly known in the construction. Potential Galas construction is dependent on

two main factors, namely;

(a) Friction between soil and construction

(b) support policy construction in the soil

if the load exceeds the capacity Galas construction land and soil shear strength failed to bear the
burden, then the occurrence of failure of construction in which deposition occurs on the stem
 Implemented to improve the compaction unit load material through methods such as mechanical
roller, knead or struck. Air in the cavity and removed soil particles are forced to sort by more
closely. Compaction implemented to further enhance strength and stronghold subgred road. The
objective of compaction is to remove air from the land mass and thus reduce the ratio of cavity.
Most small cavity ratio required for the following factors: --

i. Maximum shear strength occurs when the ratio of the cavity is the minimum level.
ii. Addition of water to the material not bound can cause liquefaction.
iii. The other Structure of soil executable mother honey space has a wide air cavity. Land such as this
tends to collapse. Arrival of water will reduce the force between the pieces, and soil particles will
glide while entering the cavity-cavity empty just now. Compaction is not sufficient to cause
problems during the deposition so serious.
iv. Compaction also increases the angle of shear resistance, menjeleket force, and coefficient of
consolidation of land. Other hand compaction lower permeability coefficient value, porosity
compressibility, and coefficient of volume change of soil.
 i. Water content:
Relationship with the density of dry soil water content for a jelekit is as shown in figure 21.1. Water
serves as a lubricating agent to allow soil particles glide one another more efficiently when it’s compact.
However, for a method of compaction, there is an optimum water content that can produce the highest
density dry. Theoretically, the highest density occurs at 0% air cavity or on saturated line as shown in
figure below
 ii. Energy compaction:
To land jelekit certain standard compaction curve upward and to the left when compaction increased.
Meaning with increasing dry density, optimum soil water content decreased. Figure 21.2
shows the situation when the piston rod weighing 2.5 kg and 4.5 kg are used to condense the land.

 Graph Density Cleaning Fighting

Water Content

 iii. Soil type:
Compaction curve, thus the value of maximum density and water content, depending on the type of soil.
For a method of compaction, dry density value of the resulting higher if one exist particulates size
distribution that can minimize the ratio of cavity is the densest soil.


definition of consolidation:
 Consolidation is a process flow of water out of saturated soil and reduces the volume in time. Water flow
rate depends on the permeability of a soil.

For sand soil with a high kebolehtelap, assumed the flow begins and ends immediately. While the clay with
low permeability, the flow takes a long time. Therefore, the strengthening process is usually associated
with clay.

 The concept of reinforcement will be more easily understood by using terrzaghi’s pegas as
described by Terzaghi and Peck (1948). Pegas piston system and is shown as figure below.
 Suppose that a smooth cylinder fitted with piston valves and the water prove. Initially, the piston and
pegas system is in balance with its situation closed in valve. Original emphasis on the piston and the
water pressure is Uo. Then the burden , added to the piston. In the valve closed, the volume is unchanged.
This means that the entire additional burden , supported by water, not by pegas. Increase of water
pressure .

When the valve opens, water pressure began to drop out and reduced to the original value, uo, is reached.
While water flowed out, decreasing the volume and load additional is supported by pegas. Overall is
support by pegas when water pressure value Uo. At this time, the process of consolidation has expired and
is considered perfect. Figure 21.4 shows the changes and, with time t, during the process of

In the analogy above, pegas is considered as a solid material such as soil and water is water in the soil that
meets the cavity-hollow ground. Valve is controlling water flow rate in the actual soil.

In short reinforcement is the process of transferring the burden gradually from water to the solid soil
material, and at the same time reduced the water pressure and emphasis pores effectively increased.

 1. The container is completely filled with water, and the hole is closed. (Fully saturated soil)
 2. A load is applied onto the cover, while the hole is still unopened. At this stage, only the water resists the
applied load. (Development of excessive pore water pressure)
 3. As soon as the hole is opened, water starts to drain out through the hole and the spring shortens.
(Drainage of excessive pore water)
 4. After some time, the drainage of water no longer occurs. Now, the spring alone resists the applied
load. (Full dissipation of excessive pore water pressure. End of consolidation)
 When the layer of soil applied load, deformation will occur. Because land is very large, horizontal
shift is consider not occur. With that, any deformation that occurred only in vertical direction only.
A change in the form of vertical direction is called deposition.

There are two main types of sediment deposition and sediment elastic reinforcement. So is the sum
total sediment deposition and sediment elastic reinforcement.


Where, = Total deposition

i = deposition elastic / flexible
c = precipitation strengthening
 (a) elastic settlement
Elastic settlement deposition is the initial stage occurs immediately after the load structure act. Elastic
deposition can be calculated by assuming that land is homogeneous, and has relations emphasis isotrop-
terikan the lelurus. Elastic deposition equation is as follows: --
Where, q = pressure on the basis
B = base width or diameter
E = Young's modulus
= Poisson ratio
= Influence factor is
Elastic part of this deposition will be discussed in more detail in the module C4008.
 (b) Precipitation strengthening
There are two types of precipitation strengthening, namely: --
i. Primary deposition
ii. Secondary deposition
Sediment deposition is the primary surplus that occurs after pressure water pores remain in the soil.
Strengthening land occur where the water is removed from the hollow soil. Strengthening the primary
level as shown in figure 21.5
Deposition secondary level is sediment happens after the water pressure all over the pores have
disappeared. Strengthening secondary deposition as showed in figure below

 Graphic Sample thickness fight the square root of time

 Geotextiles form one of the two largest groups of geosynthetic materials. They are indeed textiles in the
traditional sense, but consist of synthetic fibers (all are polymer-based) rather than natural ones such as
cotton, wool, jute or silk. Thus, biodegradation and subsequent short lifetime is not a problem. These
synthetic fibers are made into flexible, porous fabrics by standard weaving machinery or they are matted
together in a random nonwoven manner. Some are also knitted. The major point is that geotextiles are
porous to liquid flow across their manufactured plane and also within their thickness, but to widely
varying degree. There are at least 100 specific application areas for geotextiles that have been developed;
however, the fabric always performs at least one of four discrete functions; separation, reinforcement,
filtration and/or drainage. Geotextiles are permeable fabrics which, when used in association with soil,
have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or drain. Typically made from polypropylene or
polyester, geotextile fabrics come in three basic forms: woven (looks like mail bag sacking), needle
punched (looks like felt), or heat bonded (looks like ironed felt).
 Geotextile composites have been introduced and products such as geogrids and meshes have been
developed. Overall, these materials are referred to as geosynthetics and each configuration—-geonets,
geogrids and others—-can yield benefits in geotechnical and environmental engineering design.

 Geomembranes represent the other largest group of geosynthetics and in dollar volume their sales are
even greater than that of geotextiles. Their initial growth in the USA and Germany was stimulated by
governmental regulations originally enacted in the early 1980s [5]. The materials themselves are relatively
thin impervious sheets of polymeric materials used primarily for linings and covers of liquid- or solid-
storage facilities. This includes all types of landfills, reservoirs, canals and other containment facilities.
Thus the primary function is always containment functioning as a liquid and/or vapor barrier. The range
of applications is very great, and in addition to the geoenvironmental area, applications are rapidly
growing in geotechnical, transportation, hydraulic, and private development engineering.
 One of the largest current applications is at landfill sites for the containment of hazardous or municipal
wastes and their leachates. In many of these applications geomembranes are employed with geotextile or
mesh underliners which reinforce or protect the more flexible geomembrane whilst also acting as an
escape route for gases and leachates generated in certain wastes.
 Geomembranes are made of various materials. Some common geomembrane materials are Low-Density
Polyethylene (LDPE), High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polyurea and
Polypropylene (PP). Another type of geomembrane is bituminous geomembrane,

 Geogrids represent a rapidly growing segment within geosynthetics. Rather than being a woven,
nonwoven or knitted textile fabric, geogrids are polymers formed into a very open, gridlike
configuration, i.e., they have large apertures between individual ribs in the machine and cross machine
directions. Geogrids are (a) either stretched in one or two directions for improved physical properties, (b)
made on weaving or knitting machinery by standard textile manufacturing methods, or (c) by bonding
rods or straps together. There are many specific application areas, however, they function almost
exclusively as reinforcement materials. Modern geogrids were invented by Dr Brian Mercer (Blackburn,
UK) in the late 1970s. Dr. Mercer devised and patented the stretched sheet method of production which
results in a stiff polymer grid and avoids the bonding of separate elements required in a woven or knitted
grid. Subsequent development by Dr Mercer led to the uniaxial (single direction stretch) geogrid with
rectangular apertures and the biaxial (two way stretch) geogrid with virtually square apertures.
 Stiff polymer geogrids are used in layers with mineral aggregate fills or other suitable soil to create a stiff
mechanically stabilised layer within the soil and thus improve its load bearing capacity The apertures of the
grid hold or confine the aggregate or soil particles, preventing the lateral shear created by vertical loading.
The latest developments in stiff polymer geogrid manufacture (e.g. TriAx™ 2007) are based on an
isosceles triangular aperture, produced by a new manufacturing technique from a punched then stretched
polymer sheet. Whereas uniaxial and biaxial geogrids offered maximum in-plane stiffness in one and two
axis, respectively, the triangular aperture results is a near isotropic in-plane stiffness.
 Geonets, called "geospacers" by some, constitute another specialized segment within the geosynthetics
area. They are formed by continuous extrusion of parallel sets of polymeric ribs at acute angles to one
another. When the ribs are opened, relatively large apertures are formed into a netlike configuration.
Their design function is completely within the in-plane drainage area where they are used to convey all
types of liquids.
 A geocomposite consists of a combination of geotextiles, geogrids, geonets and/or geomembranes in a
factory fabricated unit. Also, any one of these four materials can be combined with another synthetic
material (e.g., deformed plastic sheets or steel cables) or even with soil. As examples, a geonet with
geotextiles on both surfaces and a GCL consisting of a geotextile/bentonite/geotextile sandwich are both
geocomposites. This specific category brings out the best creative efforts of the engineer and
manufacturer. The application areas are numerous and constantly growing. The major functions encompass
the entire range of functions listed for geosynthetics discussed previously; separation, reinforcement,
filtration, drainage, and containment.

 separator
 is the placement of a flexible geosynthetic material, like a porous geotextile, between dissimilar materials
so that the integrity and functioning of both materials can remain intact or even be improved. Paved
roads, unpaved roads, and railroad bases are common applications. Also, the use of thick nonwoven
geotextiles for cushioning and protection of geomembranes is in this category. In addition, for most
applications of geofoam, separation is the major function.
 Drainage
 is the equilibrium soil-to-geosynthetic system that allows for adequate liquid flow without soil loss, within
the plane of the geosynthetic over a service lifetime compatible with the application under consideration.
Geopipe highlights this function, and also geonets, geocomposites and (to a lesser extent) geotextiles.
Drainage applications for these different geosynthetics are retaining walls, sport fields, dams, canals,
reservoirs, and capillary breaks. Also to be noted is that sheet, edge and wick drains are geocomposites
used for various soil and rock drainage situations.
 Reinforcement
 is the synergistic improvement of a total system’s strength created by the introduction of a geotextile or a
geogrid (both of which are good in tension) into a soil (that is good in compression, but poor in tension)
or other disjointed and separated material. Applications of this function are in mechanically stabilized and
retained earth walls and steep soil slopes; they can be combined with masonry facings to create vertical
retaining walls. Also involved is the application of basal reinforcement over soft soils and over deep
foundations for embankments and heavy surface loadings.Stiff polymer geogrids do not have to be held in
tension to provide soil reinforcement, unlike geotextiles. A stiff geogrid interlocks with the aggregate
particles and the reinforcement mechanism is one of confinement of the aggregate. The resulting
mechanically stabilized aggregate layer exhibits improved loadbearing performance. Stiff polymer
geogrids, with rectangular or triangular apertures, are also increasingly specified in unpaved and paved
roadways, load platforms and railway ballast, where the improved loadbearing characteristics significantly
reduce the requirements for high quality, imported aggregate fills, thus reducing the carbon footprint of
the construction.
 Filter
 is the equilibrium soil-to-geotextile interaction that allows for adequate liquid flow without soil loss,
across the plane of the geotextile over a service lifetime compatible with the application under
consideration. Filtration applications are highway underdrain systems, retaining wall drainage, landfill
leachate collection systems, as silt fences and curtains, and as flexible forms for bags, tubes and
 Damp proving
 involves geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, or some geocomposites which function as liquid or gas
barriers. Landfill liners and covers make critical use of these geosynthetics. All hydraulic applications
(tunnels, dams, canals, reservoir liners, and floating covers) use these geosynthetics as well.
 At the working site, drainage from excavation hole is done by pumped out the water from the hole.
Actually there are 3 ways to drain the water from excavation hole and that are Drying Bore excavating,
Internal Reservoir pumping and Well pumping Outdoor

internal reservoir pumping method is suitable for small projects and short-term operation. Reservoir
water is pump out more rapidly.
Method of pumping wells is an external method in which the wells in excavating and formed at the site
architecture so that pumping equipment can enter and sank in the wells. Water is pumped out of wells.
The purpose of this method is to lower the water level of the earth.
this cut-off method is a method for permanent control barriers vertical area waterproof and is safe from
contamination. It means using adhesive (grouting), diagram wall, injection chemicals and others.

 Water behind the wall can increase the amount of pressure to act. Tensile fracture, zc, which occurred
behind the walls can also collect water, especially after heavy rain and this will result in pressure on the
side walls. Figure 23.1 shows some of the drainage system is usually used for retaining walls (Smith,
1984). Excess hydrostatic pressure of water along the failure plane can be determined by network flow
 This method uses Sand drainage vertical reinforcement to expedite soil subgred for compressed
under fortress built. Drainage sand was built with clean hole straight through the first layer of
embankment; through the soil can be compressed (sub-grade) to find a strong layer of soil. Wide
whole drainage these depend on the design and often within the diameter of 500 to 800 mm and
measure it between 10 to 20 m. typically, if the distance measurement deep less than 4 m of sand
drainage uses this would be economic. After excavating, drainage hole is filled with coarse sand and
a clean uniform. At the top layer of sand and drainage initial construction was built was a blanket
layer of sand from the same type of sand, thick between 0.75 - 1.5 m. Fort built in the next layer
above the sand blanket in a way ordinary. If necessary, additional land will be used on the
embankment. Figure 23.2 shows typical construction drainage sand. Distance between the horizon
drainage sand will depend on the design and usually within 3 to 6 m.
 as already stated, the purpose Drainage Sand is to accelerate the strengthening and stabilization of soil can
be compressed by shortening the time out of water pores. Drainage by having a shorter route, time will
be decreased by as much time strengthening is use to long drainage doubles two. Besides, when discovered
Sand drainage, water will flow over quickly due to the higher permeability sand and water is then flowed
out through the blanket layer of sand that has been built.
 Method Vertical drainage use prefabricates (figure below) is installed in vertical exceeding 65
meters in depth. Water in the soil under the hydrostatic pressure will flow through the filter fabric
drainage flow to the surface soil. Then the water will flow to the drains in the vicinity. The effect of
this method, it can accelerate the process of strengthening. Figure below shows Vertical drainage


 Installation Method vertical drainage


 Drainage can help restore the stability of slopes. Drain horizon may be an effective stabilization measures.
Strains drains may also be effective to stabilize slopes that berjelekit if the soil mass that is not quite
slipped still cares. Strains drains built with drains on the way pick up the slopes above the depth of slip
circle. Pipes is perforate, then placed in the drain and penetrated with the help of suitable to act as a drain
that will surface dry and slip as supported to hold slip. Figure below shows the methods slope drainage.

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