GA Based Combined Heat and Power Dispatch: by Tulika Bhattacharjee

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GA based Combined Heat

Power Dispatch

Tulika Bhattacharjee
• The Combined Heat and Power(CHP) economic
dispatch problem
• Genetic Algorithm(GA)
• GA based CHP Dispatch (CHPD) problem
• Results of simulation
• Emission constrained CHPD
• GA based emission constrained CHPD
• Conclusion and future scope of work
The CHPD problem
• Combined Heat & Power (CHP)/cogeneration:
 the simultaneous generation of heat and power
using a single fuel source.
 The principle behind cogeneration involves
capturing heat that is normally lost under
traditional power consumption methods.
 Cogeneration reduce energy losses by using the
excess heat for industry, commerce and home

Fig – Conventional Generation vs. Cogeneration

History of Cogeneration
 Cogeneration is a new name for an old and
proven method of producing power.
 During the late 1800s and early 1900s, industry
generated close to 60 percent of the energy it
 Very first commercial power plant in the U.S.
was a cogeneration plant – Thomas Edison’s
Pearl Street Station, which was built in lower
Manhattan, New York in 1882.
 As late as 1950s, cogeneration supplied 15
percent of United States with energy needs.
How does cogeneration work?
 A cogeneration plant consists of three basic
 Prime Mover
 Electricity Generator
 Heat Recovery System
 A prime mover is a machine that receives
energy from a fuel source, which is used to drive
the generator to produce electricity or heat.
How does cogeneration work?
 Generators convert the mechanical energy in the rotating
engine shaft into electricity.
 They can be either “synchronous” or “asynchronous”.
 Although more expensive, synchronous generators are
preferred due to their superior availability.


 The heat recovery boiler is an essential component of the
cogeneration system as it cools the system and recovers the
heat from exhaust gases of prime movers like gas turbines.
How does cogeneration work?

Fig – Example of a typical cogeneration unit

Cogeneration Technology
 Cogeneration projects generally employ two
concepts: “Topping Cycle” or “Bottoming Cycle”.
 A topping cycle plant uses the primary energy
source to produce useful electricity or
mechanical power first.
 Rejected heat from power production is then
used to provide useful thermal energy.
 Has the widest industrial application and is
employed in large energy production.
Topping Cycle (cont’d)
• There are four types of topping cycle
cogeneration systems available:

1)Steam Turbine
2)Gas Turbine
3)Combined Cycle Turbine
4)Reciprocating Engines
Topping Cycle (cont’d)
Combined Cycle Gen.

Fig – Combined Cycle for power and process heat generation

Bottoming Cycle
 Bottoming cycle plants utilize primary energy source
to useful heating process, and then the rejected heat
emerging from the process is used for power
production (0.5MWe to 4MWe).
 Bottoming cycle plants are seldom used.
 Exist in heavy industries such as glass or metals
manufacturing where very high temperature
furnaces are used.
 Three bottoming cycle cogeneration systems are
1)Steam Turbine
2)Organic Rankine Turbine
3)Gas Turbine
Bottoming Cycle (cont’d)

Fig – Bottoming cycle cogeneration facility

Fuel Supply Options
 Coal
 Oil (Heavy and extra heavy)
 Gas Oil (Diesel)
 Natural Gas
 LPG – generic name for commercial propane and butane
 Naphtha – fractional distillation of coal tar mixed with petroleum (it is colorless and

 Wood from furniture
 Biomass from forestry or farming
 Domestic refuse
 Peat and Moss for paper plants
 Black liquor from wood pulp
 Biogas from sewers
Suitability of Cogeneration
 Industrial - Buildings
 Pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals - District heating
 Paper and board manufacture - Hotels
 Brewing, distilling and malting - Hospitals
 Ceramics - Leisure centers and swimming pools
 Brick - College campuses and schools
 Cement - Airports
 Food processing - Prisons and police stations
 Textile processing - Supermarkets and large stores
 Minerals processing - Office buildings
 Oil Refineries - Individual Houses
 Iron and Steel
 Motor industry
 Horticulture and glasshouses
 Timber processing

 Renewable Energy - Energy from Waste

 Sewage treatment works - Gasified Municipal Solid Waste
 Poultry and other farm sites - Municipal incinerators
 Short rotation coppice woodland - Landfill sites
 Energy crops - Hospital waste incinerators
 Agro-wastes (ex: bio gas)
Benefits of Cogeneration
 Reduced energy costs
1)Increased energy efficiency
2)Reduced demand charge
3)Reduced peak electric energy costs
 Attractive return on investment
 Improved power reliability
 Improved environmental quality
 Reduced energy consumption
 Government tax credits
Benefits of Cogeneration
 Reduced need for new power lines
 Increased energy supply
 Lower overall fossil fuels use
 Lower greenhouse gas emissions
The CHP Dispatch problem
• When a CHP system consists of more
than one turbine the optimization of a CHP
system is possible resulting in reduced
fuel costs and lower CO2 emissions.
The CHP Dispatch problem

• The CHP dispatch problem:

unit heat and power production
so that
the system production cost is minimized
the heat and power demands
and other constraints are met.
Literature review
• Work done till date:
• Dual programming
• Lagrangian Relaxation method
• Drawbacks:
• Cannot handle nonlinear cost functions (valve
point loading etc)
Literature review (contd)
• EA based algorithm was developed by
but it considered a linear cost
function for the conventional thermal unit.
• valve point loading effects not considered
Work done
The present work done deals with the said
problem and includes :
• Quadratic cost function
• And valve point loading for the conventional
thermal unit.
• Second part:
Emission reduction is considered. NOx
emission from the conventional power unit is
Fig: Valve point loading
Work done (contd)
• GA based algorithm has been developed
for the CHPD problem considering :
• quadratic cost function and
• valve point loading for the conventional
• Emission reduction is also achieved .
Test case
• containing two cogeneration units, a boiler
and a conventional generator.

1.Conventional unit
2.Cogeneration unit 1
3.Cogeneration unit 2
Problem formulation
• Objective function

F ( pG )  Ft1  Fc1 ( p1 , h1 )  Fc 2 ( p2 , h2 )  Fb3 (h3 )

Subject to :

p1  p2  p3  200MWe
h 2  h3  h4  115MWth
Fuel cost function
ft1(p1) =1055.1 + 3.33.p1+ 0.52124(p12+ abs(120.0 sin(0.077(0.0-p1))))
0 < p1 <150
• NOx modelling :
= ENOx   (aiN  biN pGi  ciN pGi2  d iN exp(eiN pGi ))
i 1


aiN  biN pGi  ciN pGi

 diN exp(eiN pGi )

a b c d e
1 5.24x10-2 -3.55x10-2 3.38x10-2 2x10-3 2.00
6 6.13x10-2 -5.55x10-2 5.15x10-2 1x10-5 6.67
Genetic Algorithm
• Formally introduced in the United States in the
1970s by John Holland at University of Michigan.
• This lead to Holland's book "Adaption in Natural
and Artificial Systems" published in 1975.
• Inspired by the natural evolution process. Mimics
these processes
GA as an optimization tool
• The advantage of GA :

• Parallelism
- travelling in a search space
using more individuals
- with genotype rather than
GA as an optimization tool
• less likely to get stuck in a local extreme
like the other methods.
-particularly suited to
multidimensional global search problems where
the search space potentially contains multiple
local minima.
GA as an optimization tool
• does not require extensive knowledge of
the search space, such as likely solution
bounds or functional derivatives
Traditional Optimization
• Traditional Optimization
– Calculus - based.
• Indirect direct - hill climbing
• Problem : local minima, gradient calculation
– Enumeration - Dynamic programming.
– Simulated annealing.
Features of GA
– Suitable for complex / poorly understood
search spaces.
– Works with coding of the parameter set.
– Uses only the payoff ( no derivatives or others
– Probabilistic transition rules.
– Simple, powerful, and robust.
– Climb many peaks in parallel.
• (Multi-Agent Systems)

• Exploitation ad Exploration
• Exploration is to investigate new and unknown areas in the search
space, and
• Exploitation is to make use of knowledge found at points previously
visited to help find better points.
• A good search algorithm must find a tradeoff between the two. A
purely random search is good at exploration, but does no
exploitation, while a purely hill climbing method is good at
exploitation, but does little exploration. Combinations of these two
strategies can be quite effective, but it is difficult to know where the
best balance lies.

• Exploits the best solution for possible

improvement ignoring exploration of the
search space.
Multi-modal Objective Function
• easy to implement
-Once you have the basic GA algorithm
implemented, you have just to write a new
chromosome (just one object) to solve another
-With the same encoding you just
change the fitness function - and you are done
Genetic Algorithm steps
• produce an initial population of individuals
• evaluate fitness of all individuals
• while termination condition not met do
• select fitter individuals for reproduction
• recombine individuals
• mutate individuals
• evaluate fitness of modified individuals
• generate a new population
• end while
Genetic Algorithm steps
GA Terminology
• Search space
• Fitness
• Chromosome
• Gene
• Individual
• Population
Encoding of a Chromosome
• Binary Encoding
• Permutation Encoding
• Value Encoding, and
• Tree Encoding.
Real coded GA
• A decision variable is represented by a real
number within its lower and upper limit.

• Code-strings are vectors of floating point

numbers rather than bit strings

• Chromosome: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
GA Operators
• Crossover
• Mutation
• Selection
• combines (mates) two chromosomes (parents)
to produce a new chromosome (offspring).

• Example:PARENT 1: 1 2 3 4 5x 6 7 8
PARENT 2: 2 4 6 5 1x 8 7 3
CHILD 1: 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 3
CHILD 2: 2 4 6 5 1 6 7 8
Commonly used Crossovers
• Arithmetic
• Heuristic
• Partmap
• Simple
• Cyclic
• Changes the information contained in the
genome of a parent.

• Mutation works with a single individual at a time.

• Prevents the GA from falling into local extremes.

Example of mutation
Commonly used mutation
• Uniform
• Nonuniform
• Multinonuniform
• Boundary
• Swap
• Threeswap
• Adjswap
• Shift

• equivalent role to natural selection

• creates a new population (or generation) by

selecting individuals(or chromosomes) from
the old population

• New population is biased towards the best.

Selection Functions common used
• Roulette wheel selection
• Tournament selection
• Rank selection
• Steady state selection
• Normalized Geometric Selection
• Roulette wheel
Example (contd)
• [Sum] Calculate the sum of all chromosome
fitnesses in population - sum S.

• [Select] Generate random number from the

interval (0,S) - r.

• [Loop] Go through the population and sum the

fitnesses from 0 - sum s. When the sum s is
greater then r, stop and return the
chromosome where we are.
Termination function
• The algorithm stops when

– either the number of iterations is exceeded

– or an acceptable solution is found.

Commonly used termination funcns
• Maxgenterm

• Optmaxgenterm
Parameters of GA
• Crossover probability
-ranges from 0.25 to 0.95
• Mutation probability
-generally kept very low(0.01 etc)
• Population size
-Neither too low nor too high (generally 40)
• Maximum number of generations
-chosen in between 10 -500
Settings of proposed approach
Maximum number of generation 90

Population size 40

Crossover probability 0.9

Mutation probabilities 0.01

Price penalty factor (λ) 100

Each type of GA operator was executed on the problem instance; the 4

better run were used for statistical purposes
Individual in GA based CHPD

p1 p2 h1 p3 h2 h3
Cost(in Rs)
Crossover Mutation
Minimum Maximum Mean

Heuristic 1083.4 1132.5 1093.5

Partmap 1083.1 1116.7 1092.7

Cyclic 1083.2 1125.9 1093.1

Cyclic Uniform 1083.7 1144.4 1096.3

Results of test case with power demand

200 MWe and heat requirement 115 MWth ,using GA
Mutation: Multi-non-
Cross Over: Heuristic

Unit Power Heat

1 25 0

2 134 99

3 42 16
4 0 0

Total 200 115

Cost: 1.0935 x103(in monetary unit)

Heuristic crossover and Multi-non-uniform mutation


Convergence nature of GA
for Cyclic crossover,
with Uniform mutation
and Multinonuniform mutation

Convergence nature of GA
for Heuristic and Partmap crossover,
with Multinonuniform mutation

Convergence nature of GA
for Cyclic and Heuristic crossover,
with Multinonuniform mutation
Emission Constrained CHPD
• Emission
Most electricity today is generated by
burning fossil fuels.81% in India.
Burning of fossil fuels releases carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere.
sulfur dioxide, NO2 and other gases are also
• Major concern: smog and acid rain.
Regulations require emissions source owners to minimize or reduce air

Ways and means:

installation of emission control equipment;
replacement of old thermal generators with cleaner and more efficient ones
modifications to existing generating and fuel burning equipment,
load management,
emission dispatching,
fuel switching and/or blending, and
emission trading.
Cogen leads to emission reduction
• reducing air pollutants through pollution
• Cogeneration helps reduce CO2 emissions
• Cogenerations' higher efficiencies reduce air
emissions of nitrous oxides, sulfur dioxide,
mercury, particulate matter, and carbon
dioxide, the leading greenhouse gas
associated with climate change
• Our modelling
• Power generation stations which are the
primary sources of Nitrogen Oxides, NOx
are requested by Environmental Protection
Agency to reduce emissions
ENOx   (aiN  biN pGi  ciN pGi
 d iN exp(eiN pGi ))
i 1
Problem formulation
• Objective function :

Minimize[ F ( pG ), ENOx ]

treated as a single objective optimization problem,

Minimize wF ( pG )  (1  w) E ( pG )
w P1 P2 P3 H2 h3 h4 Cost Emission
(inRs) (units)

0.0 0.3887 93.6971 105.9142 30.5142 83.9677 0.5187 15349 0.0947

0.1 3.0 99.9 97.0 94.1 20.9 0 11785 2620.127

0.2 4.3 85.7 110.0 83.8 30.9 0.3 12187 6118.375
0.3 4.2 92.1 103.7 63.9 50.3 0.7 12858 10108.857
0.4 3.9 116.4 79.8 76.2 36.6 2.3 11850 15840.333
0.5 3.7 116.6 79.7 30.8 83.0 1.3 12171 24345.6
0.6 4.2 105.3 90.5 82.2 32.4 0.4 11891 43186.5
0.7 4.2 112.1 83.8 93.9 21.1 0 11541 53867.969
0.8 0.5 113 83 55 59 1 11482 92128.5
0.9 4 112 84 100 15 0 11482 206688.51
1.0 23 131 46 100 15 0 10865 1.8992 x1017

Cost and emission values for value of w varying from w=0 to =1


Convergence nature of GA
Conclusion and future scope of
Future scope of work
• The valve point loading effects of the
cogeneration units
• valve point loading effects of boiler unit can be
incorporated into the CHP cost function.
• Boiler cost curves can be made more realistic by
including more realistic nonlinear features.
• Reduction of emission from the cogeneration

Let’s make our future, an environmentally friendly one!!

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