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Corporate Income Tax

• Imposed on the net income of the company.

• Domestic companies are taxed at the rate of 30%.

Tax or mandatory contribution Statutory tax rate Tax base Payments (number)
Corporate Income Tax 30% Taxable profits 12
Social Security Contributions
• Companies contribute 12% of their employee’s specified salary into Provident fund

Tax or mandatory contribution Statutory tax rate Tax base Payments (number)
Social Security Contributions 12% Gross salaries 12
Employee’s State Insurance Contribution
• Employees' State Insurance (abbreviated as ESI) is a self-financing social security and health
insurance scheme for Indian workers.
• As per ESI Act 1948, this is managed by the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
• An employee who is not required to pay employees' contribution is called an
exempted employee.
• Has to be paid every month (i.e. 12 times a year).
• Statutory Tax Rate: 4.75%
• The tax is calculated on the gross salaries
• Total tax and contribution rate: 4.64%
Stamp Duty
• Stamp duty is a tax that is levied on documents.
• Stamp duty is payable under Section 3 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899.
• Stamp Duty must be paid in full and on time.
• If there is a delay in payment of stamp duty, it attracts penalty.
• Document not properly stamped, is not admitted as evidence by the court.
• Statutory Tax Rate: 6.00%
• The tax is calculated on the transaction value.
• Total tax and contribution rate: 3.64%
Dividend Tax
• Dividend distribution tax is the tax imposed by the Indian Government on companies
according to the dividend paid to a company's investors.
• Has to be paid once in a year.
• Statutory Tax Rate: 14.00%
• The tax is calculated on the dividend distributions.
• Total tax and contribution rate: 3.37%
Property Tax in Delhi
• The property tax is calculated on the basis of Annual value method.
• Tax is payable to one of the three municipal corporations in Delhi, i.e., North Delhi Municipal
Corporation, South Delhi Municipal Corporation and East Delhi Municipal Corporation.
• Property tax is levied as a percentage charge on the annual value of the property as determined by
the MCD based on below criteria.
Property tax or House Tax = Annual value * Rate of tax
Total Tax &
Tax or mandatory Statutory tax
Tax base Payments (number) Contribution rate
contribution rate
(% of Profit)
Property Tax 10% Assessed Value 1 2.95
Income Surcharge
• Surcharge is an additional charge or tax. Description: A surcharge of 10% on a tax rate of 30%
effectively raises the combined tax burden to 33%. In the case of individuals earning a net
taxable salary of more than Rs 1 crore, a surcharge of 10% is levied on tax liability

Total Tax &

Tax or mandatory Statutory tax Payments
Tax base Contribution rate
contribution rate (number)
(% of Profit)
On all federal
Income Surcharge 10% 0 0.92
Fuel Tax
• A fuel tax is an excise tax imposed on the sale of fuel.

Total Tax &

Tax or mandatory Statutory tax Payments
Tax base Contribution rate
contribution rate (number)
(% of Profit)
6% + INR 3.25 Fuel
Fuel Tax 1 0.51
per liter consumption
Vehicle Tax
• Has to be paid once a year on the vehicle owned.
• The tax imposed by law comprises of:
 Pollution : INR 240
 Road Tax : INR 4640
 Permit Fee (Depends on the permit)
 National Permit (Truck) :
i. Temporary (2 months): INR 240
ii. Permanent (5 years): INR 2000
Vehicle Tax (Contd.)
 Vehicle Fitness Charges (For fitness certificate valid for 15 years)
i. Heavy Motor Vehicle: INR 150
ii. Medium Motor Vehicle: INR 100
iii. Light Motor Vehicle: INR
• Total tax and contribution Rate (% of profits) : 0.28
Fringe Benefit Tax
• The fringe benefit tax is payable by the employer in respect of the value of fringe benefits
provided or deemed to have been provided to his employees during the previous year.
• Fringe Benefits are extra benefits in addition to wages.
• Has to be paid 4 times a year on the value of specified corporate expenses (Usually 20%)
• Statutory Tax Rate : 30%
• Total tax and contribution Rate (% of profits) : 0.26
Tax on Insurance Contracts
• Service tax on the premium for insurance products.
• The premium paid in life insurance policies represents two portions – risk coverage and
savings. The service tax is only on the risk portion of the premium and not on savings
• Has to be paid once a year online based on insurance premium.
• Statutory Tax Rate : 12%
• Total tax and contribution Rate (% of profits) : 0.26
Environment Tax
• Environmental taxes, also known as green taxes, pollution taxes or eco taxes, are a wide
range of legislative charges on businesses and private individuals, aimed at reducing
practices which cause damage to the environment.
• Has to be paid once a year.
• Fixed fee of INR 4200.
• Tax is calculated based on the hazardous waste produced.
• Total Tax and Contribution rate is 0.22%.
GST – Goods & Services Tax
• The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is the largest reform in NIL For essential commodities
India’s indirect tax structure .
Packaged food items, coffee,
• The GST is a consumption-based tax, as it is applicable
tea, spices, apparel and
where consumption takes place.
5% footwear below a threshold,
• The GST is levied on value-added goods and services at insulin, transport services
each stage of consumption in the supply chain. etc.
• Tax structure under GST: GST operates under a 5 rate 12% /
Median rates under GST
structure and all goods and services would fall under one 18%
of these slabs:
28% Luxury and sin goods
Composition Scheme under GST
• GST also has a scheme of lower taxes (1% for a manufacturer, 2.5% in case of Restaurant
and 0.5% in case of other suppliers) for small businesses with turnover up to INR 75
Lakhs in the previous financial year. It is called the composition scheme. This scheme
offers some respite from tax burdens to newly established businesses.
Integration of Multiple Taxes in GST
VAT (Value Added Tax)
• As per previous VAT structure, any business with a turnover of more than INR 5 Lakh
has to get VAT registration and pay VAT (different in different states). Under GST this
threshold is 20 lakhs thus exempting many small businesses including startups. GST also
has a scheme of lower taxes for small businesses with turnover between 20 to 1Cr
though its optional. It is called the composition scheme. This will bring respite from tax
burdens to newly established businesses.
• Startups often working on tight budget had to deal with compliances under Excise, VAT,
CST, Service Tax etc. earlier. Now they are finding it much easier to file and pay one
GST tax instead of both VAT and service tax.
CENVAT - Central VAT
• This was an indirect tax that is levied on all the goods manufactured or produced in
India. It was different from customs duty because it was applicable only on things
produced in India and was also known as the Central Value Added Tax or CENVAT.
• It has now moved under GST and startups need not have to pay separate CENVAT.
Tax Burdens for Manufacturing Startups
• However, startups in the manufacturing sector will bear the brunt. Under the existing
excise laws, only manufacturing business with a turnover more than INR 1.50Cr has to
pay excise. However, with the implementation of GST, the turnover limit has been
reduced to INR 20 lakh thus increasing the tax burden for many manufacturing startups
with the only respite being composition scheme.

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