A Lesson Plan in Teaching ClassicalTragedy

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21st Century Literature of the

Philippines and Around the World
for Grade Eleven
 Listen to others when it is their turn to speak.

 Be mature and open-minded to new ideas and


 Cooperate with your group mates and follow directions.

 Show creativity in all your task performances.

 Handouts will be distributed after the lesson so there is

no need to copy notes from the slides.
Let’s review:
Unlocking Vocabulary Difficulties
The Eiffel Tower
in France
1. As shown in Set A photos, in what part of
the globe can you find those countries?

2. As shown in Set B photos, what place do

you think those prominent men came from?

3. What do you think is the connection of

our lesson with the pictures you have seen?
1. Name some writers and their
prominent literary works under
European Literature.

2. Analyze a selected literary work

which is a representative of the
literature it belongs.
1 This story begins with the story of his
parents, Laius and Jocasta, king and queen of
Thebes. This couple is childless and and they
prayed and offered sacrifices to the gods, asking
for a child. They went to the temple of Apollo at
Delphi, and again begging the god for a child.
The received the horrifying prophecy that
Jocasta would have a son but that son would
murder his father and marry his mother Jocasta.
Question: Will Queen Jocasta and King Laius
be given a son?
2 The child Oedipus was born. The frightened
parents told a faithful servant to expose the child to
the mountains so that he would die and the evil
prophecy would not come true. The shepherd took
the baby to the mountains but before he could leave
him, another shepherd from Corinth came and
asked for the child, whom he said, he would give to
the childless king and queen of Corinth. Out of pity,
the Theban shepherd gave the child to him.

Question: What future awaits Oedipus

in Corinth?
3 Oedipus grew up believing that Polybus and Merope, the
king and queen of Corinth were his parents. But because
of a quarrel with a youth of his age who accused him for
not knowing who his real parents were, he went to the
oracle of Delphi and asked the god Apollo to tell him of his
parentage. The oracle repeated the prophecy already
given to Laius and Jocasta that he was doomed to kill his
own father and marry his own mother. Shocked by the
statement and in order to avoid this doom, Oedipus left
Corinth determined never to come back until Polybus and
Merope were dead.
Question: What did Oedipus do after
knowing the horrible prophecy?
4 On his way from Corinth, he came to a meeting of three
roads. He was insulted by an old man in the clothes of a
pilgrim who attempted to beat him up. Oedipus gave the
old man a strong blow, killing him at once. He then
continued on his way and came to the city of Thebes.
The inhabitants of Thebes were suffering under great
misfortune in the form of a Sphinx. This monster had
given them a riddle to solve which ran like this: What is it
that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon
and walks on three legs in the evening?

Question: Who successfully solved the riddle

of the sphinx?
5 The Thebans could not solve this riddle, so
they had to take their young boys and girls to feed
the voracious Sphinx. Oedipus successfully solved
this riddle by telling that the answer is man, who
crawls on four feet (hands and legs) as a child;
walks upright on two legs when he grows up; and
walks on three legs (with the help of a cane) in old
age. Oedipus was acclaimed a hero by the
Thebans whom asked him to marry their queen,
Question: Did Oedipus marry the queen?
6 Oedipus became king of Thebes. He had four
children with Jocasta _ two boys and two girls. A
plague came over the land, and when the oracle of
Delphi was consulted, the god Apollo said that if the
Thebans want the plague to be removed, they must
look for the murderer of their late king Laius, and
punish him. The people appealed to Oedipus who
promised to look for the murderer and save the city.
Little by little, the truth unfolded to Jocasta and
Oedipus that they are mother and son. Unable to bear
this situation, Jocasta committed suicide and Oedipus
blinded both his own eyes to punish himself, for his
failure to see the truth.
Post Reading Discussion:

1. Discuss the conflict between fate /destiny on

one side and free will on the other. Which of
these two dominates?
2. How does each character struggle with their
limited free will?
3. Explain how Oedipus become the
embodiment of the riddle of the Sphinx?
4. Explain the tragic flaw in the story of
Establishing Real World Connections in:

• Researches anchored with the

theoretical lens of Sigmund Freud’s
Psychonalytic theory: Oedipus complex
• Upholding the principles of democracy
and exercising the electorate’s right to
suffrage and free elections.
• Social responsibility towards conflict
Values Integration:
• controlling one’s temper
• facing the consequences of
one’s action as “crime does not
• acknowledging the power of
God and His presence in our
1. What is the original title of a tragedy by
Sophocles translated and retold in English?
2. Name the Greek mythological character having a
woman’s face, a lion’s body and the wings of a bird.
3. Why is Oedipus considered as the embodiment of
the riddle’s answer in the story?
4. Explain the tragic flaw which leads to Oedipus’
5. Suggest a different ending of the story. Cite one
reason why you want it to end that way.
Surf the net and read about Roman and
Italian Literature. In your notebooks
answer the following questions:
1. What is the difference between Roman
and Italian literature? How are they
Assignment 2. Name some canonical Roman writers
and their most notable works.
3. Read one literary piece of Italy written by
a notable author and be ready to share it in

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