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The Man In The

Iron Mask

Made By : Zeyad El-Sayed

 1: Alexandre Dumas
 2: Why do I read this story
 3: Summery
 4: Character Analysis
 5: Main Ideas and Author’s Excellence
 6: Quotes
 7: Moral Lessons
 8: In Real Life
Alexandre Dumas
 Alexandre Dumas is a French writer, he was born in 24th of
July 1802 in the colony of Saint-Domingue. He was
educated in a military school and entered the military. His
father’s high position helped him (Alexander) to find a job.
In the period of the election of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte,
he moved to Belgium in 1851. Then, after several years he
moved to Russia, then to Italy in 1861 and returned to
France in 1864. Alexandre was going throw the type of the
historical and the romanticism novels. He wrote several
novels such as The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte
Cristo, The Knight of Saint-Hermine and The Man In The Iron
Mask which is the story we are taking about it in this review.
Why Do I Read This Story
I think that such question has took place in each person saw
the story or any other story in life, this story was able to show
the cleverness of Alexandre Dumas in sending the messages
he wanted to send for people. Such a story can be very
useful for rulers and brothers. It showed also his beautiful way
of writing which is grabbing you to read more and more. It
shows to you how being in a high position is making millions of
people die, how a chair can make brother get rid of his twin
of the same shape and blood, how can a chair divide
people for two forces, this story is going to show you what
people can do to their country and show you how a chair
can make people upside down, some seek for sitting on this
chair for themselves and others for their country, so this book
is showing you one of these types of stories, so what do you
predict to happen between two twin brothers, one of them is
going to be the king of the country ?
 This story is talking about France’s King who was married
from a woman named Anne who gave birth to a twin, so
as to prevent the quarrel between them; he decided to
put one of them in the prison who was named Philip and
the other to become the king after him. When the king
died, the son he kept became the king; the country was in
war conditions and bad situations with the citizens suffering
poverty and sickness. On the other hand, the king wasn’t
giving any attention to all these situations, all he was
seeking for is his life and happiness and girls, French people
didn’t like such these conditions especially after the
decision that king took giving the nice food found to the
army and the old rust food for the citizens. When the king
didn’t stop on what he is doing, three friends musketeers
called (Aramis, Proths, Athos) decided to stop this wrong
 were able to enter the palace and convinced the king by showing
the old iron mask of his twin in shots that made him return to his
room to find an explanation for this mask attendance in the party
and think about it, but he found Philip and the three musketeers in
the room and they hit him and changed his clothes with his twin,
making Philip escape to the party from another door as not to
meet D’Artagnan. Philip entered the party as pretending to be the
king and ordered to continue the party, but Philip made two wrong
actions which made D’Artagnan doubt in him ( helping the lady
who fell in front of him and leaving his chair and sit on his knees to
talk to Christen (Raul’s love) when she knew Louis’s murder to Raul).
D’Artagnan thought of the musketeer’s meeting, so he ordered to
publish his servants in the palace till he found the three musketeers
taking the real king on a boat and were going to escape by him,
so when the musketeers found the servants and started to fight with
them, they understood that Philip was known. The musketeers took
the real king and decided to escape, but the army closed the
gates and
 threatened to kill Aramis, so Athos threatened to kill the
king ordering D’Artagnan to open the gates, so he
opened the gates and put the sword on Philip’s neck
threating to kill him, so they fought again and the army
was able to get Philip and the king from the musketeers
who were able to escape. The real king ordered to
return the iron mask again to Philip’s face and ordered
D’Artagnan to kill the musketeers besides his order to
one of the servants to watch D’Artagnan. The
musketeers hide in a place inside the palace to enter
the prison again. When they entered, they found a
letter from D’Artagnan saying in it that he is going to
late the new guards for ten minutes from the midnight
to be able to take Philip. The servant who was charged
to watch D’Artagnan saw him going to the prison, so he
told his king who took his army force and started to
 next young musketeers weren’t able to kill their
legends especially their captain D’Artagnan. This
action got the king in anger and took out his knife
to kill Philip, but D’Artagnan’s back was in the right
time to save Philip. When the rest of the army
entered, Philip was able to change clothes with his
brother and to be the king in front of the rest
ordering them to take the real king to the prison
and Philip became the real king making the
musketeers his counselors. After some time, he
took his brother in another country from France
and made his mother visit him and he is now
known as one of the best kings ever who ruled
Character Analysis

 1: King Louis:
 Promiscuous &Carless: Louis was able to show his carelessness in
this story, he didn’t care about the kingdom or the war conditions
the country was in, all what he cared for was his pleasure, money
and girls.
 Selfish & Traitor: Louis was very selfish in his relation with his work and
his brother. In work he was always giving it no importance and
seeing nothing but himself. On the other side, he was selfish toward
his brother as he wanted to do anything to prevent him from the
kingdom by returning him to prison and his various attempts to kill
him. So, he betrayed his mother and country.
 Loser: In allover the story, this king took only two decisions for his
country which were both wrong. The first when he gave the citizens
the rust food and the army the clean ones, and the other when he
wanted to make a war with the revolutionaries. In the first problem
D’Artangan was found and Armais was in the second.
 Philip:
 Loyalty & Nobility: Philip is one of the most loyal people in this story, he was
always loyal to the musketeers, he was trying to make all what they told him
without betraying them when he replaced the king, he was visiting
D’Artagnan when he was dead, he asked Athos to consider him as his son.
Also, he was loyal to his country and accepted to do such a mission to rescue
his country from that devil and helped his citizens in finding the food after
being the king.
 Kind: Although Philip was in a prison for six years, his nature is a good ones, he
was a very kind man, this appeared wrongly in his two mistakes in the party
when he involuntarily moved from the chair to help the lady who fell in front of
him and sat on his knees to talk to Christen when she was crying. He was kind
to his brother and didn’t keep him in the prison as he did to him, he put him in
a country away from the palace and he made his mother visit him in his
 Successful: Philip was a successful person who was able to return France
again by the decisions he took as giving the citizens the right and the clean
food they needed.
 D’Artagnan:
 Loyalty & Nobility: D’Artagnan was one of the most loyal people in this story,
this loyalty appeared when he refused to join the three musketeers in the
conspiracy on the king although he knew that the king was a bad one. He
also showed his loyalty when he helped the musketeers and delayed the new
army for ten minutes so they could be able to take Philip, he also refused the
king’s offer which was leaving the musketeers and take his safety.
 Vigilant: He was very vigilant toward his work and we saw this in rescuing the
king from the man who was going to kill him in the party, he also was able to
use the right treatment to avoid the citizens who went to the palace to fight
with the king who gave them the rust food, he also was able to reveal the
musketeers when they replaced the king.
 Sacrifice: He didn’t accept the death of Philip due to his loyalty to his country
and his love Anne, so he sacrificed himself to give the life to Philip be taking
the knife Louis was going to kill Philip by in his back.
 A Real Friend: He was always trying to do his best to his friends even if he was
going to lose something as what he did to Athos visiting him, talking privately
to the king about the decision he took about Raul’s situation and putting him
in the front line of the army.
 Aramis:
 Loyalty & Nobality: Aramis’s loyalty to his country dragged
him to make the meeting with the rest of the musketeers to
find a solution to stop that kin , he also left the musketeers
and Philip during Philip’s preparations and returned to the
palace when he heard that the king was going to hit the
revolutionaries, he also fought with the rest of the
musketeers to get Philip to his right place.
 Smart And Organizer: He made use of his thinking before his
sword, he refused making a revolution to avoid the citizens
blood and he thought of another solution to take the king
and he found replacing him with his twin. He also was able
to organize the way to prepare Philip to replace him with
the king, he organized and chose the event he that they
will replace Philip in which was the Masquerade.
 Athos:
 Loyalty & Nobility: I think that this trait is the most
common one in the story, as for Athos, he also as for his
country, he refused to leave such a king to lead his
country, also his loyalty to his son who the king killed
made him join Aramis’s plan to replace the king, he also
fought against the army for Philip.
 Sacrifice: He sacrificed his life and put himself in danger
for his son and joined the plan to replace the king who
killed his son and didn’t think about himself or about not
taking revenge for his son.
 A Real Father: He was trying to help his son Raul to make
him reveal his love to the woman he loved, Athos gave
his son his mother’s ( Raul’s mother) ring to give to Raul’s
 Prothos:
 Loyalty & Nobility: This person’s loyalty to his
country wasn’t just enough, he also wanted
to do something to himself and not to die as
an old man doing nothing, his loyalty to
himself took him to join the plan of replacing
the king.
 Liberated Person: This character in the story
was always seeking for his happiness and the
girls, he was doing all what he wants, but his
love to himself didn’t have an influence on his
loyalty to his country.
 Raul:
 Sacrifice: Raul sacrificed his love for Christen and didn’t
want to marry her when he knew that the king liked her, he
destroyed his love for her safety.
 Loyal: Raul was very loyal to his country, he accepted
being in the front lines although putting his life in danger, he
was always having the will to sacrifice himself for his
 Christen:
 Sacrifice: Christen’s love to her family dragged her to go
and obey the king although her love to Raul.
 Loyal: Besides her loyalty to her family, she was very loyal to
Raul, at the first, she refused the king for her love to Raul,
and when she knew that the king was the one who killed
Raul, she committed suicide for his love.
Main Ideas and Author’s

 Alexandre Dumas has proved to all the

readers that he is one of the most
excellent writers in his field and his types of
writing. He was able to apply the needed
literary elements on his story that made it
one of the nicest stories he wrote. This
story is a historical fiction ones, it is taking
place in the past, especially during the
King of France era.
 Setting: The palace court of the King Louis
XIV, this place was chosen so the writer
can be able to make a believable version
of events, using details from the era to
help him.
 Protagonist: The three musketeers &
 Antagonist: The King Louis XIV
 Conflicts:-
 Inner Conflict:
 Raul suffered inner conflict on telling Christen about his love
to her or not.
 Christen suffered inner conflict on accepting the king’s
offer as she didn’t want to betray her love to Raul and she
wanted to save her family.
 External Conflicts:
 The musketeers fought the army while escaping by the real
 The fought again with the army while they were trying to
escape Philip for the second time.
 Philip was about to fight with his brother when The King
killed D’Artagnan.
 Irony:-
 Situational Irony:
 We were shocked when D’Artagnan refused joining the plan on the
king as we expected that he is going to accept this to stop the
 We were also shocked when we found the young musketeers
refusing to kill D’Artagnan as we expected their shoot on them to
obey the king’s order.
 We were also shocked when we found that the general of the
Jesuits was Aramis, who was ordered by the king to kill the general
of the Jesuits.
 Dramatic Irony:
 We as audience knew that Philip is the twin of King Louise, but
D’Artagnan and the young musketeers didn’t know such important
 Main Ideas and Themes:
 Friendship:-
 Friendship in this story at the beginning wasn’t found, but it had it’s time to
appear again. The three musketeers were very close to each other at the
past, but now, Athos was sitting alone praying, Prothos was seeking his
pleasure, Aramis doing his work and D’Artagnan is the king’s guard and no
one is talking to the other, but they returned again for solving the problem.
 Loyalty, Nobility & Honor :
 The musketeers were combined again for their loyalty, they wanted to stop
that King who is doing nothing except searching for pleasure, and their
nobility drove them to save their country.
 Love:-
 There are several types of love noticed in this story, the musketeers love to
each other, their love to their country, Athos’ love to his son that made him
accepting the plan of replacing the king to take revenge, Raul’s love to
Christen that made him leaving her as not to put her in danger, the love of
authority as which was found inside the king making him prison his twin.

 One For All, And All For One:

 This quote took a big place in the story, it was always said
between the musketeers, the were always scarifying
themselves for their country for only one to rule the country
in a right way, as D’Artagnan the one who helped the all in
replacing the king in delaying the army ten minutes for their
entrance, so, here is the place where the all support the
individual and the individual support the all.
 This is not for me, Athos. This is for everything we once were,
and might be again!
 Aramis showed his loyalty to his country in this quote, he
was telling Athos that what they were doing in replacing
the king was to get back the country from its situation, they
wanted to make the country as best as it can, as how it
was in the past and more better.
 It’s Judgment Day:
 Aramis said this sentence to Louis when they entered
the room to him in order to replace the him with
Philip, Aramis wanted to tell him that now, it’s the
time to correct the wrong things, it’s time for your
judgment for what you were doing in the country
and your brother.
 I wear the mask, it does not wear me.
 These words that Philip said by Philip when the
musketeers went to take him for the second time and
Athos told him that they were afraid that the mask
destroy him, but this quote was his reply and it shows
how he used to this mask and how he feels safe in it.
 Put this man away where no one will hear his insanity. Let
him be fed by a deaf-mute but feed him well.
 Philip said these words when he replaced the king clothes
before the army’s entrance in the court on him and the
musketeers and the king with his young army, he told them
these words to take Louis, but it showed how he was a
good person and didn’t do as Louis did in treating him
badly, but, he also took him out of the prison, putting him
out France and making his mother visit him.
 All that you have suffered... I would gladly have borne
myself to keep it from you
 D’Artagnan said these words to Philip when he went to
help the musketeers, he shows how he sacrifices his life for
him and for his love to his mother, he is applying the rule of
(One for all, And all for one).
 You take my king, I shall take yours.
 D’Artagnan told this to the musketeers when he
found them by the real king and was threating them
by Philipe, he didn’t want to betray his job and he
had no decision else to take.
 It has everything to do with it. The king is a dog. A
dog and a coward.
 Athos said these words to D’Artagnan when Raul
informed him of the king’s decision of putting Raul in
the front lines of the army, Athos understood that the
king done this as to get Christen, so he said these
words that showed how he was a great father.

 You're the traitor.
 These words told to D’Artagnan from
Athos showed how Athos was very angry
with D’Artagnan, as he thought that he
didn’t make anything to help Raul in the
army, so he went to attack the army then
the king, when D’Artagnan tried to calm
him down, Athos told him these words.
 I'd rather die covered in blood than an
old man lying in my own piss
 Prothos wanted to make something in his
 He's my twin. My blood. A fact which has kept him alive until now.
 Louis told these sentences to D’Artagnan when they were able to
take Philippe from the musketeers, D’Artagnan was asking him if he
knows someone as him like Philippe, then he answered him this
answer, he showed how Philippe was a bad fact that had to be
dead from a long time, a fact that is going to affect him.

 As for you my brother, back to the prison you shall go, and into the
mask you hate. Wear it until you love it! And die in it!
 This was the order given to the servants from Louis to take Philippe
to the prison and return him to his mask and he has to love it. Louis
was trying to prevent Philippe to see the live again, he was trying to
make sure of his place, not in the kingdom only, but in life.

Moral Lessons

 Loyalty, Nobility & Honor:

 This story taught the reader lots of moral
lessons; one of them is the loyalty. Being
loyal can change lots of things, it has the
ability to change the world, the three
musketeers changed their country by their
loyalty, they changed the king of the
country to rescue it, their loyalty didn’t let
them stop, It is LOYALTY
 Friendship:
 Besides the loyalty, friendship was found
between the musketeers, their strong
relationship made them succeed in their plan,
they were always applying the rule of (One
for all, All for one), whenever anyone wants
help, they were found, as the help
D’Artagnan offered to Athos’ son, what
Aramis did to rescue Prothos from commiting
suicide, friendship always differ in the relations
between people.
 Sacrifice:
 We found lots of sacrifices in this excellent
story, Raul sacrificed his love to save
Christen after he became in the front lines
in the army, Christen sacrificed herself in
order to help her family and went to the
king, D’Artagnan sacrificed himself to
rescue Philippe from Louis’ knife, really,
sacrifice is a big evidence for the person’s
love to you.
In the real life

 I think that such a story by its moral lessons can

really benefit you in your life, being positive person
who always wants the better, driven by his loyalty
and nobility is something great, you will have an
excellent image in front of people, image of
honor, I think you will be loved by people, not
being as a greedy person who is seeking only for
his pleasure, betraying his job and leaving
everything, not taking care of it, taking any
decisions in his work that can lead to the damage,
I don’t think people can love such a person or
even trust him in something, even it was a very tiny
situation. So, this story is showing you a small
example one being a good man.
Thank You For Listening
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