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Business Communication:

Unit IV
10th Aug 2009
Unit : Contents

 Understand various modes of verbal

presentations and how they can be
effectiveness at work place
 Learn the skills of presentation
 How to build rapport with an Audience, Use
of emotions in communication for
connectivity with people.
Application of verbal skills

Verbal presentations
2. Presentation skills
•Personality factors
•Vocal factors
•Dress /Appearance

1. Content Proficiency 3. Visual’s use

•IT application
•Language proficiency
•Use of diagrams\
•Subject proficiency
1. Presentation Skills
Seven Cs of effective communication ( Content )

1. Completeness
2. Conciseness
3. Consideration
4. Concreteness
5. Clarity
6. Courtesy
7. Correctness
1. Completeness

1. Provide all necessary information

2. Answer all questions asked
3. Give some thing extra when
a. Provide all necessary information
 Sales Executive to Sales Manager ( Monthly Presentation )
 There were three other parties which quoted for the product .
 Two parties were below our price and one party was above price .
 We lost to Titan who was lower than us in price .
Above presentation Leaves questions in mind as below

 Who were the three parties

 What was their prices
 Which is the other party which is lower than us
 Which is the party which is higher than us.
 It could have been covered giving all information in one go
 Ms Andrew Yule (AY) , Ms Titan and Ms Hind Tools quoted for the product .
 AY and Titan were lower than us by 10% and 5% respectively .
 Titan got the offer as they gave better offer on warranty terms also .

b. Answer all questions asked
 Who were the three parties
 What was their prices
 Which is the other party which is lower than us
 Which is the party which is higher than us.
 Ans
 Ms Andrew Yule , Ms Titan and Ms Hind Tools
quoted for the product
 AY and Titan were lower than us by 10% and 5%
respectively .
 Titan got the offer
c. Give extra if desirable
 Who were the three parties
 What was their prices
 Which is the other party which is lower than us
 Which is the party which is higher than us.
 Answer
 Ms Andrew Yule , Ms Titan and Ms Hind Tools quoted for
the product
 AY quoted 10% less than us , Titan quoted 5% less than
us and Hind tools was 5% higher
 We lost to titan as they offered 3 yr warranty as against 2
years by us .

a. Eliminate wordy expressions

b. Include only relevant material
c. Avoid unnecessary repetition
a. Eliminate wordy
There were three other parties which quoted for the

product . The parties were Titan , AY and HT .AY

and Titan were below our price and one party was
above price . HT was above our price . We lost to
Titan Ltd who was lower than us in price and it was
believed that Titan has been offering extra discount at
the end of the year if the entire order is executed by
the party. It was not given in the offer letter but I am
told by one of the executives of the Titan about this
arrangement . We must also follow the competition
and give same benefits . Even Andrew Yule sales
executives were talking about it afterwards.
b. Include only relevant
There were three other parties( AY , Titan , HT )
which quoted for the product . AY and Titan were
below our price by 10 and 5% respectively . HT was
5% higher
 We lost to Titan Ltd as they have 3 yrs warranty on
 We must also check if there is any other reason for
losing the order as one heard rumors of yearly
discount offered by Titan .
c. Avoid unnecessary
AY , Titan , HT quoted for the product . AY and Titan
were below our price by 10 and 5% respectively .
HT was 5% higher
 Apparently We seem to have lost to Titan Ltd as
they have 3 yrs warranty on product
 We must also further check if there is any other
reason for losing the order.

 Focus on You instead of I or We

 Show audience benefit or

interest in receiver
 Emphasis positive , pleasant

a.Focus on You instead of I or We

 I have been able to get commitment for

further orders for the company as we worked
hard to get the orders .
 You would be glad to note the further orders
would be placed on us due to your teams
effort .
b. Show audience benefit or interest in
 Our CFL ensures saving of at least 10%
electricity bill . Which translates to appx Rs
200pm . It recovers its price over a period of
6 months.
 This is apart from guarantee that we give for
one year .
 Our price is appx 50% more but no other
competitors can match above factors
c. Emphasis positive , pleasant facts
 It would be interesting to note that XYZ Ltd ,
ordered entire quantity of CFL from Chandini
Lights ltd .
 They decided to compare CFL along with
others to see why we charge high.
 They found that our CFL gives not only
20% more illumination , but also has double
the life.
 They have now approached for their
expansion plant at Nasik
4. Concreteness

 Use of specific facts and figs

 Put action in your Verbs

 Choose vivid image building

a. Use of specific facts and
 Ms XYZ is making an investment to increase
their CFL capacity .
 They would try to capture our market by
reducing the price
Correct way
 Ms XYZ has a capacity of 5000 CFL per month.
They would go up by 2000 CFL per month wef
1/1/2010 after increase in capacity
 It may result in overall industry capacity going up by
5 % .This can impact the prices in the short run.
b. Put action in your Verbs
 The proposal has a requirement for-----
 The proposal requires that
 Students held the meeting in the office
 Students met in the office
c.Choose vivid image building
 Proposals submitted this quarter were
 Proposals submitted this quarter did not have
visual graphs of sales /profits etc
 Her work in the group was exemplary
 She was the spark plug of the group
5. Clarity

 Choose precise , concrete and familiar words

 Construct effective sentences
a. Choose precise , concrete and familiar
 After our perusal of pertinent data, the
conclusion is that a lucrative market exists
for the subject property
 The data we studied show that your property
is profitable and in high demand.
6.. Courtesy

 Be sincerely tactful , thoughtful and

 Use expressions that show respect
 Choose nondiscriminatory expressions
a. Be sincerely tactful , thoughtful and
 Because our company receives many reports
from China and your company , we need
number of the report sent by you in Oct 2007
as we want to read a interesting article on
“CDM “
7. Correctness

 Use the right level of language

 Check accuracy of figs /facts /data .

These Cs can apply to written communication also

a. Use the right level of language

 I am sorry to point out that spares parts

dispatched by you did not meet quality
standards as prescribed by the Quality
control department in their latest drawings
issues on 25/5/09.
 Spare parts sent by are rejected as they do
not conform to specifications laid down by us.
b. Check accuracy of figs /facts /data .
 I am told about 50% of the workers did not
come to the factory on Monday which
resulted in down fall in production
 As per the data from Time office , 25%
workers absent . On further checking < I
found that morning shift bus did not come .
This resulted in reduction in production
Part II date 17th Aug

 2. Presentation skills
 Personality factors
 Vocal factors
 Dress /Appearance
 Articulation
At the end of lecture you would be able to

 Understand which personality factors impact

 How to work on those factors can be effectively
built over a time .
 How vocal factors like tone , voice , pace etc
influence the presentation.
 How the appearance has impact on presentations
 How articulation plays important role in making
presentation effective
PDCA of presentation

 Planning : Preparation /Practice

 Delivery : Present with confidence &
 Check & Probe
 Act on feedback and suggestions

1. Planning (P) : Preparation & Practice

2. Delivery (D) : Present & Persuade
3. CHECK : Probe “Question &Answer
4. ACT on the outcome
Keys to
to Presentation
Presentation Excellence

 Planning
Think the whole process through

 What is the objective of the presentation?

 What is the desired outcome of
presentation ?
 Who is the audience?
 Known or unknown
 Where is the presentation to be given?
 What resources are available for preparing ?
 How much time do you have?
 What is expertise needed and from where to
get it .
Example : Make a presentation on
“New PMS system to officers ”
 ????
Keys to
to Presentation
Presentation Excellence

 Preparation of content

 Draw up an outline
 Make simple PowerPoint first and do pilot run
 Use various features of PowerPoint for
effective presentation
 Decide on visual aids, handouts
 Plan for back-up
 Actual presentation content:
 Stay focus on central theme/desired outcome
 Keep it straightforward
 Anticipate questions
Keys to
to Presentation
Presentation Excellence

 Practice

 Know your surroundings and equipment

 Dry run for a test audience and solicit constructive
 Test your equipment first
 Time - Keep to schedule

Practice and more practice

Perfecting the delivery, well-timed,
comprehensible & convincing
2. Delivery

 Delivery : Present & Persuade

 Confidence: If you want to persuade the audience to accept your

message, you must show confidence (but not arrogance) in
yourself and your work
 Respect your audience: Don’t insult them/lose temper
 Approach: Your purpose is usually to inform or persuade, not to
baffle and confuse
 Dress to the level of the most important audience member
 Know your subject and be excited about it !
 Gauge the involvement of participants from time to time and
take counter measures
 Accept mistakes
3. Check
Check and
and Probe
Probe :Q
:Q && AA

 Prepare for questions

 Listen carefully to the
 Pause to organize your
 Repeat the question
 Support your answer
 Promise to get an answer
if you can’t answer it now

Do not end on an excuse!

44 .. ACT
ACT on
on outcome

 Note down the

suggestions & view
 Summarize on the
points agreed during
the discussions and
points of
 Agree on way forward
IT ;; Power
Power point
point problems

 Too much text at once - Do not overstuff your

 Too many differing visuals at once (compete for
audience’s attention)
 Visual images not in context with the material
 Colour clashes
 Font too small (particularly in diagrams)
Non verbal elements 141 MR

 Appearance
 Posture

 Eye contact

 Gestures

 Voice
Case –Presentation
–Presentation Skills…

Video –Presentation
–Presentation Skills…
Barriers to effective presentation

 Poor Language skills

 Lack of depth in content /IT
 Not understanding audience needs
 Time Management /Preparation /Trial run
 Replying in a hurry without understanding point .
 Worry about failure or audience
 Avoiding or giving wrong answers
Part III

 Diagrams /Colors /Pictures/tables/charts

/Graphs /flow charts

Part III Designing Visual
CLB) the end of lecture , you would be able tp

 Describe the communication power of

 Highlight six principles of graphic design
that can improve the quality of visuals
 Explain how to choose the points in your
message to illustrate
 Describe most common options for
presenting data in Visual format .

 In many of the reports , graphics

communicate the message better than
language .
 Graphics means Charts , pictures ,
diagrams , maps etc
 Tables and formats can also be part of
graphics .
Planning the graphics

1. Graphics can communicate complex data

information in simple form .
 Eg XYZ sells Sugar in three zones in tons .
Each zone has budget . North has done 80 tons
of the budget , East has done 50 ton of the
budget ,, west has done 85 tons of the budget in
first quarter . In second quarter it is 60tons ,
80tons and 75tons respectively. In 3rd quarter it
is 40. 50 and 6o .In fourth quarter it is 20 , 40
and 50 tons .
 Which zones have done well
Bar Chart

50 East
40 West
30 N orth
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

2. Think of the right graphic

 India has 60% hindus , 20% muslims , 10%
Christians & 10% Others .
 Out of above category of Hindus , 20% are Dalits ,
30% Brahmins and 20% Khatriyas and balance Banias
 Out of 20%v muslims & 10% Christians , there are no
castes .
 Out of others , there are 20% Schedule tribe and
20% backword classes




Ist yr 2nd Year 5 yrs 10 yrs

Growth 5% 100%

Profit 2 crs 4 6 10 crs

Sales 20 40 70 crs 90 crs

Employees 28 40 50 60

wages 1.5 crs 3.2 crs 4.2 crs 6.3 crs

Org Charts


Flow Chart

Select topic Search


Follow link Potential sources Revise

To source search strategy
Yes No

The growth of colleges would lead to further supply in coming years

Engineering MBA

Existing Fresh (%growth) Existing Fresh

Across India 2388 * 886* (30%) 1516 1084*(70%)
*1500 in 2005

Unregistered ??? ??? ???? ???

/Part time
Students Appx 3.5 Appx 1.5 Appx 3 Appx 1.5 lac
lacs /yr lacs /yr lacs /yr

Source AICTE .fresh applications for 2009-20

Symbols :

 Automotive gets into trouble.
 Most cars sold on consumer
credit that is no longer
available. Vendors are even
worse off. Will remain under
pressure for many years as new
capacity comes in with
slackening demand. CV
producers begin to cut back on
 Ashok Leyland: 3 day week
until December.
 Tata Motors: 6 day shutdown at
Pune and Lucknow CV plants.
The investment cycle was peaking well before the credit
crisis – manufacturing peaked as early as Jan 2006;
textiles, construction and cement in mid-late 2006; and
polymers in early 2008.
Scatter Diagram

Soft Hard

P 406) Lesikar

 You should Plan for graphics

 Construct them carefully
 In choosing the graphic , keep the
application in mind & then choose
 Avoid common errors
Selection of different graphics

 Lists and tables; They provide a way to

organize data and highlight key facts and
 Comparison of last years sales performance
against this year month wise and region wise
 Charts and graphs
 Bar chart comparing data across number of years
 Pie chart shows relationship of parts with whole .

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