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Stefanos N. Manias
National Technical University of Athens
Phone: +3010-7723503
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National Technical University of Athens
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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2 IEEE PESC-02 JUNE 2002

[23] R.G. Ellis, ΄΄Harmonic Analysis of Industrial power Systems΄΄, IEEE Trans. on
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[24] D. Adrews et al, ΄΄ Harmonic Measurements, Analysis and Power factor
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3 IEEE PESC-02 JUNE 2002

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4 IEEE PESC-02 JUNE 2002
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5 IEEE PESC-02 JUNE 2002

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6 IEEE PESC-02 JUNE 2002

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7 IEEE PESC-02 JUNE 2002
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8 IEEE PESC-02 JUNE 2002

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