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The course examines historical and cultural foodways from a variety of perspectives,
including philosophical, economic, sociological, and literary. The course exposes the
students to the history and the development of national and international cuisines and
the tasting profiles around the world. Through the course, students will gain an
understanding of the anthropology of food, food ethnography, connection between
culture and food, the history of food, and the philosophy of food.
Mata kuliah ini membahas sejarah dan budaya makanan dari berbagai sudut pandang,
baik filosofi, ekonomi, sosiologi, dan literatur. Mata kuliah ini mengajarkan mahasiswa
mengenai sejarah dan perkembangan kuliner nasional dan internasional beserta
karakteristik rasa atau makanan secara global. Melalui mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa akan
mengerti antropologi pangan, etnologi pangan, hubungan antara budaya dan pangan,
sejarah pangan, dan filosofi pangan.
Date Topics Due
March 4 Introduction to Gastronomy
March 11 The history and development of gastronomy around the world
March 18 Modern Gastronomy (Molecular)
March 25 Food Literary
April 1 Food, religion, philosophy, and national identity
April 8 Food, gender, and family
April 15 Famine and hunger
TBA Mid-term Exam E1
May 6 Gastronomy in Europe and America
May 13 Gastronomy in Asia
May 20 Wine and Beer
May 27 Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate
June 3 online Gastronomy in Indonesia
June 10 Presentation W, P
June 17 Presentation
TBA Final Exam E2
Cracknell, H. L. & Nobis, G. (1985). Practical Professional Gastronomy.
Macmillan Education Ltd
Gillespie, C. (2001). European Gastronomy into the 21st Century. Reed
Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd

#Please read the syllabus!

#Reading textbook is compulsory.
WHAT IS GASTRONOMY? Reading: Cracknell & Nobis, 1985 (p. 15-28)
Ancient Greek γαστήρ gaster  stomach, νόμος nomos  laws that govern

The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food

The study of the relationship between food and culture, the art of preparing and
serving rich or delicate and appetizing food, the cooking styles of particular regions,
and the science of good eating.
The visual sense
The auditory sense
The taste of food
The sense of smell
The sense of touch
Habituation of the sense
Enjoyable meal  a variety of sensation: the range of nutrients, cooking processes,
methods of preparation, contrast of food combination
The objective for assigning an excursion project is to provide the student with
an opportunity to research the history and philosophy of food/eating
Form a group of 2-3 students
Each group chooses one topic.
Find minimum 5 references (books, articles, interviews, or peer-reviewed
journals) and prepare a 5-7 pages’ written paper in APA format.
Pictures or videos of the excursion are obligatory as supplementary
Present the excursion experience in 10-minute oral presentation for
the class.
Softfiles (report and presentation) need to be sent via email to and, before due date.
 File name: [your group number]_Gastronomi.doc
 E-mail subject: Gastronomi 2019
Wedang ronde Rendang padang Thanksgiving dinner
TOPICS Wingko babat Apem Apple cider
Ganjel rel Gudeg Noddle
Dadih Roti buaya Tumpeng Tea ceremony
Bakcang Sate lilit Dawet Mochi
Bandeng Ketupat Sayur lodeh Kue ku
Jenang Docang Kue keranjang Sate kerbau kudus
Soto Bika ambon Asinan bogor Bubur tinutuan
Lumpia Rujak cingur Timlo Solo Babi panggang karo
Sate Papeda Dodol Mi ongklok Wonosobo

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