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Research presentation

Unmesh Patil

 Nano-fluid (NF)
 Thermal conductivity of Nano-fluids
 Terms: Base fluid, Maxwell theory, Relative thermal conductivity
 Research problem statement:
Dependence of thermal conductivity of Nano-fluids on :
1. Size of Nano-particles (NPs)
2. Concentration of NPs
3. Material of NPs
4. Base Fluid
Experimental setup

Thermal conductivity measurements

were performed by nonstationary
hot-wire method

Wheatstone bridge was used

as the basis of the test bench
instrumentation to measure an
unknown electrical resistance of hot
1. Dependence of thermal conductivity on particle
Dependence of thermal conductivity on conc.
r  1  b1  b2 2
2. Dependence on size of NPs

Kr  1  A  D

D = dp / sigma
Sigma is size of base fluid molecule
A is material dependent constant
K thermal conductivity coefficient

Relative thermal conductivity coefficients of SiO2 (a) and TiO2 (b) nanofluids versus nanoparticle diameter at
volumetric concentration of 2%
Comparison of
experimental data with
NF thermal conductivity depends on
particle material
NF thermal conductivity is not
correlated with NP thermal
K is not correlated with other important thermal characteristics of NP material
Relative thermal conductivity of water based
Nano-fluids versus density of particle material
Effect of base fluid :
KNF inversely proportional to K of Base fluid
Brief conclusion
1. KNF = f(conc., NP size, NP material, Base fluid)
2. KNF > K Maxwell
3. KNF is not correlated to KNP ,thermal properties of NP
4. KNF increases with particle size K r  1  A  D
5. KNF inversely proportional to K of Base fluid
6. KNF 
increases with particle concentration r  1  b1  b2 2

7. KNF is directly proportional to density of NP material

• Boiling differs from vaporization in the sense that it is associated with the
formation of bubbles.
• The bubbles do not appear till the wall is heated in excess of the saturation
temperature, called wall superheat.
• Terms: fractal-like N.textured surface, Nucleation sites, Superheat, CHF,
Wenzel state, Cassie baxter state, Dendrite formation
Research problem statement
• Nano-texturing of a surface with fractal like structure
• Effect of Nano-texturing on superheat
• Effect of Nano-texturing on CHF
• Effect of roughness on contact angle
Cuprous oxide nanotexturing on NiCr wire
• First, a pure copper layer was electrically deposited onto the surface of
the NiCr wire by copper-plating with various electroplating times (te),
including 3, 7, 10, 60, 80, and 100 s.
• Next, the electrodeposited samples were annealed for 10 min at 300C
in air to develop the pseudo-fractal Cu2O. Such a unique morphology
can only be obtained by oxidizing the pure copper electroplate by
annealing in air.
• The peaks in the XRD pattern revealed the presence of both Cu2O and
Cu after oxidation.
Top and cross-sectional SEM images
of the pseudo-fractal Cu2O layers
on a NiCr wire with electroplating
times: (a) te = 3, (b) te = 7,
(c) te = 10, (d) te = 60, (e) te = 80,
and (f) te = 100 s.
The inset scale bar is 10 lm.
(g) WCA images for wires under the
indicated electroplating times.
Effect of roughness on contact angle
Data validation

Comparison between the experimental and theoretical

q” (heat flux) for the bare NiCr wire (te = 0 s).
Effect of Nano-texturing on superheat

q” (heat flux) versus Tsat with te from 0 to 100 s

For given flux superheat increases with roughness of

surface (in wenzel state)
Highest heat transfer coefficient is for the
most hydrophobic surface because of rapid
bubble formation.
Superheat temperature and CHF as a function of te.
Schematic of bubble formation on the surface of the fractal-like Cu2O
layers for (a) te = 3 s (hydrophobic) and (b) te = 100 s (hydrophilic).
Time-series snapshots of the
fractal-like Cu2O-layered wires as
a function of the electroplating
time: (a) te = 0, (b) te = 3, (c) te =
100 s
Brief conclusion
1. For hydrophobic surfaces, bubble release rates increased, which reduced the wire’s surface
temperature and corresponding superheat.
Such hydrophobic texturing is desirable for electronics cooling, which demands low surface

2. For hydrophilic surfaces, the complicated surface structures increased the number of nucleation sites,
which increased the CHF. With increased CHF, wire failure was delayed and overall
cooling was improved.

3. Both quantitative and qualitative data confirmed these trends.

4. Finally, theoretical heat fluxes compared well with experimental data for the bare wire

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